
Jingliu whispered angrily, and a kind of betrayal sourness inexplicably welled up in his heart.

The little apprentice he once taught carefully, now that he has a girlfriend, he seems to be increasingly alienated from her as a master.

That deep friendship seems to be fading.

Sigh helplessly.

"That's it, apprentices must have their own lives after all!"

Jingliu sat gently on the edge of the bed.

Although I am unwilling in my heart, I also know the importance of letting go.

There was a hint of bitterness in his eyes, but it was fleeting, replaced by a smile of tolerance and understanding. He bowed his head slightly and sighed softly, as if acquiescing to his loneliness.

Then he slowly collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

There was still a faint, meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Time passed quietly in silence.

Suddenly, there was a slight push on the door of the bedroom, followed by the sound of cautious footsteps, and a deliberately suppressed low gasp.

It felt so familiar that it made Jingliu's heart tighten.

Lu Shu?

Her little apprentice!

Didn't he go to find his girlfriend, why did he come back late at night at this time?


Jingliu closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, thinking to himself about the purpose of this rebellious little apprentice.

However, in the next moment, she sensed a scorching breath approaching.

The little apprentice's hand slowly reached out and groped for the position of her human heart,...... And quietly unbuttoned his clothes.

This moment!

Jingliu's heartbeat is like a drum!

Blood rushed to the top of his head in an instant.


"No way!"

"We are master and apprentice, no!"

Jing Liu opened his eyes suddenly, fanned Lu Shu's hand, and sat up straight.

There was a confused glint in his scarlet eyes, staring at the empty bedroom, where was the figure?

"It was just a dream. "


She realized that everything just now was just her overly sensitive fantasy dream, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Whew~, why, but there is a sense of loss?"

Kasmiryu rubbed the corners of his forehead, trying to dispel the chaotic thoughts brought by the illusion.

A soft sigh.

He fell back into bed again, intending to continue his peaceful sleep.

But I was a little confused in my heart.


It's not that she hasn't dreamed in the past 700 years, in fact, she has been with dreams all day long.



Many times, she can't tell whether she is in an illusory dream or reality.

But no matter what, the dreams are all crazy killings, resentment, the sorrows, angry screams, questions, and so on.

And this pink dream is the first time?

As everyone knows, this is just a dream within a dream, and she doesn't ...... at all Never got up.

She's been asleep.


Lu Shu weaved a memory dream and let Jingliu sleep well.

lest she run around.

But it's only about him, and as for what the dream does and what it develops into, it's none of his business.


Quiet day.

There is no curfew in Xianzhou Luofu, and the noisy nightlife on both sides of the street has just begun.

It's as if no one knew that a great battle had just been experienced in the prison.

To be precise, most people in Xianzhou didn't even feel the battle of Jianmu, after all, the core residential area was well protected.

Only in places such as Liuyundu, there are many ginkgo biloba monsters affected by the star core.

Lu Shu walked down the street a little tired, and walked towards Tingyuxuan, who was following the clouds.

The dilapidated house has also been repaired.

It's that fast.

You can fully believe that Xianzhou Technology is so powerful.

It's just that his eyes have inexplicably lost their brilliance.

"Alas, this guy Qingque deserves to be a Qiongyu master, and all the money has been wasted. "


My sister is really hidden.

I was going to make an appointment with Zhiyun, but as a result, I ran into Qingque halfway, and I was stunned to play a game of cards.

Depend on!

I'm going to play the little fox at night.

I don't have time to play cards with you.


That guy actually tempted him with his legs.

Then Guang Teniang's spirit looked at the legs, playing cards listlessly, and the result was ...... It's always been losing, losing, losing, and losing.

The money bags are going to be empty.

I couldn't help but regret for a while, damn, this little thing is quite difficult.

Although the gameplay is similar to mahjong, it is not exactly the same, and the losing pants are almost gone.

"Damn, why should I play with that gambling god?"

"Gan. "

"I don't want to be a sister, completely according to her preferences. "

Lu Shu felt like he was being brought in.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became.

A deflated Dongdong is urgently needed.

Just then, a vending machine on the side of the road caught his attention.

To be precise, it's a thing inside.

Soda bean juice.


"Isn't this a magical drink that reminds Lao Yang of Himeko Coffee and makes Xingbao and March Seven gag for it?"

"Buy it and try it. "

This vending machine doesn't seem to be quite the same, Lu Shu studied it for a while before he knew how to use it.

It's mostly words.


A family of Star Dome Railway

[Lu Shu: Look, good thing (Pam smiles). 】

[Himeko: Uh, Mr. Lu, I didn't expect you to taste so strange, why don't I mix you a cup of coffee next time. 】

[Walter: ......]

[Himeko: What do you mean by six points? (Pam advises you to speak carefully)]

[Walter: Ahem, it's nothing, it's all good. 】

(Himeko's coffee, Xianzhou's soda bean juice, has been blacklisted by him.) )

When I went to Jinren Lane just now, I also saw this thing.

As a result, curiosity kills cats.

[March 7: Isn't it?Lu Shu, are you so brave?By the way, why didn't you treat your master well? It can't be that General Jing Yuan kicked him out?

[Lu Shu: Look, what is this, what is this called? That's my master, why are you thinking so dirty. (Pam is angry) Xingbao has drunk it, I have to taste it. 】

[March 7: Oh, looking for Xingbao? We're eating barbecue in Jinren Lane, don't you come?]

[Lu Shu: Ahem, forget it, I still have something. 】

[March 7: Definitely going to find the little fox. 】

No way!

Is she really a genius?

Xingbao is still there.

[Lu Shu: Don't slander me. 】

[March 7: Hey, come less.] Every time you mention the little fox, you call yourself me. At first, this girl didn't understand until Uncle Yang told the story of "Di Xin and Su Daji". 】

[March 7: Hmph, you are a dumb gentleman!]

[Lu Shu: I won't tell you, I'll taste what it tastes like. 】


A sour taste of fermentation?

It doesn't smell bad.

Sure enough, it's not something that ordinary people can master.

The original Xianzhou Jinren Alley is deep in the alley, developed and produced by a small shop that has been precipitated over the years.

The unique taste of soda bean juice instantly became popular among the gourmets of Xianzhou.

It's as if you can't experience the art of life without taking a sip of soda juice?

However, it is not the kind that can be easily accepted after the first attempt.

It needs to be chewed slowly and gradually comprehended.

What Lu Shu's nose caught first was the unique and rich bean aroma.

It is mixed with subtle acidity and a mellow aroma after fermentation.

It's like an old ballad that hasn't been finished.

Dream back to Lao Shaojing's sense of immediacy.

Years awaken sleeping memories and taste buds.

Carefully put it into the mouth, the tip of the tongue is the first to perceive a faint stimulus of carbonated bubbles bursting.

Instantly break the tranquility of the palate.

Immediately afterward, the delicate and smooth bean juice flows like silk in the mouth.

Unique sour, sour, calculated, blended together.

Taste deeply.

The natural fragrance of beans released after a long period of boiling and fermentation contains the heaviness of the earth and the vitality of life.

And the right amount of soda makes the originally slightly single bean aroma richer.

It both quenches thirst and awakens the spleen.

Xianzhou's soda bean juice blends the taste of Lao Shaojing with rich soda bubbles.

Sour and bitter.

Warmth and indifference are intertwined.

In general, Lu Shu is still acceptable.

After all, he is the one who can drink Lao Shaojing's authentic bean juice.

Himeko Coffee can't even stump him.

Not to mention this one.


[March 7: I haven't replied for so long, he won't hang up, right?] (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Star: Huh?]

Walter: Not really. 】

[Lu Shu: After drinking, I feel okay, but I can even drink Lao Shaojing bean juice, what is this?]

To be honest, the simple Xianzhou bean juice is still worse than Lao Shaojing's.

However, after adding soda.

The effect is multiplied.

Because of the dense bubbles of soda, the acidity of the bean juice is magnified by several levels.

Plus an astringent taste.

It's really not something that ordinary people hold.

Seeing Lu Shu's words, Walter said in his heart Sure enough, Lu Shu and him came from the same place.

[Walter: When does Mr. Lu have time, let's talk?]

[Lu Shu: Oh...... , I don't know, I've seen an acquaintance, let's talk about it. 】

This guy won't suspect him because of Lao Shaojing's bean juice, right?

Walter: Okay. 】


"Mr. Lu, you ...... You like the taste too?"

In the distance, Yukong slowly walked over with a food box.

Mother's glorious face was full of surprise and curiosity.

"The helmsman likes it too?"

Lu Shu glanced at it curiously. []

Is the food box for Qingni?


Adjust your strategy next time.

If you soak the green sparrow, the rhythm has to follow his.

"Not really. "

"I can only say that I can barely drink it. "

"It's Qingni who is quite keen on this, if you meet her, you should be able to become good friends. "

"By the way, Qingni is my daughter, that, adopted daughter. "

As he spoke, his expression was slightly sad.

Obviously, the two are at odds.

To fly or not to fly.

"Okay. "

"I'll stay in Xianzhou for a while. "

Why do you want to focus on adopted daughters,...... Our beautiful helmsman wants to find a bully for Qingni?!

Or together?

Well, Qingni looks too ordinary, if there is no plot, it is no different from ordinary fox people.

Zhiyun is also brought up in the sky, and she can be regarded as a daughter.

"It seems that Sister Yukong has something on her mind?"

Lu Shu smiled.

Little fox~, wait a little longer.

I'm going to appease your mother, a mentor or something

"Mr. Lu is joking, the sky is not as long as you, you just call me the sky..."

Yukong smiled, and then sighed softly.

"As for the heart, everyone who is a mother will inevitably encounter it. "

Then why do I call you empty?


It seems that the matter of Jing Yuan's junior brother Jingliu's little apprentice has spread in the upper echelons.

Since he is Jingliu's apprentice, he must be over 700 years old.

Naturally, it's older than this big fox who hasn't reached the age of 300.

"The child is older and has his own pursuits, why don't you let it go?"

Because of Cai Wing's last words, Qingni became the ideal of a pilot, and was directly forbidden by the sky.

"Don't talk about her, if Mr. Lu wants to find food, it is better to go to Jinren Lane. "

"Jinren Lane is also being revived, and there are still a lot of food. "

Yukong suggested.

There were some doubts in his heart, how did he know that it was because of his dreams?

"Oh, I remember. This food box, for Qingni?"

"No, it's for the clouds. Qingni, the kid, had already run out to live by himself because of his anger. "

Sky shook his head.


My little woman fooled the master?

Lu Shu took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened it and looked at it carefully, confirming that it was indeed a message from Xue Yun.

Just now, I urged him.

"Does Stop Cloud still live with you?"

"Of course, just now I said that I should bring food back, saying that I was tired after running with the dragon girl for a day. "

Yukong said.

This...... Is Nima a message from a ghost?

Okay, I want to see, who are you?

"Found the coriander?"

"Nope. "

"Okay, we'll talk another day, I'll go first. "

"Hmm. "

After speaking, Lu Shu swept the communication of the air, and turned to leave.


Something is wrong, something is wrong.

My little fox is actually a fake?

Lu Shu carefully checked it several times with a little confusion, and confirmed that it was indeed the number of the cloud stop.

Got a super hack?

Silver wolf?

[Xue Yun: Engong, why haven't you come yet, the little woman is in a hurry. 】

[Xue Yun: Engong, you actually left the little girl to play cards with that Qingque from Taibusi? Hmph, the little girl is angry! However, Engong seems to have lost a lot of money. 】

This tone, learning is quite like that?


Let the master reveal your identity.

Sure enough, Tingyuxuan has already been repaired.

There was no sign of his breakage at all.

It's a big villa, and it was repaired in just one day.

Lu Shu knocked lightly on the door.

The door opens.

The delicate and beautiful who came out was really Nima was stopped by the clouds.

"Engong, you want the little girl to have a good time and wait, come in." "

Xue Yun hurriedly stepped aside and beckoned in.


Nima~, phantom?

I really can't see it?

If you want to play with the mood so much, then let's have fun with you~

Let her out during the day.

Because of her, Phantom Hazy will naturally not be in trouble, but I never thought that she would pretend to stop the clouds?

Do you like acting so much?

So bad.

Coincidentally, I also like to act!


"So shouting 0.3 at night that I'm here to admire the moon?"

"Of course!"

A wicked smile flashed in Xue Yun's eyes.

"Don't you think the moonlight is beautiful tonight?"

Before Lu Shu could answer, the clouds stopped and overwhelmed Lu Shu with lightning speed.

"Stop the clouds, you are ...... Why so?"

Lu Shu asked in a lost voice, pretending to be terrified.

"Engong, your body is quite sturdy, I don't think you understand it at all~"

Xue Yun said with a hint of banter.

Peat, pretend to be Brother Jie, right?

"Understood, understood?"

Lu Shu struggled to push away Zhuyun, covering his chest with both hands, and put on a scared expression: "You, you're not Zhuyun, who are you?"

"Giggle~, I didn't expect you to be so keen?"

As the words fell, a mysterious mist suddenly filled the body of the original suspended clouds.

The true face gradually revealed in the mist.

"You're a phantom?"

Lu Shu continued to act.

"There's no point in resisting, mortal, quick, let me come to Kangkang. "

"Don't, Sister Hao~, don't, Sister Hao. "

"Be obedient and let me be well. "

Phantom sneered and approached.

"Don't, Sister Hao~"

Just when the phantom was about to pounce on Lu Shu, the plot stopped with a bang, and he giggled with his small mouth covered~.

"Master, you're too inferior, aren't you?"

"Hey, I think you're very brave, you dare to tease your master?"

"Let the master punish you well. "

As he spoke, Lu Shu took off his glasses that didn't exist.

The seal is lifted.

"Eat my Gemini Rip Claw!"

"This blow will run through the path!"

Before a single blow through the stars could descend, the Phantom could not even squeeze a scream of fear out of its throat before it was swept away by the enraged dragon flames.

Lu Shu's current mission is to punish those innocent souls who can't breathe for the phantom.

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