After clearing this Bellares.

The Void Law Man laughed loudly, “Hehe, you don’t think that if you win over a traitor, you will declare victory, right? It seems that you have forgotten the power you are using, where did it come from…! ”

The voice fell.

The power of the Void Law in Kiana’s body disappeared instantly.

“The power of the Void Law is originally my thing, you are just borrowing it, can you use it smoothly as your own power?”

“Okay. Now, let’s have a fair and just showdown. ”

Kiana felt the power of the Void Law that had completely disappeared from her body.

They were all a little speechless to the Law of Emptiness.

To call this a real fair and just showdown?

But this Void Law didn’t intend to give her a chance at all.

In a flash.

Dozens of subspace spears appeared around.

Combine Kiana as the main group.

With the Void Lawyer’s hand pressed down.

The spear flew over instantly.

Kiana dodged desperately, her figure turned into a ray of light, shuttling through the gap between the attacks.


The gap in strength is still too big.

Even though she tried desperately to dodge, she was still hit by her body, and in this short time, the rest of the subspace spears all bombarded over.


“Also… It’s not over…”

Kiana struggled to get up from the ground.

Rush to the Law of Emptiness again.

It’s just that……

Now she couldn’t get close to the Void Law at all, so she was smashed heavily on the ground.

She braced herself and stood up: “I won’t… Surrender to you…”



Three times……

I don’t know how many times, Kiana always stood up.


The Void Law said impatiently: “It’s too ugly, there must be a limit to the stalker!” Instead of being tragically crushed into powder, it is better to honestly accept your failure. In those 13 words, perhaps I can also show mercy and grant you a painless death. ”

Kiana stumbled to her feet.

Her body was already covered with scars, but her eyes did not give in half.

“No, no, I won’t… I will never lose to you! ”

The Void Law said, “It’s ridiculous, where did you have the courage to say such things to me? Your companion is still busy with the puppet, and no one will come to rescue you. ”

“The core power is in my hands, and the scope of your influence in the consciousness space is getting smaller and smaller, and it won’t be long before everything will be completely subordinate to me.”

“Keep your eyes open, you’re left with nothing! What’s the point of struggling? ”

Kiana said in a weak voice, “Perhaps… Indeed, as you said, I have no strength now, but I am trying in vain. Not to mention fighting you, even maintaining such a standing posture is very difficult for me. ”

“But… Whenever I fell to the ground, I was so painful that I wanted to give up. I will inexplicably think of a lot of things. ”

She counted: “Burnt toast pizza, not spicy bell pepper curry, parfait for three, shimmering feathers, St. Freya’s door, and her last lesson…”

“Everyone who has helped me, guided me forward, given me kindness. Their smiles, their gratitude, their anticipation for the future, the hands they extend to me, the light they shine on me…”

“Just thinking of this, I can’t say the word [give up]!”

“I’ve got so much along the way. Courage, blessings, hope… All my best memories, they have always been here, heavy, always warming me. ”

“So… I’m not left with nothing!!! ”

In Kiana’s words, under the conviction she firmly believes in her heart.

The power of the lawyer, which should have disappeared, miraculously appeared.


The Void Law was stunned.

This…… It can’t be right.

“The core of the Law of Emptiness… It should be under my control…! ”

Kiana said firmly: “I want to pass on what I have gained so far!” I will bring them to more people, I will not fall here! ”


The Law of Emptiness also discovered.

This power… It is the power from the Disease Gemstone.

“I will carry her ideals, their ideals – keep going!”

Accompanied by her words.

The power of the Epidemic Gem completely fused with her.

In the light of the fire, a short blade appeared in Kiana’s hand.

This…… It is in line with the final broken blade of the once immeasurable tower Himeko.

Kiana began a counteroffensive.

The Void Law still couldn’t believe it: “Why, why did the Disease Gem recognize you?” Just because the woman used it? ”

Kiana repels the attacking subspace spears.

While quickly closing the distance: “You are wrong, it never belonged to you!” ”

A scorching flame erupted at the Broken Blade.

The Void Lawyers, who were still at ease just now, had to avoid the edge for the time being.

“It’s just a fragment of consciousness remaining in the gemstone, why resist? Obviously they are all dead, why should they hinder me?! ”

Roar in the face of the Law of Emptiness.

The flame in Kiana’s hand was even greater: “This is her flame, her color!” ”

Under this round of attacks.

The two unexpectedly formed a close match.

The Law of Emptiness cannot be understood.

She didn’t understand: “Why?” Why do you think you can defeat me? Just because you are the good Celine, and I am the evil Celine? ”

Kiana regained her strength.

“That kind of thing didn’t exist from the beginning, I chose good, and you chose evil!”

This will be her final blow!!

The monstrous flame burned the entire space, and under the traction of the broken blade, it fell solidly on the body of the Void Lawyer.

As the fire dissipates.

Everything will face an endgame.

“It’s over!”

The Law of Emptiness said weakly, “… yes, it’s over. ”

The tone said that she was powerless, rather than a feeling of relief.

She looked at Kiana in front of her: “The power of gems is flowing to you.” They abandoned me and chose you. It seems that it is your [belief] that is superior. ”

Kiana also looked into the eyes of the Void Law and promised, “I will use these powers well.” ”

The Law of Emptiness: “Whatever you want.” Anyway, without me, you can be a lot easier. ”

Kiana: “I will take on the sins you committed, this is my responsibility.” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Law of Emptiness: “That’s your own business, there’s no need to tell me.” You could have lived without knowing anything, or simply died as an innocent subject. But you chose this path. Celine’s stained blood, her sadness and despair, the contradiction between good and evil that all [human beings] have to face—you have to spend the rest of your life carrying these weights. ”

Kiana: “… I will work hard so that there is no next [Celine] in the world. ”

“Okay, stop. I don’t need your sympathy. ”

As the power of the gem gradually drained from the body, the Void Law was almost unable to maintain its existence, and the whole person was already weak and would disappear at any time.

“The winner stays, the loser disappears, that’s the rule, I have no objection.”

Kiana looked at her, and at this time she could only say: “Goodbye, Void Lawyer… Goodbye, another… [Celine]. ”

At the last moment.

The Law of the Void uses his last strength to reclaim Bellares.

Gently touching its forehead, he said to Kiana, “I won’t agree with you, but… Since you won, go along your path. ”

She looked at Bellales and asked softly, “What do you say?” ”

With the complete disappearance of gem power.

Berales and the Void Law both turned into a golden light and gradually dissipated.

Only her last words remained: “Fight to the end as best you can, Kiana.” ”

So far!

The queen of collapse, completely exited.

Inside the live broadcast room.

Inside the office.

Millions of online players.

Everyone’s mood is very heavy.

The Law of Emptiness.

Her appearance completely opened the visual feast of “Honkai III”, and cut the plot into the theme, so that the originally cheerful story showed its true appearance.

And now.

Her battle with Kiana, the main line of more than a dozen chapters, has also come to a complete end.

The queen left, there was no imaginary gorgeousness, no imaginary world war.

She simply lost to Kiana.

So he left quietly, taking only Bellales with him.

“Congratulations to the Queen!!!!”

I don’t know who sent out this barrage first.

Inside the entire live broadcast room.

Everyone was firing the same barrage.

“Congratulations to the Queen!!!!”

“Congratulations to the Queen!!!!”

“Congratulations to the Queen!!!!”

“Congratulations to the Queen!!!!”


Inside the Leha tour office.

Everyone’s hearts are also very heavy.

Everyone has instilled countless feelings and efforts into the Void Lawyer.

And at the moment in the game.

Only a text emerged: “A piece of soul, quietly disappeared.” Like a light feather falling on a windless sunny day, leaving no trace in the blue sky. But she knew that the feather was indeed there, that it had existed in the world. Her despair, her longing, her sin, all really existed. ”

The pressure, resistance, and killing intent of 950 are gone, and all the core gems are now lightly returned to Kiana’s hands.

In the next second of touching the core gem, countless fragments of consciousness flooded into her brain, engulfing her entire consciousness in an instant.

Chaos. Chaos. Chaos. Chaos. Chaos. Chaos.

Chaos. Chaos. Chaos. Chaos. Chaos. Chaos.

She gritted her teeth and used her last ounce of strength to force herself to stay awake.

I don’t know how long it took, when she opened her eyes again, she was greeted with a blank blank.

She blinked, and the scene in front of her gradually became clear-

That was the end point she was looking for.

The pure white St. Freya Academy was only painted with a bright red of flame.

The moment this bright red appeared.

The hearts of millions of people were instantly touched.

Especially…… PD。

He stood up abruptly and looked at the bright red in the picture, the familiar back.

He couldn’t say anything excited.


Only then did he say the two words: “Himeko…”


Just as the inner ghost broke the news.

Infinite Tower Himeko did appear, although the way she appeared was different from what everyone predicted.


She showed up anyway.

Until now, where can PD not understand?

She who appeared in this way may really be as the Law of Domination said…

He sat down slowly.

Hanser also seemed to be touched by the scene.

A slight sobbing sound could be heard, and the picture did not continue to advance.

PD thought for a long time.

Only then did he send out a barrage: “Thank you brother Nei, you didn’t lie to me.” ”

Other than this, he didn’t know what to say.

Players who were still heavy in their hearts just now because of the dissipation of the Void Law.

Now I’m all excited.

Limitless Ta Himeko!

The woman who pushes Kiana forward and guards them.

It ended up in this way.


Kiana stood in place, not daring to take a step at all.

She was afraid that if she moved slightly, this back would dissipate.

Reason reminds Kiana that this is the world created by the core memory.

But despite this, she longs for the opportunity to meet her again., 13/03/2023 22:35

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