General Qin

Chapter 378 Full Moon Night

It was late at night, and the Qin army camped.

Zhao Tuo sighed and walked out of the tent.


The guards were by the tent, and Li Shang, who was in charge of guarding overnight, and a few soldiers immediately saluted and greeted them.

Zhao Tuo let out a "hmm" and looked up at the sky.

I saw the full moon in the night sky like a mirror, and the moonlight was like water, falling on the earth.

"Today is the night of the full moon."

Zhao Tuo looked around and saw a bonfire burning in Qin's camp.

In places beyond the light of the campfire, benefiting from the moonlight, some scenes can also be seen vaguely.

There are insects chirping and buzzing mosquitoes flying around.

Zhao Tuo stretched out a finger to get some saliva, and wiped it on the red, swollen and itchy spots on his face.

The reason why he couldn't sleep was not only worrying about the matter of crossing the ground, but also because of the harassment of mosquitoes.

In the handsome tent, there is a net similar to a mosquito net, which can play a role in isolating mosquitoes and flies.

But when the mosquito cunningly sneaked into the cave ahead of time, and then "assassinated" Zhao Tuo after he fell asleep, the feeling would be forgotten.

Moreover, the mosquitoes in Yuedi were obviously much more ferocious and powerful than those in Qin and Chu. Even if he led the Qin army to conquer the east and west, the wise and brave General Zhao had to be defeated, and he went out of the tent to take a breath in embarrassment.

He noticed that not only he, Zhao Tuo, but also Li Shang and others who were standing guard by the tent had bruises all over their faces.

From time to time, there were whispers of cursing and "popping" sounds from the tent in the distance.

In late summer and early autumn, camp in the wild.

The soldiers can hardly sleep peacefully.

"Persist for another day. If Yueren doesn't cheat, we can leave this place of Yueren and go back when we get to Xiong Qi during the day."

Zhao Tuo smiled at Li Shang and the others, and then looked outside the camp, the mountains and forests that looked blurry under the moonlight.

Under his careful arrangements, traps were set up in the tall grass and trees at a distance of 20 to 50 meters outside the Qin camp, and barbed wire was scattered.

"Hopefully it won't be used."

Zhao Tuo took a deep breath, turned around and entered the tent, ready to fight the mosquito again.

But when he stepped into the camp, he suddenly had a problem.

How do those Yue people prevent mosquitoes?



In the mountains and forests around Qinying, Zou Wudi, who was the number one warrior in Yuyue, killed a mosquito with a single slap.

By the moonlight, he looked at the red spot in the middle of his palm, and stuck out his tongue to lick it.

"The blood of the Qin people."

"It's a good sign, let the blood of Qin people flow into rivers tonight."

Zou Wudi grinned.

On the side, Zou Pi, who asked to follow, offered advice: "It is better to burn the Qin camp with fire when attacking, causing chaos to the Qin army, which is more suitable for us to kill."

As a native of Yue from Wu, Zou Pi was well-informed and knew the power of Qin, so he didn't want to fight against Qin's army.

However, Wuyou, the king of Yue, coveted the armor of the Qin people, and the Yue people became extremely arrogant after they successfully captured King Qi of Chu and more than two thousand Chu troops.

The Yue people finally chose to be the enemy of the Qin army.

So he can only choose to offer advice to the Yue people and want to defeat this Qin army.

"How can you set fire in the forest!"

Zou Wuzhai glared at this foreigner who didn't understand the rules.

He scolded: "Don't flatter these Qin people anymore. I heard from the slaves of Chu people that the so-called Qin soldiers are just farmers who farmed in the Qin country. They were forced to recruit by their king, and they went to the battlefield. How many warriors can there be in such an army?"

"Do you know that I, Zou Wuzhai, am the number one warrior in Yuyue. I can go into the water to fight a big minion, and cut open its belly. Can these Qin people do it?"

Zou Wu Zhai boasted triumphantly.

After speaking, he pointed to the bald and strong man next to him.

"This is the second warrior in our clan. It's called Dagou. It is capable of defeating tigers and leopards. It can knock down a wolf with one punch. Can the Qin people do it?"

Instead, Zou Wuzhai pointed at a thin man lying on a tree.

"This is Gou Diao, the most powerful hunter of our clan. He has the unique skill of archery. He can shoot five arrows at a time. Does the Qin people have such a warrior?"

Facing Zou Wudi's bragging, Zou Pi fell silent.

The boy who didn't understand the rules shut up, and Mo Wuzhai looked at the Qin army's camp in the distance under the moonlight with satisfaction.

He has the self-confidence that belongs to Yue people.

Qin Jun's armor and weapons are indeed very powerful, but it is late at night.

The people of Qin untied their armor, put down their weapons and went to sleep, without any defense at all.

But their Yueren warriors came prepared, launched a surprise attack at night, and took advantage of the environment and geography, how could they not win?

Moreover, they are stronger and more aggressive, and they are among the best hunters and warriors in the mountains and forests. The people of Qin were farmers who only knew how to bury their heads in the fields. When they were attacked by warriors like them at night, they were all scared and ran away.

When it comes to killing later, the Yue people kill the Qin people, not all of them are similar to killing pigs and sheep, and they can cut one with one sword.

Not to mention, this time Yue Wang Wuyou recruited all the Yue people tribes near the king city, the number reached a full 20,000 people, more than the Qin people in the camp below.

There are so many people, and the warriors sneak attack, the Qin army is defenseless.

With such a big advantage, can you win?

Zou Wuzhai was full of confidence. He scanned his surroundings and saw that in the nearby mountains and forests, vigorous Yue warriors had already arrived.

Like beasts, they lurked in the grass and trees, staring bloodthirsty and excited eyes at the Qin army camp on the flat ground in the distance.

It is almost time.

Zou Wuzhai looked at the bright moonlight in the sky, closed his eyes and prayed to the gods.

Then he reached out and took out a bone whistle from the linen cloth in his crotch, and when he blew it, there was a sound similar to the chirping of a bird in the forest.

When the Yue warriors heard the signal to attack, they all bowed their bodies and moved towards the Qin army's camp silently in the mountains and forests.

The large expanse of grass and forests outside the Qin army's camp will cover their figures, and they will not be exposed until they enter the twenty or thirty meters near the camp because the grass and trees have been removed by the Qin army.

But it doesn't matter at that time, the distance of only twenty or thirty meters, for the Yue warriors who have been chasing prey in the mountains and forests for many years, can be reached in a blink of an eye.

Things developed from the very beginning, just as Zou Wuzhai expected.

Under the moonlight, the Yue people formed a large circle, bowed their bodies, and under the cover of vegetation, they quietly approached the Qin army's camp. They didn't show any flaws until about fifty meters away.

Until the big hook in their clan, who could defeat tigers and leopards, stepped on the metal foreign object, and the heart-piercing pain made him groan.

This big hook is worthy of being the second warrior. He gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand and pulled out a piece of bloody barbed wire from the sole of his foot, threw it back, cursed in a low voice in Vietnamese, and then moved on.

But then, there was a scream like a pig being killed from behind him.

It turned out that it was a barbed wire thrown behind by the big hook, but was stepped on by a Yue who followed closely.

This Yueren was not as brave and calm as Dagou, who screamed instantly.

The ear-piercing scream was like a thunderbolt under the moonlight. It not only shocked the surrounding Yue people, but also alarmed the night watch guards in the Qin camp.

Zou Wuzhai saw that things had changed, and shouted: "Warriors of our clan, go! Hack these Qin people to death! Kill those who resist, and make slaves who surrender!"

"Kill... ah!"

The Yue people howled and rushed forward.

In just a moment, before the Yue people ran to the vicinity of the Qin camp, many warriors jumped up and down on the spot, with screams from their mouths.

In the grass and on the soil, there are barbed thorns all over the body, and wooden thorns that have been sharpened and inserted into the ground.

At this time, in the Qin army camp, the guards of the Qin army who were alarmed did not hesitate to blow the horn for warning.

Amidst the sound of the majestic horn, Zhao Tuo, who had been tormented by mosquitoes in a daze and had difficulty falling asleep, woke up immediately.

"Enemy attack!"

Zhao Tuo's heart tightened, and he ran out of the camp immediately.

Climb to the earthen platform built near the tent and look out.

He saw, under the brilliance of the full moon, countless black shadows pouring out from the mountains and forests in all directions.

Those black shadows ran and yelled, and some people fell down from time to time, and some even jumped up and down on the spot.

The majestic shouts and piercing screams were mixed together.

On this full moon night, a strange image was formed.

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