After eating breakfast beautifully, Jiang Heng asked everyone to clean the kitchen, cooking these guys is definitely not good, but cleaning is always okay, you can't let them eat for nothing!

Then everyone tasted the strawberries Lucy picked, and the strawberries in the greenhouse had begun to turn red in large areas.

And strawberries bring everyone a shock is even better than a bowl of noodles.

Everyone has actually eaten noodles, because there are many Chinese restaurants in Little Chinatown, and there are also small fried noodle dumplings and the like, but foreign Chinese food understands everything, the taste is not mentioned for the time being, that is, those materials are not real at all, all synthetic.

And if you don't say that you eat fruit, you haven't seen it.

When Lucy brought the strawberries to the table, everyone still wondered if this red and colorful fruit could be poisonous?

But after eating one, everyone couldn't stop.

In particular, the Rebecca Sasa girls have no resistance to strawberries.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Heng beckoned everyone to start making dumplings, after all, it was still very tiring for him to pack so many people alone, so he let these people wrap it themselves.

If you don't learn that, it doesn't matter if you don't learn well, whoever wraps the dumplings will eat it!

In fact, for these guys, the quality of the dumpling bun is not bad at all, because even if the dumpling filling is cooked directly into the pot, they can eat as fragrant as the mountains and the sea.

Speaking of which, Jiang Heng has not eaten dumplings for a long time, and he misses it a lot.

This time, he also made a lot of stuffing, leek pork, shiitake mushroom pork, etc., and everyone wanted to swallow their tongues.

Compared with Jiang Heng's dumplings, those dumplings on the Night City food stall are simply a piece of!


"Ah~ this is life."

After lunch, Mann and the others Ge You lay on the sofa, picking their teeth while sighing.

And Jiang Heng also held Lucy and sat on the side, feeding each other an imported strawberry from time to time.

Rebecca looked at the two, her big eyes full of contempt, and the two bastards began to show affection again.

However, she was also a little curious in her heart, would it really be better to eat strawberries like this?


After eating and drinking, and resting, everyone finally began to get down to business.

This time, everyone needs to face the Arasaka School.

Arasaka School has a lot of important information resources that Arasaka has dug up from the old Internet, so its ICE is not as difficult to hack as Arasaka itself, but it is not to be underestimated.

"This time, the employer still asked not to make too much movement as much as possible, and because the network of Arasaka School is not connected to the outside world, we still enter the school to be able to connect to the school's network and get their relevant information, so what do you think about this?"

Mann looked at everyone and said.

As soon as the words fell, the fat-legged loli leaned on the sofa with her hands behind her head, a pair of fat legs also cocked Erlang's legs, and said with some reluctance: "The four-eyed guy is trouble, want me to say that we rushed directly into the school, and then put a gun on the brain door of that shit leader, didn't he obediently hand over what we wanted?" "

Listening to this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Rebecca, hey ~ your special lady is really a genius!

Of course, the plan can't come as Rebecca said, otherwise the next day several people will be printed on the wanted warrant by the Arasaka company, and then send endless company agents to assassinate everyone.

Although Jiang Heng is not afraid, Mann and they will never survive under the company's full pursuit.

At this moment, Qiwei, who had been silent, spoke.

"I do have a good way to infiltrate the school pretending to be students from Arasaka School, and then logically enter their public network."

Listening to this, everyone looked at Qi Wei in unison, and suddenly found that this was a very good method.

It is difficult to break through the ICE of Arasaka School, and it is likely to attract the attention of Arasaka Dog, but if everyone enters the school as students and connects to the Internet, then isn't everything a natural thing?

Obtaining the teaching resources of Arasaka School is very simple, just rush in and find a random leader to threaten them as Rebecca said, but this is too arrogant, and the entrusted employer does not want to make things too big, so they can only change to a low-key strategy.

What Kivi said seems to be a good solution, but the problem is how to disguise the identity a little more real, real enough to fool the system of Arasaka School.

At this moment, Lucy spoke: "I don't think it's good, with Arasaka's urine nature, even if the students in their school want to connect to the network, it is estimated that they need to go through layers of authentication, and the fake one is easy to detect." "

Jiang Heng: "If it's fake, then we'll get it real!" "

"Really?" Everyone turned their attention to Jiang Heng, how did this really happen?

"I mean we can't, then go and find a real student from Arasaka School to help us." Jiang Heng smiled mysteriously and said.

"Students of Arasaka School? You mean a threat? Mann frowned, he didn't want to implicate some unrelated person because of a mission.

"No, no, no, it should be cooperation to be precise."

Mann: "But how can the students of Arasaka School cooperate with us?" After all, if this kind of thing is found out, it is not trivial, does a student dare? "

"Others don't dare, but one person definitely dares!"

"Who is that person?"

Jiang Heng: "David Martinez! "

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