「The relationship between you two has improved a lot, and it has been several years since you have governed this country together. The strength of both of you cannot be underestimated, but you will not take action, but she alone can protect this pure land. , is more than enough」

「She doesn't have much ambition, maybe she just wants to settle down here. As the saying goes, she has no intention of competing, she just wants to protect a corner of the world.」

「Your life is also quite comfortable. You can recite poems, compose poems, and play the harp in a leisurely and elegant manner.」

「You are like a couple of gods, but you have never revealed your feelings. You two have your own thoughts in your heart. As a fairy, it is out of line for you to have such thoughts in your heart, let alone other things. , and Chidie always feels that the time has not come yet, and her mission has not been completed yet.」

「Thousands of years have passed like this, and your relationship has always been so ambiguous, but there has been no progress or breakthrough for thousands of years.」

「The law of heaven has issued a decree to select seven gods in seven regions, and let countless demons and gods fight for the position where they can survive and become rulers.」

「As a fairy, you were naturally recalled to Sky Island. This time, you have always obeyed the orders of heaven, but you hesitated for a long time.」

「In the end, you bid farewell to Red Die and returned to the familiar yet unfamiliar Sky Island.」

「You feel a little boring, and you can't lift your spirits most of the time on Sky Island. Only Sister Chiyue can let you talk about your feelings.」

「Listening to your story, Ziyue's expression is subtle and weird, but she is still very patient. She is just a listener and does not make any suggestions for you, but just stays by your side silently.」

「Year after year, day after day passed by, but you finally couldn't hold back the emotions in your heart and went to the world you haven't seen for a long time.」

「In your eyes, the entire land has changed. There are many ruins here. Natural disasters occur frequently on the earth. It is desolate and there are countless rotting corpses. The harmonious and beautiful natural scenes in the past have become burned out. Kill, kidnap, and eat strange children」

「You don't know whether such creatures are human beings. They have human structures and ideas, and they look no different from humans. However, the harmony and friendship during the time of prosperity and prosperity are completely gone. The previous moral rules and various legal systems seem to be like Cloud smoke」

「At this moment, you have deep doubts about the decision of heaven. Could this scene be the result of that decree? This may also be a good sign, but people living at this time, what did they do wrong? Why do they have to bear such responsibilities for those who come after them? Maybe they did something wrong. What was wrong was that they were born in this era.」

「Is there no mistake in the laws of heaven? Is the choice of heaven must be perfect? ​​You feel dazed for a while, but facing such a scene, you want to look for Chidie even more anxiously.」

「You soon came to the original country. The country you and she created has been turned into ruins. However, upon closer inspection, you can see that the buildings are just abandoned, but you are still extremely worried.」

「But soon you saw Chi Die. She was not in any danger, and she entrusted those people to the very powerful Morax, and the only requirement was to build the Rebirth Hall in Liyue, the salvation of souls. Funeral place for people to pay their respects」

「She doesn't like to see the world today. The country used to be picturesque, but now there are only millions of corpses lying on it.」

「She is the Demon God of the Underworld and the Demon God of Death. Although she controls reincarnation, has the power to control simple life and death, and uses the authority of Yin and Yang, she is the most unseen in today's killing scenes. Now lonely souls and wild ghosts are wandering on the earth.」

「These things may be scary, but it may not be their intention to scare people. They are just duckweeds in troubled times, wanderers floating on the earth who want to go home.」

「It's been like this from early morning, when the two of you sat on the ruins, until dusk, the distance between you became closer and closer, until you were leaning on each other.」

「You looked at each other and understood what the other person meant. Just looking at each other and smiling was the simplest and most affectionate confession.」

「This place is very clean, there has been no war, and the mountains and rivers are still picturesque at a glance. Red Butterfly has protected this place full of your stories very well.」

「The sunset is perfect for the occasion. A passionate kiss covers up the dim sunlight. I know that when the moon and stars are scarce, although you let out the sun, what appears is already the moon.」

「"Okay, my Michael, sister, I am about to complete my final mission."」

「You were a little confused and looked at her with doubts. You just looked at her calmly, waiting for his answer to you."」

「"I have been thinking about how we will be together after completing something, but I can’t help it anymore. Now the most important thing in my heart has been completed. After this final task is completed, I will always be by your side."」

「You smiled and followed the girl's steps to Wuwangpo.」

「"Do you know why souls wander the earth? It's because after the Demon God War, the number of people dying every day is incalculable. Although I can sense it, it is really difficult to extradite them and let all their souls return to the earth. In the past, World Tree and I were responsible for managing this area. In fact, it was more than enough when we were tired, but now it is no longer realistic. My final mission... is actually simple to say, it is to establish a path that leads all souls back to the earth. This path allows their wandering souls to return to the earth and restart a new life."」

「"Such a simple thing, why are your words so heavy? What is there that is so unspeakable? Now there is no need to hide the relationship between you and me from me."」

「You already felt something was wrong, so you asked in a very direct manner, because there was no need to hide anything at this time.」

「"It turns out that you have already heard that something is wrong. It seems that my acting skills are indeed not very good, but it doesn't matter anymore. This road attracts the souls of all Watts. It is not simply a road leading to the earth's veins. It will lead people to Wuwang Slope, the land in front of them. The souls will have their last wish until this end. When I let go of my obsession, I will return to the earth's veins. Naturally, I cannot create a project of this scope, otherwise there would be no need for this path. The way to create it is……"」

「"The demon god who represents the power in this area returns to the leyline, returns the power to the World Tree, and makes the world completely forget about this demon god, which is you, right."Although your words are said to be questions, they are so resounding and 100% sure.」

「"Indeed, I obviously don’t want to leave you, but somewhere in the world, this is my destiny, this is my last mission since my birth, I can’t stop you, but I really like you, and I selfishly don’t want to. Let you forget me, but I can't. It’s the last time, and I really want to express my feelings. If you can return to the earth, promise me that we will fall in love again, right? Although my request is a bit selfish, we will still love each other even if we are separated by eternity, right?"」

「"Are you kidding me? Why did you leave like this without my consent? Make me wait alone?"」

「"I'm sorry, I don't want to think about it either, I'm just really helpless. Goodbye, my favorite and lovely fairy brother."Chidie said this, with tears in her eyes, she turned into a red butterfly, slowly drifted away, and dissipated all over the world.」

「You watched the red shadow lingering on Wuwang Slope, and you slowly walked over. Just as she said that, she seemed to let go of the last obsession in her heart, and held your hand, pointing towards the ground. March」

「You don’t know how long you’ve been walking, and you wake up from the ground feeling a little dizzy, holding a Death Feather in your hand.」

「The love between butterfly and fairy: the feathers dropped by the fairy in butterfly's arms express the butterfly's longing」

「You don’t know why the feather in your hand has such a strong affinity. You feel like you have forgotten something, but you just remember that something will always be with you, maybe it is this feather.」

「You returned to Sky Island in a daze. You don’t know why you went to the lower world. Maybe it was because you lamented the suffering in the world.」

「The Demon God War continues like this, and you don't feel anything. It just feels empty in your heart. Even with Sister Chiyue, you always feel that something important is missing.」

「The feathers on your waist are very important to you, and you don’t know why. It seems that protecting them is your most important mission.」

「Thousands of years have passed in a daze, and you have always lived in such a hazy state, not knowing what the meaning is.」

「A country that offends the gods. They want to explore forbidden knowledge from outside the world. This is naturally not allowed. You have started your own business and want to fight against this with the Seven Gods and some gods of Sky Island. a country called karria」

「Naturally, you don’t need to prepare too much for these things. An operation to destroy the country has already begun in full swing. But before you arrive at the scene, someone has already stopped you.」

「"Hello friend, I came to this timeline to find you. My name is Zhao Wenyuan. You probably don’t know me, but I will help you recall important things first."」

「After he said these words, before you could react, he just waved his hand, and a beam of light hit your brain."

(For the Chinese New Year, I drew a mandrill, xin~~xin~~ is indeed very happy, Uh, in Hot Blood Route, red hair is really cool, I’ve been obsessed with these two for the past two days, hehe)

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