Subsequently, Sasha directly stole the information of the Nighthawk Project and sent it to everyone in the team.

After everyone read the information, their faces were also shocked, and then they were angry, this group of company dogs did not treat ordinary people as people at all, in their eyes, human life may not be as important as the flowers and plants in their own courtyard!

"No, I must make this news public and let everyone know the ugly behavior of this group of beasts!"

Sasha couldn't breathe, she remembered the tragic death of her mother from severe pain, a shadow that she could never erase.

In addition to his own mother, I am afraid that at that time I did not know how many patients unknowingly became test patients for this drug.

Listening to this, Jiang Heng quickly stopped: "Wait for Sasha." "

"I can't wait! I'll send the information to News 54! Sasha threw away Jiang Heng's hand, and the scene of her mother's tragic death was still vividly remembered, how could this make her rational?

Jiang Heng stretched out his hand to grab Sasha's shoulder again, and said patiently: "Sasha, you listen to me first, News 54 is the mouthpiece of the military department, even if you send them the information, it will not help, but it will bring trouble to yourself!" "

"Then I'll send it to WNS!"

"It doesn't work, WNS is Arasaka's media, Arasaka and biotechnology have cooperated closely recently, Arasaka will not offend biotechnology for this, and in addition to these two TV stations, the rest of the TV stations in Night City are just lackeys that serve the financial masters behind them, and none of those groups dare to offend biotechnology and military technology!" Therefore, no matter which TV station you send this news to, it will not have the slightest impact on biotechnology and military science, but will bring disaster to yourself! "

Hearing Jiang Heng's words, Sasha froze instantly, and the whole person's eyes became empty.

In this era, everything is monopolized and controlled by the company, and the life of the people at the bottom is too difficult.

And it should be noted that in addition to the top group of powerful people in the company, the rest are actually low-level people, whether they are the company's workers or street gangsters.

Looking at Sasha's appearance, Jiang Heng also sighed in his heart, there are too many tragedies in this world, or the whole world is like a coffee table, and all the tragedies on it are tragedies!

Touching Sasha's head, Jiang Heng said: "Sasha, don't be so discouraged, let's save the information first, and we can always find opportunities later." "

"Good!" Hearing Jiang Heng say this, Sasha once again raised his spirits, for the current Sasha, revenge is probably the only spiritual pillar.

After an episode, Lucy and Sasha continue their search for technical information related to the commission.

However, the three did not know that just now, Sasha's voice was slightly louder under the excitement, and it had already attracted the attention of a social animal in the office who was still working overtime.

That guy was very clever, and after discovering the three people, he didn't make any big moves, because he knew that if he caught the attention of Jiang Heng and the three, he would probably be killed and silenced, so he secretly notified the security forces of the building.


Treadon ~~

Jiang Heng, who was concentrating on guard, suddenly heard a dense sound of footsteps, and this sound came from the direction of the elevator.

Suddenly, Jiang Heng's face changed, and he said to the two women: "Lucy, Sasha, someone is coming, let's find a place to hide." "

When the two women heard this, they were also shocked, and quickly pulled out their personal connection and hid in the bathroom with Jiang Heng.

However, before they could find out who it was, they heard someone shouting, "Over there, over there, those three people are hiding in the bathroom!" "

Hearing this shout, the three changed colors in unison, and they were actually discovered!

At the same time, Mann and the others, who were answering outside the building, also sensed that something was wrong, because they found that the security guards of the building had taken action.

"Jiang Heng, what happened over there, the security in the building was alarmed!"

Mann quickly asked.

Although Jiang Heng's brows furrowed, he was not nervous in his heart, and said: "We have been discovered, you are ready, I will break through with Lucy and Sasha." "

Speaking of the breakthrough, Jiang Heng's furrowed brows calmed down again, he knew that battle was inevitable, but the last thing he was afraid of was fighting.

Although the security of biotechnology is definitely elite, not only fully equipped, but also has a high-priced combat prosthesis, he Jiang Heng is not a vegetarian.

Now Jiang Heng, there are enough five prosthetic abilities just to pass on, including the legendary Sianwestan, the legendary subcutaneous armor and synaptic signal optimization parts, as well as the legendary bionic lung and paraheart.

What Sanwestein brought to Jiang Heng was the super skill of bullet time.

Subcutaneous armor makes Jiang Heng's epidermis extremely tough, bullets can't penetrate (it's still soft to the touch), synaptic signal optimization is actually a bone-like prosthesis, which can make Jiang Heng's bones extremely hard, and the combination of the two becomes a "steel iron bone".

Now Jiang Heng resists ordinary firearms without the slightest pressure, but if it is Panan's Shouwang sniper rifle of that level, it is still necessary to give some respect, after all, Shouwang This thing is too penetrating, and it can kill the enemy through half a meter thick reinforced concrete.

The bionic lung and paraheart greatly improved Jiang Heng's athletic ability and endurance, so that Jiang Heng would not even take a breath if he cut eighteen streets.

Don't look at the only five prosthetic bodies, but the ability brought is quite powerful.

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