
Return to Immortal Mansion!

As for the impending events in Meru, several demon gods present are well aware.

However, according to Luo Chen, he will go to solve the problem.

Thanks to this, the Great Mercy Tree King and the Flower God naturally did not have to worry anymore.

If even he can’t level it, even if he adds two more, it won’t be of much use.

In a sea of flowers.

In the end, he looked at Luo Chen, who was as honest as a quail, and put his chin on Gan Yu’s head and asked:

“Speaking of which, have you and Zhen started trying to conceive life?”

In the past month, to say that the most combat training is naturally the heartfelt thunder and lightning truth.

The accompanying Ray movies were all deliberately led by her to bear together.

After all, if one is missing, I always feel that something is missing.

Be fair.

The Thor twin sisters, pleasure can only reach its peak when they are placed together.

“According to the truth, it has already begun.”

Luo Chen didn’t care much about these.

In fact, whether there are descendants or not, it does not matter to him at all.

Short-grown species are limited in lifespan and need offspring to pass on their own genetic code and prove their mark in the world.

This kind of reproduction from generation to generation is also a kind of eternal life to some extent.

However, for the immortal species, they can live in the world for a long time, and the value and role of future generations are infinitely weakened.

It’s dispensable.

“Already started? How is the situation? ”

In the end, I didn’t realize it, and suddenly became interested.

But yes, every time Luo Chen replenishes the ammunition to Lei Dian Zhen or Lei Movie.

He hesitated for a moment and pondered:

“Well, it should be considerable.”

If the method passed on by Alice and improved by Rheindot can be successful, sooner or later.

It just takes a while.

“How does it sound exact, forget it, it’s better for me to ask.”

I didn’t get a positive answer from Luo Chen, but I finally got up immediately and walked towards Lei Dian Zhen.


I’m probably tired of playing.

Kerly ran alone to the clear pond where the waterfall flowed, took off her little brown boots, and put half of her calves into it.

“Wow, so comfortable!”

The clear water caresses the skin, which is cold and cold, making people feel relaxed.

Then Little Lori put the small schoolbag aside, rolled up the sleeves of her clothes, and began to play with the water.

Seeing this, Raiden Zhen followed to the pool.

Under the 793 short vibrating sleeve kimono, the jade legs that were as white as ivory were lowered and almost sat down next to Kelly.

His Royal Highness the Thunder God turned slightly sideways, raised his head and closed his eyes to feel the mist set off by the falling waterfall.

The tiny droplets of water quickly made the kimono slightly damp, but it was more feminine.

If there is a photo camera to capture this scene, it is absolutely beautiful.

It is clear that it is such a perfect picture, but the arrival of the end breaks the silence.


Reopened her light purple beautiful eyes and looked at the Demon God Maiden with a searching gaze.

Raiden Zhen asked in a clear voice, “What’s the matter?” ”

“Naw, did the method brought by Luo Chen work?”

Facing the curious girl, I was really stunned for a moment.

“Why did you suddenly remember to ask this?”

“Oh, I suddenly want to ask, say it quickly.”

At her urging, the honorable Inazuma ruling helplessly said:

“It does have an effect, but the object of the effect is the shadow.”

“Shadow? Do you say? ”

In the end, he was taken aback, and subconsciously turned his gaze to the figure of Samzen meditating not far away.

Lei Dian Zhen was also amused, and said with a smile:

“That’s right, before me, Shadow has successfully conceived life.”


The demon god girl was speechless for a while.

What is this called, unintentional insertion of willows?

The real owner did not win the bid, but the younger sister who followed her sister to make up the number was able to succeed.

“But I have a hunch that this body is already fast.”

Raiden Shin gently pressed his abdomen, revealing a gentle smile.

Seeing this, he rolled his eyes and immediately approached Lei Movie again.

The other side.

With his back to everyone, His Highness the Second Generation Thunder God, who seemed to be meditating, did not sit still, entering the realm of thoughtlessness.

Staring blankly at a pair of cranes flying leisurely in the distant sky, the shadow’s gaze unconsciously shifted with them.

Until the pair of cranes fell to the surface and picked up two swimming fish, wrapping their necks around each other to express intimacy.

Only then did she come to her senses.

“How could it be me first?”

Ying couldn’t figure it out a little, and looked down slightly at his flat and slender waist.

Previously, the kimono was tightly tightened by the waist seal, but now the waist seal is gone.

It was removed by her sister on the grounds that she could no longer be so tight in the future, and replaced it with a loose lace.

But even so, the waist that is grasped is still endearing.

The long sleeves of the fingers are pressed tightly against the skin, and the shadow reaches out to gently touch the lower abdomen.

“Here, life is about to be born?”

She looked up blankly, and there was no real feeling at all.

A month ago, when Kelly called her Mom, she was a little overwhelmed.

Now it’s good, I’m really going to be a mother.

“Shadow? Shadow?! ”

I lost my mind until I was awakened by several calls that gradually intensified in my ears.

Lei Movie instinctively turned his head and just met Shanggui’s gaze.

Gaze for a moment.

For some reason, she was a little unnaturally ashamed and looked away slightly.

“What’s wrong?”

“Hehe, I just want to ask how it feels to give birth to life.”

It always feels like it’s not about asking for your feelings, it’s about watching jokes.

Lei Movie was quite embarrassed, naturally there was nothing to say, and said expressionlessly:

“It’s no different from before.”

“Really? I’m curious. ”

This time there was no answer, and Ying could feel that the breath belonging to another life was slowly blooming in the body.

Even if the process will be measured in years.

However, in addition to being confused, a faint joy from unknown emotions lingered in the bottom of my heart.

Not the joy of life, but the crystallization of love with your partner.

“If you really want to say it, slightly, it’s not bad.”

Shadow hesitated, and said his true feelings.

Leave aside those uneasiness and apprehension, and be at a loss for the unknown.

His Royal Highness the Second Generation Thunder God is slightly looking forward to the time when it will be born someday in the future.

If it is as lively and cute as Keli, it will be a bit nerve-wracking.

She hopes that the children born in the future will be a little quieter, and then teach them to practice martial arts from an early age.

Such a life seems to be good.

For the topic of the end and Ray movies, others don’t seem to be planning to get involved.

As the absolute protagonist, Luo Chen is even more ready to go to Meru.

He hugged the soft sweet rain and ended the conversation with the Great Compassion Tree King and the Flower God.

“It’s almost time for me to go.”

Letting go of the half-fairy girl who had been quiet and well-behaved, Luo Chen planned to return quickly.

Otherwise, the time when the six gods meet will come to an end.

Expect to enjoy as many days as you like. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]



Big Red Sand Sea!

Most of the area belonging to the Gilded People has long been abandoned.

The human kingdoms that were once as many as the stars have disappeared into history one by one.

Among them, the archaeological data of some kingdoms cannot be found at all.

Buried in this sea of sand that has survived forever.

Recently, though.

The unfamiliar unknown area that is empty and boundless, hidden by sand and fog, welcomes many daring explorers.

Some are gilded brigades, some are adventurers, and there are ubiquitous treasure thieves.

In addition, you can even see fools occasionally.

Although the plan between the Fools and the former Great Sage Adjara failed, he was expelled by the Sumeru official.

(dbee) can still live comfortably in a place where the Apostolical House has no jurisdiction at all.

There is no shortage of people who want to climb the mountain of the Solstice Winter Kingdom, connect with it, and decide to cooperate.

People with ambition exist everywhere.

Not to mention the desert land that has been chaotic for hundreds of years.


When Nasida set foot on this land, all she saw was the naked law of the jungle.

As a small grass god, she naturally does not deal with humans hard.

Anyone who wanted to give her an idea was just a little impressed punishment.

After all, strictly speaking, they are their own people.

When people make mistakes, punishment is not the goal, but rehabilitation is what the gods should do.

Until a few hours later.

“Is this the place?”

Staring at the area ahead, Nasida’s face was quite solemn.

A breath of danger, if absent, is coming from not far away,

Exceptionally deep shadows obscure the sky.

“The direction of the flow of the earth vein has arrived here, and it has become very disordered, is it influenced by the grass dragon king Apep?”

Nasida muttered to herself.

I have to say that her perception of this abnormality is extremely keen.

Even the immature little grass god was thrilled.

The sky was full of gravel, combined with a thick fog that could hardly see the vision ahead.

It was like an abyss giant mouth with a wide mouth, engulfing any ignorant creature who dared to break in.

Closing her eyes, Nasida crouched down slightly, and from her hands bloomed green grass elements, gradually spreading and covering the land.

The ensuing changes are clear.

“It’s shaking again.”

As soon as the grass god loli opened her eyes, the earth under her feet became extremely manic.

A faint roar came from underground, and the quicksand in the distance did not flow normally.

The tall, dry hills nearby trembled, and occasionally a boulder or two fell.?

“An earthquake caused by a vein? Still…”

The green glow of life enveloped Nasida swept away the nearby gravel and white mist.

Not only that, but she also controlled the grass element to form green plants and flowers nearby, centering on herself and gradually expanding into the distance.

Unfortunately, with the strength of the Little Grass God, stretching hundreds of meters away is already the limit.

Without the heart of God, she relied only on herself.

But what can the little loli, which is a branch of the world tree, go.

And what she did was like waking up something terrible, making the chaotic flow of the earth even more frantic.

A heavy wave of sand rises from the ground and rushes towards the front like a tsunami.

With her hands stretched forward, Narcida summoned a green barrier to ward off the coming waves.

Gritting his teeth lightly, feeling the heaviness of the wave, the little grass god suddenly looked at the rear of the wave.

There, a huge figure loomed over the mountains.

The next moment, the dragon groan that shook the field resounded across the earth.

Just the invisible sound and waves all rolled up the wind, making the sun and the moon lose their color.

“Grass Dragon King Apep?!”

This is one of the Seven Dragon Kings?

Nasida stared at the figure with some concern, as if to cover the sky.

In terms of its body shape alone, it is simply taller than Mount Meru, exuding a suffocating power.

This was nothing, what disturbed her the most was the scarlet eyes surrounded by pitch black.

It’s cold, crazy, violent.

Either way, it’s not a good match.

With the appearance of the righteous lord, the shaking earth began to rumble.

The sea of sand cracked, like a spider’s web, and the tentacles spread in all directions.

Fortunately, this place is a no-man’s land, otherwise I don’t know how many towns and tribes can be destroyed at this time.

“Apep… Stop what you are doing, and you will only bring disaster to the earth. ”

Nasida wants to test with language to ensure that the other person still retains his sanity.

Immediately afterwards, a voice that made her relax and uneasy sounded.

“With the mighty light fox in the sky and the false tiger power, claiming to be the weak divinity of the lord of this land, are you ordering me?”

Probably facing the little grass god, Apep was rarely willing to speak.

As the original ruler of the continent of Tivat, it is one of the seven supreme dragon kings.

Even the gods can be completely ignored.

“I think we can talk.”

Nasida was slightly relieved to see that the other party was actually reasonable.

But what made her uneasy was that the other party’s irritable and contemptuous tone did not look like someone who could communicate well.

“Talk? You, an outsider, what do you want to talk to me about? ”

Apep’s cold and emotionless voice resounded, like thunder exploding in his ears.

There was not much reaction to the word so-called outsider.

Gently pressing her chest, Nasida said softly:

“You should be tormented by the forbidden knowledge of the abyss, I can help you.”

The moment she saw Apep, she understood why the earth veins were constantly disordered.

It was the aftermath of the Grass Dragon King’s complete inability to control his actions.

Since the ancient god dynasty, the Grass Dragon King has been staying in the sea of sand.

The God King of Victory fought the Demon God for three hundred years, and defeated it along with it.

Knowing that he couldn’t beat the guy who didn’t talk to him, Apep had to hide in ashes.

Until the Red King caused the Abyss Tribulation to erupt later.

The Grass Dragon King, who was hiding deep underground, was the first to be polluted.

It can be said that the old unlucky bastard.

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