Early this morning.

Gong Ling took Heracros to the place where he was chased and killed by the big needle bee before.

Start hunting unicorns to recharge the system’s sprite book.

As it is called.

Early birds have worms to eat, while early birds are eaten by birds.

In just a few minutes, Gong Ling took Heracros to defeat two early unicorns.

It has to be said.

Heracros is an elf in its final form as soon as he is born.

With the same strength, its combat power is much higher than that of unicorns.

In addition, Heracros also has the big killer of rock blasting.

All the targets targeted by Gong Ling could not withstand Heracros’ two shots.

Even so.

Gong Ling is also strictly enforced, the guerrilla tactics of the ancestors in the previous life.

Run after the fight and never linger.

Because this group of needle bees is not only a forest bully, but also a protective maniac.

If they found out, Gong Ling was secretly hunting unicorns.

This group of big needle bees must hunt him down half of the forest!

Then in the territory of the large needle bee, the sound of rock blasting continued to sound.

At first, the big needle bee did not pay much attention to it, and felt that no one should dare to mess around in its own territory.

Therefore, only a few large needle bees were sent out to investigate.

It wasn’t until they discovered that several unicorns had been sneak attacked, that they set out to the nest.

Prepare to teach this sneak attacker a lesson.


The initiators of all this have long fled.

“Finally gathered the energy of a fairy book, and now you can simulate life again.”

Gong Ling looked at the unicorn pattern that was completely lit up on the system guide, and his face was also full of smiles.

Then began his second life simulation.

[Day 1: After you successfully defeated several unicorns through wonderful guerrilla tactics, you conducted mobile target training on Heracros. 】

[After a morning of training, the accuracy of Heracros rock blasting has improved a lot. 】

[Due to Heracros’s wonderful performance, you decided to take it to the tree fruit area guarded by the elves to go and snatch the tree fruit. 】

[After a fierce battle, although you did not completely defeat the elves of the guard, you also snatched a lot of tree fruits. 】

[Day 2: You just walked out of the tree hole when you heard a voice outside. 】

[You go out and look and find that it is the people from your previous gang who are searching for your traces. 】

[Soon you are discovered by several gang members, and you have repelled the invading enemy with the success of Heracros.] 】

[But the sound of fighting drew the rest of the forest’s search, including an elven trainer.] 】

[The other party released a round silk spider with an initial level of battle to meet the enemy; And Heracros, who was also a beginner, successfully repelled the opponent with a precise and skillful rock blast. 】

[Just when you thought you could breathe a sigh of relief, the other party made a comeback with the gang boss.] 】

[The gang boss directly released a large needle bee with qualified combat power to attack you. 】

[Your Heracros resisted, but was defeated directly.] 】

[And you grab the other party’s slack gap, collect the fallen Heracros into the Pokéball, and then rush towards the depths of the forest.] 】

[But the other party chased you closely, and in desperation, you could only escape by jumping into the stream. ] 】

[Day 2: You wake up in a shallow stream, release Heracros and simply heal her wounds with some herbs. 】

[Day 3: After a day of repairing, Heracros barely had the strength of a battle. So you take it with you and start looking for food in the jungle. 】


[Day 10: You strayed into the territory of the circle bear in the process of looking for food, and was directly killed by the angry circle bear. ] 】

[This trainer’s life simulation is over.] 】

【Please make your choice.】 】

[Elf strength. 】

[Life Memories. 】

[Life wealth. 】

Gong Ling looked at the results of this simulation, and his brows couldn’t help but frown.

“It seems that the act of venturing into the elf shop to buy items still brings disadvantages.”

To know.

In the first simulation, until Gong Ling died, the gang members did not come to the oak forest to search.

And this time he is the same as the previous simulation.

The only difference is that I went to the Elf Shop one more time.

It seems that it was the behavior of this store that exposed the message that he was still alive.

“It’s good that the simulation was conducted today, and I know that the gang personnel will only come to the oak forest tomorrow.”

“I still have a day to prepare.”

Gong Ling, who calmed down, also began to plan in his heart.

If he could, he really didn’t want to leave his homeland now.

Because this oak forest is from the next town, it takes a full month to walk to reach it without transportation.

But now.

Gong Ling did not have any supplies or camping equipment on him.

Let’s be honest.

He really didn’t want to take that risk.

So the only way for Gong Ling to break the game now is to improve Heracros’ strength.

As long as its strength is strong enough, the unlucky one is the one who hunted him down.


Gong Ling quickly made the choice to simulate this life.

[System I choose one, elf strength. 】

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