Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory

Chapter 296 Naive Sansa

After leaving the Hand's Tower, Lind took Sansa Stark and Jeyne Poole outside the castle.

When they arrived at the square in front of the gate, Queen Cersei was already standing there, surrounded by a large number of golden robes and protected by the Kingsguard.

Seeing this, Sansa and Jeyne were so frightened that they shrank behind Lind and looked at everything around them worriedly.

"Are you trying to stop me?" Linde looked at the people in front of him calmly and asked.

Everyone around looked at Cersei nervously, and no one dared to draw out their weapons.

Cersei also looked at the people around her, feeling annoyed in her heart, and the eyes she looked at Lynd were also full of concern.

Then, she walked out with courage and said to Linde: "Prince Linde, didn't you say that you would not interfere in the political struggles of the Seven Kingdoms? Why are you breaking your promise now?"

"I have not broken my promise. It is still the same as before. I will not participate in the power struggle between you. It means nothing to me." Linde emphasized his decision for a moment, and then looked at the people behind him. Sansa, said: "I took Sansa because I promised Lord Eddard Stark to take care of his daughter."

"Isn't this considered intervening in the kingdom's power struggle?" Cersei said solemnly.

"I won't take her away for nothing, I will give you recognition." Lind looked at Cersei and said.

Cersei asked, "What recognition?"

Lind said solemnly: "I have already asked Lord Eddard Stark. He admitted that the heir written in King Robert's will is Joffrey Baratheon, so I will admit that he is Iron Man." The Lord of the Throne, the legitimate King of the Seven Kingdoms."

"Are you telling the truth?" Cersei quickly confirmed.

"It's true." Linde pointed to the people around him and said, "There are hundreds of pairs of ears here. It's impossible for them all to hear hallucinations."

The tension in Cersei's heart disappeared instantly, and she was filled with joy. No matter how insensitive she was to politics, she still knew what it meant for Lind to recognize that Joffrey's throne was legitimate. This meant that the Church of the Seven Gods also recognized his throne as legitimate. Others People cannot shake its legitimacy for various reasons.

"Where's Myrcella's engagement?" Cersei asked a little pretentiously.

"The engagement was made by King Robert. Unless you break the engagement, I will not refuse this engagement." Lynde looked at Cersei with deep meaning and emphasized: "However, don't think that I What will it do to you to admit that you are engaged? Please remember that I will not interfere in your power struggle, and even if you perish, you will not get any support from me."

After saying that, Lind ignored the ugly expression on Cersei's face and led Sansa and Jenny towards the outside of the Red Keep. Everyone in the way got out of the way, and no one dared to stop him.

After leaving the Red Keep, Lind led the two of them directly along the end of the King's Avenue to the square in front of the Cathedral of Baelor.

The lava dragon Neltharion is still lying on the square, and the lava heart, eyeballs and throat on it are becoming more and more eye-catching. Even the gas it exhales is emitting a red light, looking like it comes from hell. The ink dragon is as ferocious and terrifying.

Many people gathered around the square, and they were all looking at the lava dragon with fear but with great excitement.

When Lind appeared, everyone stood up and cheered loudly for the name of the Chosen One. Neltharion also woke up, opened his eyes like lava balls, looked at Lind, and then The wings are flattened, forming a small slope.

The moment they saw the lava dragon, both Sansa and Jenny were frightened. Their feet were so weak that they felt as if they would kneel on the ground at any time. They needed support from the two of them to keep up with Lind's footsteps.

Arriving next to the lava dragon, Linde said to the two girls behind him who looked frightened, "Follow me."

With that said, he stepped on the wings of the lava dragon and walked up.

Sansa and Jeyne looked at each other, encouraged each other, and walked up, following Lynd.

Arriving next to the dragon saddle, Lind reached out and picked up Sansa and Jenny respectively, then sat behind the dragon saddle and stretched out his arms to protect them in his arms.

After giving the order to Neltharion, the lava dragon climbed up from the ground, spread its wings, rushed along the King's Road for a certain distance, then took off, quickly flew high into the sky, and crossed the Blackwater River. , flying towards the direction of Summer Hall Castle.

The two little guys held in Linde's arms gradually relaxed after experiencing the initial fear and discomfort. Each of them was so excited that their whole bodies were shaking. They couldn't help but want to scream, but they were worried about what happened in Lin De's arms. It's too rude in front of Germany.

The lava dragon flies very fast, and a distance that would take three or four days to complete on land can be completed in just a few dozen minutes.

"Lord Lynd, is that the Castle of Summerhall?" When the lava dragon circled through Redemption Town, looking for a foothold, Sansa couldn't help her curiosity, pointing to the castle built on the top of a straight mountain, and asked .

"Yes." Linde nodded and said, "You will live here for a long time in the future. After the war subsides, I will send you back to the north."

"My lord, why can't you send us back now?" Jenny Poole asked.

"Jenny..." Sansa reached out and pinched Jenny's arm, as if she was worried that this issue would offend Lynd.

However, Lind just replied calmly: "Sending you back now will only harm you. If you really want to go back, I can send you back to Winterfell now."

"No, no! It's very good here, my lord, it's very good here." Sansa shrank back like a frightened little animal and replied quickly.

At this time, the lava dragon had found its foothold on the dragon's nest platform and glided over. When it flew near the platform, it flapped its wings quickly, slowed down its body, and then landed steadily on the platform.

Linde let go of his hands protecting the two little girls, stood up from the dragon saddle, and walked down the slope built by the dragon's wings, while saying: "Don't think that I was being sarcastic just now, I promised Ai Duke De will take care of you. If you don't want me to take care of you, I won't bother you and will send you back to Winterfell. It will save me a lot of trouble." As he said that, he stopped and turned around. Looking at the two little girls still sitting on the dragon saddle, he asked: "Aren't you coming down? Or do you want me to take you back to Winterfell?"

"No, sir, that's not the case, we...we just have weak legs!" Sansa explained shyly.

Upon hearing this, Linde used the Storm Dragon Rune to create a whirlwind, lifted the two of them up from the dragon saddle, suspended them in the air, and then moved to the ground.

The two little girls were completely stunned by this novel experience. When they landed, they didn't react and sat down on the ground.

Linde ignored the two of them, gave instructions to the maids waiting around, and returned to his study.

While Lind was staying in the study, speculating on the next situation in the Seven Kingdoms, Sansa appeared at the door, standing there timidly, hesitating whether to come in.

"Come in! Miss Sansa." Lind looked at Sansa and said.

Sansa, who had straightened her manners, walked into the study, saluted Linde, and said, "Lord Linde."

Linde asked: "Are you not used to living there? Do you need to arrange additional accommodation?"

"No, no! I'm used to it. It's nice here." Sansa shook her head quickly, then she hesitated and asked, "My lord, can you also rescue my father from King's Landing?"

"I went to see your father. It was your father who asked me to save you and protect you." Lind leaned on the chair, looked at Sansa who looked expectant, and said, "Before I went, I considered saving you. Father, but after talking to your father, I changed my mind and I think it would be a good thing for your father to stay in the cell awaiting trial.”

"Why?" Sansa couldn't help but asked Linde excitedly, but soon realized that her behavior was inappropriate and quickly explained: "I am just worried about my father's safety, and I am not questioning your decision..."

Lind interrupted Sansa's defense and said: "Miss Sansa, you don't have to be as careful here as you did in King's Landing. You can treat this as Winterfell and say whatever you want. Don't worry too much. I’m not that stingy to get offended by a little girl’s questioning.”

"Thank you for your tolerance, my lord." Sansa lowered her head and said.

Lind explained patiently: "Your father, Duke Eddard, did many things wrong. He concealed what he discovered from His Majesty Robert, modified His Majesty Robert's will, and made the Lord of the Iron Throne according to his own ideas. All mistakes. The accumulation of things led to your father's current fate, but the worst thing he did was to leave Winterfell and go south. The experiences of your grandfather and uncle did not give Lord Eddard any warning about his mistakes. You must accept punishment when you get into trouble, no matter if you are a commoner or a nobleman."

Sansa lowered her head, saying nothing, and her expression could not be clearly seen.

After a while, she raised her head with tears in her eyes and asked, "Sir, can you save my sister Arya? She has been missing since the day of the accident. I am worried about her..."

"You don't have to worry. Arya has her own destiny. She is different from you." Lind looked at Sansa and said, "I asked your father before. He can only save one of the two daughters. Let him choose. He After hesitating for a long time, I finally chose to let me save you. The reason is that you are too weak. In your father's opinion, it is difficult for you to survive in an environment like King's Landing. Arya's chance of survival is much higher than yours."

Sansa obviously didn't expect such a thing to happen. She couldn't help but feel guilty in her heart, feeling that she had robbed her sister of the chance to survive.

So, she couldn't help but said: "Lord Linde, can I exchange with Arya and let her come to Summer Hall while I return to King's Landing?"

"Impossible," Lind rejected Sansa's request very decisively, saying: "Instead of thinking about it here, you should learn to strengthen yourself as soon as possible so that you can do more things instead of staying here all day. Embroidery in the room, imagining that a certain knight will come to marry you. When you return to Winterfell and become the Duchess of Winterfell, you will still be the same as you are now, and you will be torn apart by the wolves in the north. "

"Ah?" Sansa looked surprised and quickly corrected Lind, saying: "My lord, you are mistaken. I am not the first heir. My brother Robb Stark is the heir to the Duke of Winterfell. "

"I'm not wrong. You should go back and think about it yourself, and then tell me when you have figured it out." Linde did not explain to Sansa anymore, but picked up the bell on the table, shook his head, called the maid, and ordered: "Take Miss Sansa down to rest, and give them some clothes to wear. It will be very cold in the morning in the castle, and these clothes they are wearing are not cold-proof."

After saying that, Lind watched the maid take Sansa away, then turned to look at the map of Westeros. He took out a few small flags from the box and planted them in the Golden Teeth City and the Twins City respectively. , Cailin Bay and Prince's Pass.

Various recent events in King's Landing have spread throughout Westeros at extremely fast speeds in the past two days, and there are even vague rumors on the other side of the Narrow Sea.

From the death of King Robert, Eddard Stark teamed up with Stannis to forge a will and usurp the throne of Robert's eldest son Joffrey, to Eddard's failed coup and was imprisoned, Joffrey ascended the throne and became Joffrey I. All kinds of changes seemed to happen in an instant, making people overwhelmed.

However, none of these things can be compared with the news that Lind appeared in King's Landing riding a dragon to pay homage to King Robert and to hold vigil for King Robert. Obviously, the dragon attracted more attention.

However, what was even more eye-catching was the subsequent announcement from Summerhall. In the announcement, Lynd recognized that King Robert's will was valid, would abide by King Robert's will, recognized the identity of Joffrey I, and recognized his Iron Throne. the legitimacy of the Lord.

As soon as this announcement came out, everyone felt a little incredible. In the opinion of many people, Linde should remain silent at this time, because as the most powerful lord among the seven kingdoms, the kingdom was in chaos, and all the lords were vying for the Iron Throne. It should be a good thing for him, because then he will be eligible to join this game of thrones and become a contender for the Iron Throne.

However, even Joffrey I's grandfather, Tywin Lannister, Warden of the West and Duke of Casterly Rock, has not yet publicly acknowledged the legitimacy of his grandson, but Lynd expressed his attitude first, which is completely confusing. What does Lind want to do?

However, the second announcement sent by Linde made everyone understand Linde's attitude. The content of the second announcement was very simple and straightforward, that is to say, Linde was not interested in the power struggle in the Seven Kingdoms. Don't try to drag him down. As long as it doesn't affect the overall situation against the White Walkers, he won't get involved in this power struggle.

If Linde had only said this to someone in private, perhaps others would have doubted the authenticity of the words, but now Linde has publicly informed the Seven Kingdoms, and informed them through the Church of the Seven Gods. , this made everyone in the Seven Kingdoms no longer doubt Lind's attitude.

After this announcement was made, everyone who was interested in participating in this power struggle felt a lot more relaxed physically and mentally, as if the invisible force pressing on them had disappeared, which also made some careerists ready to take action.

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