Chapter 100 The Great Red and Blue Murderous Battle!!

“Don’t follow the rules of the Dragon’s Den?”

“Why, is it because the strength is too strong?”

Gong Ling continued to ask.

At this time, Du shook his head.

“I don’t know the specifics.”

“I only know that the children of the Royal Dragon Family who carried the token at the beginning had a precedent of being killed by three evil dragons.”

“But in the end, the clan didn’t do anything about it.”

“But although the elves of the three evil dragons are so dangerous, the elders in the family did not say that they could not be subdued.”

“It just reminds you to do what you can.”

Hearing Du’s explanation, Gong Ling was more interested in the pair of three evil dragon mother and son.

“It can make the entire Royal Dragon Family turn a blind eye, I’m afraid that these three evil dragons are hiding this big secret!”

Seeing Gong Ling’s expression, Du knew that he had reminded him in vain. It’s just that he still has confidence in Gong Ling.

At that time, even if it fails.

His own life should always be saved. Subsequently, Du revealed the secret of the dragon’s den to Gong Ling.

Although Gong Ling had learned in advance through the system, he would still remember this kindness of Du in his heart.

“That’s right, Gong Ling.”

“At the party yesterday, I saw that you still had a flash storm carp.”

“Are you interested in coming to the last one?”

Saying that, Watanabe took out a Poké Ball from his waist. Inside the ball, it was his Tyrannosaurus.

It’s just that this tyrannosaurus is not red, but normal blue. The red tyrannosaurus that appears in the Wataru anime.

He won’t take it until the Angry Lake plot. It’s still far from then!

And according to the current situation of the Johto Rockets, it is not certain that this plot will happen.

For Du’s invitation to fight, Gong Ling thought for a moment and nodded and agreed.


“I know there’s an excellent place to fight nearby, perfect for tyrannosaurus fighting.”

As soon as he heard that Gong Ling agreed to fight, Du was suddenly excited. Pulling him and running towards the battle field.

“Isn’t it Du, do you need to be so excited about a battle?”

Gong Ling looked at Du who couldn’t wait to wait, and suddenly felt a little speechless.

However, Wataru cheerfully replied, “Then, it depends on who you fight.” ”

“If you are an ordinary person, then the battle is also the battle! But you are different, you are the messenger of the Phoenix King. ”

“It’s exciting to think about such a battle.”

“By the way, Gong Ling, you definitely can’t hide your ability in this battle.”

“Otherwise I would be upset.”

In his chat with Daigo and Hirona, Wataru roughly analyzed that Gong Ling had an ability to defy the sky.

And this ability is said to be related to the Phoenix King, so he has such a suggestion. Hear this.

Gong Ling glanced at him with a strange gaze, and then asked uncertainly, “Are you sure?” ”

“Don’t lose when the time comes, say I bully you.”

He was very aware of the changes this mysterious energy could bring to the tide of battle. To put it bluntly.

In the case of one-on-one equal elf strength, even if it is facing a champion, a master like the Great Heavenly King.

Gong Ling is also sure of winning.

After all, your tactical and commanding abilities are strong.

But your opponent is a perpetual motion machine, an existence that cannot be defeated at all. Even if it is consumed, it must be consumed alive.

It’s a pity that his kind words persuaded him, but Du didn’t pay attention to it at all.

Seeing his state, Gong Ling knew that he couldn’t listen to what he said. So he silently let Wataru pull him.

After about ten minutes, Gong Ling finally saw the opposite battlefield mentioned in the ferry port that was suitable for the Tyrannosaurus.

It was a lake with an area of about two or three hundred square meters, which was very suitable for water elves like the tyrannosaurus to fight.

“Gong Ling, then let’s start!”

Du ran to the other side of the lake and shouted at Gong Ling.

Gong Ling nodded, then took out the Spirit Ball hanging on his waist and pressed it gently. The Poké Ball, which was originally only the size of a thumb, instantly became the size of a fist.

“Come out! Tyrannosaurus. “x2

Gong Ling and Du simultaneously threw out the Spirit Ball in their hands and released the Tyrannosaurus.


Two fierce birds, one red and one blue, roared in the lake. Du’s Tyrannosaurus strength is still a little worse than his main fire-breathing dragon. He is at the same senior level as Gong Ling’s Tyrannosaurus.

Of course.

It is precisely because the strength is similar that Wataru will challenge him.

“Gong Ling, you attack first!”

Seeing that Du very generously gave up the right to attack first, then Gong Ling was not polite.

“The Tyrannosaurus is a battle with all its might this time.”

“Go on, use the reverse scale.”

Hearing the four words of going all out, the tyrannosaurus understood what he meant. Immediately, it was full firepower.

The reverse scale opens.

The eyes of the tyrannosaurus instantly emitted scarlet blood light. Dragon blood boils and churns in the body.

Then he turned into a tyrannosaurus that destroyed everything and rushed towards Du’s tyrannosaurus.

And Watami Gongling used the reverse scale as soon as he started, and his brows couldn’t help but frown.

“Doesn’t Gong Ling know about the side effects of anti-scale?”

It’s just that now he doesn’t allow him to think about it, and the attack of the red tyrannosaurus is already close at hand.


“Then use the Dance of the Dragon in the air.”

In terms of elf battles, Du is still more experienced than Gong Ling. While the evasion order was given, the next step was also considered in advance.

I saw the tyrannosaurus of the crossing, and the tail suddenly exerted force, like a wide fan slapping on the surface of the lake.

And the surface of the lake was even hit by this sudden blow, setting off a wave half a meter high.

The tyrannosaurus of the crossing also jumped directly into the air with the help of the reaction force of the water.

The Tyrannosaurus did not directly capture wild Tyrannosaurus for training. It is the same as Gong Ling, which evolved from the original King Carp.

So this bounce is also a good show for the tyrannosaurus of the crossing. The tyrannosaurus that jumped into the air suddenly began to twist its body, as if it was dancing some dance.

And this dance is the dance of the dragon.

Dance of the Dragons: Boost your attacks and speed by performing intense mysterious and powerful dances.

This dragon dance is a necessary skill for the Tyrannosaurus Dragon Push Team.

“Find an opportunity to let the Tyrannosaurus Sect teach.”

Gong Ling looked at the blue tyrannosaurus with increased momentum, and couldn’t help but think in his heart.

Although his Tyrannosaurus strength did not meet the requirements for comprehending the Dragon Dance.

But this does not mean that his tyrannosaurus cannot be comprehended in advance through the teaching of others.

It’s like his Tyrannosaurus didn’t pass any teaching and comprehended the scale on its own.

In this real world.

You can’t completely think about using the data information from past lives to look at the elves. Because data is dead, but genie is alive.

They can use their own hard work to change these data information.

Of course.

The Dance of the Dragon teaches these are all afterwords.

Now Gong Ling wants to let Du know that some Haikou cannot be boasted. I saw him wave his big hand, and then shouted.

“Tyrannosaurus, climbing the waterfall.”

“How is that possible?”

Hearing Gong Ling’s shout, Du’s face suddenly changed.

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