Genshin Impact: Invite Nasida And Mc Build The Jingshan Palace

764. Open Trade, Allow Travel, Mc Connects To Teyvat

"The people who immigrated to the past will be responsible for the construction and prosperity of Liyue's urban market system in the new world.

"This kind of work must be done by you, and accordingly, the value should be higher."

"But please understand that in the new world, Liyue's stall is very large, and the affairs of the army and the group have distracted us a lot."

"In terms of details, it is difficult for Liyue to take care of every one of her people, and she cannot take care of you in every possible way.

"But overall, we will do everything possible to make the people going to the new world feel cared for."

“Helping immigrants’ people get familiar with life in the new world as quickly as possible.”

"First of all, after immigration, in addition to allocating houses and residences to all the people."

"In the past month, Liyue was responsible for all the food, clothing, housing, transportation and other issues of the people."

"After you officially take root in the new world and new land, Li~yue will no longer be responsible.

"I hope everyone can understand."

Ningguang looked a little apologetic, but said extremely seriously:

“Liyue has never supported getting something for nothing for thousands of years, and Liyue has always believed in the fine tradition of self-reliance.

"Even if I go to the New World, I sincerely hope that you can inherit this will. This is the fundamental reason why we in Liyue can stand safely in Teyvat for thousands of years.

"Just like the armies we developed in the New World."

"Before we started, we had nothing. We developed, explored, fought, and built..."

"Our army spent one year laying a huge foundation for the new world from scratch in a wild world.

"Now we have nearly a hundred bases in the New World, established in three major cities..."

"Everything is based on our belief in Liyue's self-reliance."

"The army is gathered by the people of Liyue. If the army can do it, so can you. I have always believed this.

The Liyue people below heard what Ningguang said, but they were filled with pride and excitement.

They couldn't remember the previous words clearly, they only knew that Ningguang said that she trusted them.

Just this sentence is enough.

On the attic, Jiang Xuan burst into laughter.

"With just a few words, the huge expenses of the people who are about to immigrate can be transformed into internal driving forces. This will not only help catalyze the market system, but also avoid the complicated work that the General Services Department may take over."

"Tsk... As expected of Ning Guang."

"Even if I don't show up for a long time, this ability has not weakened at all."

Qin was stunned for a moment and said in surprise:

"Isn't it true...what Ningguang said?"

She also felt from the bottom of her heart that Ningguang was really standing on Liyue's original belief.

"No, of course it's true."

Jiang Xuan shook his head.

"The most unsolvable thing in the world is a true lie."

"Ningguang hopes that the immigrant people can be self-reliant and maintain Liyue's long-standing character. This is a sincere statement.

"But it's by no means the main purpose."

"You also know how much pressure the immigration of 50,000 people will bring to Redstone Science and Technology City and the management agencies of the General Affairs Department that have settled there."

"If preventive measures are not taken in the early stage, the follow-up resource expenditure will be huge. If it is not done properly, it will be a mess that cannot be eliminated."

“Now let’s agree in advance that from the ears of the people, this is a matter of Liyue’s character, and naturally they will not let themselves be weaker than others.

“But by doing this, Ningguang can easily link self-reliance to the market system. 27

"By then, 50,000 people will have settled in. After the first month, they will no longer be a burden to Liyue's construction."

"On the contrary, these 50,000 people will twist into a rope and become the driving force for Liyue's rapid advancement.

"In short, Ningguang's speech is very skillful. You should take a good look at it."

Jiang Xuan was quite emotional.

Before time travel, as an institutional employee, these words were really common.

Push, pull, grab and throw!

Push others to take the blame, pull others to join the team, take credit from others, and blame others.

Plus an organizational need.

A set of procedures that you will never be satisfied with if you use them again and again.

But Ningguang is much stronger than those people.

She controls people's hearts, but she will spare no effort to give compensation and rewards, and she should give a lot of things.

Then it cannot be said to be exploitation, but cooperation.

Otherwise, Zhongli wouldn't be happy, right?

Ning Guang, who was on the high platform, felt relieved when he saw that his people had been successfully brought into the thinking area.

In this way, after a one-month running-in period, the market system of Redstone Technology City will be under the control of the General Affairs Department but not fully supported.

Growing wildly.

Within one year, it became the world's largest economic center.

It's entirely possible.

After thinking about it, Ningguang still wanted to add a layer of insurance.

"I believe that everyone has a strong will, and Liyue needs to be the same."

"What Liyue needs is a strong willed and self-reliant person like Qian Yanjun."

"Instead of thinking about getting something for nothing all day long and waste without making progress."

“The ugly words are coming from the front, immigrants, if this happens, the General Affairs Department will expel them from the new world and never open the door to the new world.


This sentence was said in front of Emperor Yanwang.

Finally, the last hint of crisis was completely blocked.

Ningguang thought for a while and continued:

"After you enter the new world and adjust, whether you are doing business or engaging in other industries.

"The General Affairs Department will support and help you within its capabilities, including policy support, compensation for Mora, etc."

"The specific situation will be determined by the General Affairs Department."

"In addition, immigrating to the new world does not mean that you will not be allowed to return to Liyue Port."

"After such a long time, everyone must know where the door to the new world is, right?"

"I was in Tianheng Mountain recently, and I noticed that there were many people watching the Hengshan Scenic Area from a distance."

Ningguang made a joke, and the people of Liyue below burst into laughter.

During this time, more people from Tianheng Mountain did come to watch.

However, most of them are ordinary people, and no one really goes deep into smuggling.

That’s not how you look for death.

I don’t know thermal weapons, I don’t know enchanted weapons...012711217 Feilu 160292260]

Then you still don’t know the Eye of God?

Thousands of Genshin Impact troops are guarding the door. If you are not afraid of death, you can try to break in.

After the movement in Yujingtai subsided, Ningguang continued:

"The gate to the new world is at the foot of Tianheng Mountain. After immigrating, the distance to and from Liyue Port is actually very close and very convenient."

“After the immigrants have passed, if anyone wants to return to Liyue Port, they can do so at any time, and we will not restrict everyone’s freedom.

"However, the New World is of great importance after all, and the immigration plan is also for construction work. There will be some time restrictions on traveling to and from Liyue Port.

For example, if you want to go back and forth within three days, you only need to inform the manager at the portal. "

"If it takes more than three days to get to and from Teyvat, you need to sign a contract."

"After all, after immigrating, we are all citizens of the new world."

“Of course, at the same time, we do not deny the Moon People of Tiwa Shi the opportunity to travel to the New World.

"It's just that the travel time needs to be controlled within the same day, and the General Affairs Department will allocate tour groups."

"Please understand that Hongshi Science and Technology City is temporarily unable to accommodate such a large number of tourists staying overnight.

…………Please give me flowers…………

"As for the travel scenery in the New World, believe me, you will definitely find it well worth your money."

"Not to mention the first mine that Liyue explored in the New World, the first base that was established, the Jueyunjian built by the True Lord Liuyun...

"The new world itself is a journey full of unknowns and expectations, isn't it?"

Hearing this, the people of Liyue below suddenly became excited.

It may not all be their turn when it comes to immigration.

But traveling is different!

Traveling to a new world feels full of novelty just thinking about it.

Extraterrestrial visitors often come to Teyvat. This time, it was their turn to have extraterrestrial visitors.

When you think about it, it's really weird.

"What I'm talking about above is about the immigration plan, which is related to the interests of the immigrant people."

"And what I want to talk about next is the commercial and trade issues that are related to the interests of all people."

Hearing this, many people on the Yujing stage brightened up. To be honest, they came here today just waiting for this.

Some time ago, after the General Affairs Department restructured the MC World Development Group due to the Five-Nation Alliance, there were already rumors.

How could these businessmen with a keen sense of smell let go?

This is about business and trade between two worlds.

Even simple buying and selling can make a lot of money.

Didn't you notice that during this period, the size of the several chambers of commerce mainly operated by Ningguang increased four to five times?

Those are all golden molas.

Ning Guang looked carefully and confirmed that the largest group of chamber of commerce presidents in Liyue Port had arrived.

He simply said directly:

"We welcome commercial activities other than travel. Appropriate business practices will promote the construction of the market system of New World Redstone Technology City."

“At the same time, all commercial and trade activities will be taken over by MC World Development and Construction Group.

"Chambers of commerce interested in undertaking bilateral trade should submit applications as soon as possible to Ke Qing, director of the External Expansion Department of MC World Development and Construction Group, Liyue Branch."

"However, for transactions involving New World Products, the maximum price will be determined by the group. Anyone who exceeds the maximum price without authorization will be held accountable by the group."

Hearing this, many businessmen lowered their eyebrows and thought about what Ning Guang said.

In fact, it is simple to put it bluntly.

Regarding the direct buying and selling of materials, it does not involve the technology and new products developed based on the materials of the MC world.

Then the group has to control the price.

If you have the ability to develop something new, the chamber of commerce will have the final say on how much it sells.

On the whole, the business activities of the two worlds have been transformed from official control at the beginning to being undertaken by private chambers of commerce under the supervision of the group.

The General Affairs Department is only responsible for sitting there and collecting taxes.

This is an inevitable trend and the path that the group must take after it is established.

This is not just the case for Liyue, but also for Mondstad and other countries in the future.

In this way, there are too many benefits.

With the participation of many chambers of commerce, Hongshi Science and Technology City will achieve market economic prosperity in the shortest possible time.

Presumably, in no more than three months, the entire Hongshi Technology City will become a core city for commerce and trade.

In the MC world, let the first seeds of civilization take root and sprout.

Jiang Xuan needs this, and so do Ningguang and the others.

Moreover, it seems that with the joining of the Chamber of Commerce, everyone's interests seem to be divided.

But in fact.....…

Nowadays, apart from the need to maintain the operation of the market system, other people really don't care much about this thing.


Even if the Chamber of Commerce moves in, Ningguang will not lose money, and may even make a lot of money!

In Liyue.

She is behind 70% of the chamber of commerce. .

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