Himeko and Kiana were walking in the academy, reminiscing about the past.

Himeko smiled and talked about the naughty things Kiana had done in the school.

He would hide in the sunny grass and climb over the wall to get out. For this reason, Principal Theresa also raised the height of the school wall three times.

But after that, it never got any higher.

Because she was afraid that Kiana would be hurt.

These past events are like catkins in the wind, floating before our eyes in an inadvertent moment.

Jizi’s eyes became softer, and Kiana also told her what happened after the Destiny War.

After hearing these things, Jizi also said with emotion:”Really…so many things happened.”

Jizi slowly digested Kiana’s words, and some facts were a bit unbelievable to her.

Bronya became the Herrscher of Reason, Fu Hua’s origin, and Mei joined the World Serpent.

Then there’s Kiana’s experience along the way.

Speaking of these experiences, Kiana also said with some emotion:”If I could figure something out earlier, everyone wouldn’t have to worry about me, and Mei would not go to World Snake.””

“Sometimes, I feel like I have failed everyone……”

Seeing that Kiana was in a low mood, Himeko said:”Kiana, let me tell you a story.”

Kiana:”Hey… is there going to be class?”

Himeko:”What, You don’t want to hear it?”

Kiana suddenly laughed:”No, I want to hear it.”

Jizi looked at Kiana, and she slowly began to tell the story:

“More than ten years ago, I just entered college, and I was about the same age as Kiana and you guys.”

“At that time, my father was working in Tianming’s research institute, and I don’t know what exactly he was researching…”

“Although he is very busy at work, he is a good father. He would praise me for my good grades in school, take time to come back and have dinner with me, and buy me a birthday cake.……”

“But suddenly one day, he left me and left this world”

“I couldn’t accept the news of my father’s death. I couldn’t believe that that familiar face would disappear from my life so easily.”

“In conclusion… I joined the destiny and became a Valkyrie by receiving artificial stigmata.”

“Everything I did at that time was to find out the truth about my father’s death that was deliberately concealed; it was my obsession as a daughter that drove my career as a Valkyrie.”

“But in the Valkyrie Force, I met Captain Ragnar”

“She told me that Valkyrie is a person who brings light to the world and should not let obsession and hatred fill her heart.”

“She guided me to vent the dusty anguish in my heart and found the coordinates for my future as a Valkyrie.”

“It was her who encouraged me for the first time to turn this unhappy world into what you want it to be.”

“But…compared to you, the time I spent fighting alongside her was actually not that long.”

Hearing this, Kiana hesitated and said:”It was the disaster in 2010.……”

Jizi interrupted Kiana and said:”Kiana, the Herrscher of the Sky always blames you for those disasters and consequences. This is wrong. She cannot see people’s own choices, and she cannot tolerate those beautiful shimmer”

“The next story is what I want to tell you”

“After Captain Ragnar died, I sorted out her belongings. In addition to the clothes, books, and snacks that reflected every moment of life, there was also a letter pressed at the bottom of the drawer:”

“To my dear comrades——”

“If anyone finds this letter, it probably means I’m dead.”

“The property I leave behind can be transferred according to the organizational regulations. There should be nothing to worry about in terms of pensions.”

“So next…let me share a story in this letter”

“A few years ago, when I first became an A Valkyrie, I was often sent to do some aftermath work in disaster areas.”

“But to be honest, at that time, I felt that participating in this kind of work was simply a waste of my talents.”

“Rather than rescuing those weak and short-sighted civilians, it is the Valkyrie’s true duty to destroy the enemy.”

“I once thought so. So one day, I mustered up the courage to question the bishop who came to inspect – can Honkai be eliminated by sending the Valkyrie to ask questions and repair the situation?..?”

“The bishop glanced at me, and then replied categorically – No”

“I was also stunned. I thought that my impulsiveness would inevitably lead to lectures or even punishment.”

“But what the adult said next made me completely change my view on my career.”

“He said – but destiny has always used this method to convey its beliefs”

“Comrades, this is what I am going to tell you.”

“The work we do with faith, no matter whether the results are as expected or not, will never be meaningless.”

“We protect the good things, the things that will become good, the things we think are important”

“They may seem small and futile. But that’s just because now it’s just a seed”

“These beautiful seeds will one day bloom into flowers all over the mountains and plains.”

“So, don’t be sad for me, comrades”

“Although I have withered, I have also become the soil and fertilizer that give birth to hope.”

“And the flowers of hope in the future will one day find what they want to protect.”

“These were Captain Ragnar’s last lessons. To be honest, I didn’t fully understand what she was trying to tell us.”

“There was just a voice in the dark, telling me that I should go to St. Freya”

“And when that day – when I put on the true red armor. I suddenly recalled her words, and as if by a twist of fate, I understood everything she said in her letter.”


“Kiana, I read the report of that mission——”

“No one knows what happened in that disaster, but the out-of-control Herrscher was suppressed, and Siegfried, who liberated the Skyfire Sage, also survived.”

“It must be someone present who made what she thought was the right choice”

“I think the captain must have seen something in you that she wants to protect, something I have also seen.”

“The captain is like this, I am like this, everyone is like this”

“We believe you can do it, save more people, and make the world a better place”

“And you did it, Kiana”

“Everything you did in Tianqiong City, everything you did in Taixu Mountain, and everything you are doing to solve the Herrscher of Domination……”

“You have saved many people, and these people will also help more people”

“This is the inheritance of mankind, the eternal burning fire. After listening to the story told by Teacher Jizi, Kiana said:”Thank you…

Teacher Jizi”

“In fact, I also understand…that is, sometimes, I can’t……”

Himeko:”I understand your nervousness, Kiana. The more help you receive from everyone, the more you will feel like you are carrying a heavy burden.”

“So remember – you are never alone”

“The anti-entropy who has become your partner and comrade, the principal Theresa who always thinks about you, and the reliable monitor Fu Hua”

“Bronya, although she is not good at expressing herself, she always thinks about her companions. You can also see her actions and her progress.”

“As for Mei, she is the gentlest child among you. So don’t worry about her, Kiana. Trust her, she will make the right choice”

“……And you, Kiana.”Ji Zi said with some pride

“You are the most naughty of all my students and the one who never gives up easily.”

“You have the power to change everyone, and you have the power to make people around you move forward with you.”

“So, trust and rely on your companions, Kiana. Because they must also believe and rely on you.”

At this time, in the domination theater,

Bronya and Fu Hua were still looking for a way to break the situation. Finally, Fu Hua and Bronya decided to attack from the weak point of the theater.

After a battle, the two were torn apart in one place. In the space, they saw Kiana lying on the ground.

However, here, the two of them were surrounded by these dolls again.

And in front of them, there was only this way.

In order not to affect the host, attack Kill these dolls.

Fu Hua is going to cut off the connection between these dolls and the host.

The way to cut off the connection is to borrow the power of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

However, using the power of the Herrscher here is also very dangerous. Things.

But at this time, we can only try this method.

Fu Hua closed her eyes and sank into the depths of consciousness. She felt the heavy chain again. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

As always, the chain sank into the bottomless darkness. The other end of it was connected to an unknown corner of the world, and the person standing there still refused to move an inch. Same as the Herrscher of Consciousness After a friendly exchange, Fu Hua borrowed power from him.

Then, when he used the Herrscher of Knowledge to fight these puppets, just like before, the Herrscher’s power was still taken away by these puppets. After fighting with When the puppets were fighting, the two met Mei Yi who was also here.

Mei Yi was obviously more skilled in using the power of the Herrscher.[]

The doll roared angrily, but it couldn’t take away Mei’s power at all.

Because, Mei Yi’s power is far stronger than the other party.

The puppet had no choice but to use the power of the Herrscher of Knowledge that it had just seized to simulate Kiana’s dialogue in an attempt to influence Mei’s will.

However, Mei Yi’s will is very firm now and is not affected at all.

After the thunder of the sword, these puppets in front of them were defeated. the other side.

Kiana is still talking to Himeko.

After Mei’s thunder flashed through, Kiana and Himeko felt that the power of the Herrscher of Dominance had weakened.

Himeko also realized that this would be the last time she and Kiana would stay together.

So, the two of them walked along the long road towards the gate of St. Freya.

“Come on, let’s walk a little further.”Ji Zi looked at Kiana and said.

Kiana silently followed behind Teacher Ji Zi and said no more.

“The yesterday of St. Freya seems to be still vivid in my mind”

“Remember when you first entered school, you clamored to become the strongest Valkyrie.”

“In the blink of an eye, you have grown so much”

“To be honest, I also want to watch you grow up”

“I really want to return to St. Freya and continue to teach you and train with you.……”

“I’m going to write on the blackboard and go back to my room to have a drink.”

“The time I spent at St. Freya is also my most precious memory.”

“It’s a pity that it can no longer be done.”

“There’s still a long way to go, but it seems like… I can’t go on with you any longer.”

“But it doesn’t matter, Kiana, you never let me down”

“Always remember that there are always many people around you who will always support and protect you.”

“Among them, including me.”

A white light flashed, and only the sound of quiet footsteps remained in the screen.

The white light retreated, and Ji Zi’s voice sounded:

“My journey ends here”

“From here, Kiana, it’s your way.”

Kiana looked at Teacher Jizi in silence, trying hard to suppress the turbulent emotions in her heart.


“Once you leave this door, it all goes away, right? Jizi shook her head and looked at Kiana with a smile.

“I have no idea”

“But…it should be.”

Kiana nodded seriously, with tears in her eyes.”……Um.

Jizi looked at Kiana and said,”Remember to say goodbye to everyone in Saint Freya for me.””


Jizi:”Tell Mei that I support her choice, but she can’t be so harsh to her friends next time.””

Kiana:”I will.

Jizi:”Tell Bronya that I am very happy to see her growth now, and she will definitely become an excellent leader in the future.””

Kiana’s eyes flashed with tears:”I think so too. Ji

Zi:”Tell Fu Hua that although we can’t meet again in the future, whether St. Freya is still there or not, she will always be everyone’s monitor.””

Kiana nodded:”Yeah!

Jizi:”From now on, Theresa is the only one left to take care of you. You all must be obedient and don’t make the principal angry.””

“It’s best to help her more, don’t think she likes to show off, in fact, it is much harder than us.”

Kiana:”I know.

Jizi:”Oh, by the way, I remember Ragnar was also Rita and Hollander’s teacher.””

“If you have the chance, convey her legacy to them.”

Kiana:”No problem. Ji (de Zhao Hao)zi:”

Finally, tell yourself, Qiana……”

“I will always be by your side.”

Kiana looked at Jizi in silence, and Jizi looked at Kiana in silence.

The two looked at each other for a long time.

“Kiana…don’t take it too seriously.”

Ji Zi smiled softly.

“Just treat this moment as a dream”

“After waking up from the dream, everyone must continue to move forward”

“don’t be afraid to say goodbye”

“Saying goodbye to the past is to move towards the future.”

Kiana looked at Jizi and said,”I understand… Teacher Jizi… I understand everything.……”

Kiana clenched her fists.

After a moment of silence, she said:”……sorry……”

She lowered her head and said with a cry:”……I’m sorry…Ms. Himeko……”

“……I know… I know that at this time I should say goodbye to you with a smile… I should walk out of that door with strength.……”

“……I know this place is just an afterimage of memory, reality is where I should go back……”

“……But I still can’t help but think about it……”

“……As long as I don’t walk out of that door…will time never pass…will this moment never change?……”

“……I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to you……”

“……I obviously still have a lot to say to you…those boasts…I haven’t realized them yet……”

“……This is a dream…I will wake up from the dream…I know……”

“……I will go back… I will defeat Thousand Herrscher… I will bring Mei home……”

“……The Eleventh Herrscher, the Twelfth Herrscher…even the Herrscher of the End, I will defeat them all……”

“……I will turn this imperfect story into what we expect it to be……”

Kiana’s tears fell on the floor of the Fantasy Bell, and also fell on the hearts of the audience.

Seeing this, countless people have fallen silent.

The experiences along the way appeared in everyone’s minds like a slideshow..

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