After a moment of examination, Luo Chen withdrew his gaze.

Seeing this, Alisa, who greeted respectfully, just wanted to continue speaking.

“I know where you are.”

The girl who did not expect that she was interrupted was slightly stunned.

Luo Chen’s gaze crossed her and looked at the other side at an unknown distance.

“If there is no accident, Belloberg will be completely destroyed by the antimatter army in a hundred years.”

Reading the records of the planet today, he was able to see some of the future.

Moreover, this can be answered by inference alone.

The reason why Beloberg can still fight with the antimatter legion now is entirely because a large number of legion’s enemies are still fighting on other continents of the planet.

When the other cities are almost destroyed, the Legion of Destruction will come together.

Even if Belloberg had the power to protect the star god and was sheltered by an invisible barrier, I am afraid it would not help.

For Luo Chen’s peaceful words that made people’s hearts calm, Alisa’s heart sank.

It’s only a hundred years old?

The girl couldn’t help but feel a sense of powerlessness.

“Can you help us?”

She asked with some hope.

Even though His Highness the Son only said that he knew his intentions, Alisa still had a trace of luck.

“For humanity, this is your own calamity.”

“All the Lord can offer is the way and the ability to resist, and the peace and tranquility after the end of everything.”

Luo Chen did not refuse, but the meaning expressed in the words was obvious.

He won’t shoot.

“The Lord and the Star God of Destruction are not hostile sequences, so how to cross trials and reach the future is up to you.” “Three Nine Zero”

Alyssa lost her mind for it, and humans made their own decisions.?

But they don’t have the power to make a choice.

Seeing the girl lower her head, Luo Chen smiled slightly:

“Do not be discouraged and desperate, I will grant you the path of pilgrimage.”

What does that mean?

Before the blonde girl could understand, she heard His Highness the Son continue to confide in the words.

“From today onwards, I will link Eden and Beloberg’s spatial teleportation to allow the two places to communicate with each other.”

“The other side also has the qualification to believe in the Lord, and all things are born by recognizing the original sin that they are born with.”

Hearing this, Alisa reacted and was immediately pleasantly surprised.

That is, Catholicism no longer stayed in Eden and rested on its laurels, but officially began to expand to the outside world?

That’s great!

In this way, with the protection of the new star god power, she believes that if she can’t easily defeat the Legion of Destruction, at least she can leave the flame of civilization.

Excited, the girl reacted suddenly.

Speaking of it, he obviously didn’t say anything, and his mind seemed to be completely guessed.

In this regard, Alyssa was not only in awe, but also gave birth to a touch of worship for the person in front of her.

“Thank you for your mercy.”

“This is to sow the glory of the Lord for the world, beyond the material you can read the mind of the Lord, beyond the spirit you can see the true face of the Lord, who is nowhere and everywhere.”

Luo Chen muttered softly, looking back at the blonde girl in front of him.

“You have quite good qualifications, and if you embark on the pilgrimage, you may have a different future.”

Alisa was stunned for a moment and hesitated:

“This is … Let me become a believer in God? ”

“I don’t force it, everyone has their own choice.”

Luo Chen was just temporary.

I want to see what different fates this planet and the life living on it will have after my own allocation.

Among them, he is more interested in giving a little bit of a different fate to people who are slightly familiar.

“The world has never moved, everything has never been born and died, this is an eternal truth, all changes are changed by yourself, I am only responsible for the unchanged.”

Listening to the calm and gentle words of His Highness the Son, Alisa did not hesitate much.

If she can help Beloberg, even if it is just a little more strength, she will try to do it.

“I am willing to be religious and believe in God with all my heart!”

Even if he is not old, the will contained in this body is very moving.

From that look, Luo Chen could see the girl’s resoluteness.

Not simply to gain strength, but to make a true determination to believe in God.

“Interesting, then let me see, where you can go.”


[You have fulfilled Alisa’s request to come to Eden]

[For this, you have given her the title of “goddaughter” and have the same status as the twelve apostles on this planet]

[You have connected the space portal between Beloberg and Eden, and people in the two places can easily communicate]

[Similarly, in order to achieve the mission, sprinkle faith all over the planet]

[You came out of Eden and followed Alyssa to Belloberg]

[The city builders greeted you quite warmly, and the identity of the gap made their attitude very humble]

【A few days later】

[You led the crusaders and missionaries to gradually preach in Beloberg, and a new church was erected]

[As the goddaughter of the title you personally bestowed, Alisa naturally became the highest Catholic head of the city]

[As a hero who went to Eden alone and successfully brought Catholicism, Alisa was also embraced by the people of Belloberg]

[Her popularity spread throughout the city in just a few days]

[As a result, she began to move into the core management of Belloberg]

[While studying the teachings as a goddess and believing in God, while assembling many resources as rulers of official institutions]

[At the same time, you sit in this church and successfully promote the faith to the people]

[The glory of God hangs over Belloberg]

[With your help, Alyssa leads the crusaders to fight against the Antimatter Legion]

[The war lasted another five years]

[Unlike the initial scene of defeat, the situation between the two sides has gradually stalemated and tends to stabilize]

[The Iron Guard is maintained, and this achievement makes her the most shining presence in Belloberg]

[She was unanimously elected by the city builders, Catholics, and the people as the supreme ruler of Belloberg’s “Great Guardian”]

[Until the ten-year period has passed]

[Catholicism has been thoroughly rooted in the hearts of the people, and most of the people have become pan-believers, but they cannot step on the road of destiny]


[Your playing simulation has increased significantly]

[The simulation time is already halfway, but you are not in a hurry]

[For in addition to Belloberg, the Twelve Apostles also went to other cities to preach, the place where the One has not yet perished and still fights]

[Every day, you can hear the sound of the increased degree of simulation of the role]

[You gradually feel accustomed to the lazy life of not having to go to the missionary by yourself]

[Only on the seventh day of the week, the peaceful life is occasionally interrupted]

[It is Alisaland who has come to disturb you]

[This moment has been going on for ten years, and none of it has stopped]



This place, sheltered by the city builders and the star gods, now has another star god force.

The star god named “Original Sin”, the God who once performed miracles in the galaxy.

Located in the heart of the city, stands a sacred classical church.

High domes and spires stand crosses, at which carvings belonging to angels emerge.

According to biblical doctrine, it took God six days to create the world.

And the seventh day is the day of rest.

Even believers can relax and lazy and live in complete freedom on this day.

Because of this, churches that used to come and go in the hope of a spiritual home are particularly cold and quiet today.

Luo Chen sat in the first row of seats in the empty and holy hall, flipping through the books in his hand.

These are books about other planets brought by extraterrestrial civilizations thousands of years ago, from which countless cultural practices light years away can be learned.

Not only that, but also their history, technology, and growth can be broadly understood.

“The development of any civilization is like a wonderful stage play.” [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

For the past two hundred years, Luo Chen has basically been reading these books.

Thanks to this, I have a lot of deep impressions on a large number of civilizations and intelligent life races.

Including the factions of the various star gods, the organizations derived from them.

For example, there are not only antimatter legions under the Star God of Destruction, but also the “Annihilation Gang” established under his banner.

However, Nanuk did not look at it at all, and despised these people who pursued so-called “destruction” because of their selfish desires.

“They are likely to become believers in original sin in the future.”

Not Catholicism, of course, but the other extreme of dualism.

Talking to himself, Luo Chen was more interested in the situation of the Genius Club.

For example, Rupert I, ranked twenty-seventh, with the title “Emperor”, was upgraded from a mechanical to an intelligent being.

It set off an anti-life war that swept half of the galaxy, established an anti-life equation, and upheld the will to destroy any natural intelligent life…

“Narrowing the scope a little, the abyss disaster that Rheindot unintentionally set off in Teyvat is almost the same magnitude of disaster in their respective worlds.”

If that guy is placed in the galaxy since he was a child, and not limited to Tivat, it is estimated that Gao Xiao must also be one of the members of the Genius Club.

Guessing this, Luo Chen suddenly raised his head.

Because of the empty church, there was a crisp sound of footsteps, and it was getting closer and closer.

He followed the prestige and was greeted by a tall blonde royal sister.

The blue trench coat is draped over the plump and slender body, and the high curve protrudes the white shirt into a worrying shape.

The woman wears a hard military hat underneath which are pitch-black high-heeled boots with a loud stampede, covered with silver barbs mixed with metal.


Luo Chen read the other party’s name and stared at the mature and steady beautiful face.

Today’s Alisa is close to thirty years old, no longer the young and immature girl she used to be, heroic and harsh.

This is the temperament that comes with being the supreme ruler of Belloberg for a long time.

On her chest, a golden cross representing the status of a noble “goddaughter” shines, and many dazzling medallions dangle on a slightly flying blue trench coat.

The Great Guardian came in front of him, and his originally cold and mature face suddenly melted like spring snow.

Alisa leaned over slightly, crossed her fingers and clenched, knelt down on one knee and said:

“Your Highness, I have come to listen to your teachings again.”

The moment she lowered her head, an unconcealable affection appeared in her eyes.

Luo Chen raised his hand slightly and signaled the other party to get up.

“Belloberg’s work is done?”

“Recently, the silver-maned iron guard has pushed the battle line outward, everything is in order, and the affairs are not complicated, so I can still find time.”

Alisa explained a little.

Even though she became the Great Guardian five years ago, she did not give up coming every seven days to hear the teachings.

After ten years of getting along, he has long fallen in love with this gentle and mysterious holy son.

But Alyssa knew that this relationship must end in vain.

His Highness the Son and she are people of two worlds, and I just want to be able to listen to His teachings forever and have this little happiness.

Other than that, there was one place that delighted her.

Embarked on the path of faith in the Lord, and he had the ability to maintain his youth.

Although she could not prevent the loss of life, until the moment of death, she could leave with a young appearance and ascend to heaven.

At that time, he will serve the Son as a “spirit”.

After all, the star god does not need to be protected by a small “spirit”.

Looking at the mature blonde royal sister who has grown completely.

Luo Chen stood up and walked slowly to the huge 4.7 glass floor-to-ceiling window and said:

“Today, your faith is so strong that you no longer need to listen to my teachings.”

Through the large painted transparent glass, you can see that the city of Beckerberg has many other colors than before.

Priests and priests in pure white robes occasionally walk by street corners.

Believers who distribute Bible doctrine are also making friends to ask inquiring citizens.

Alisa followed closely, and her gaze of hidden affection could finally fall on Luo Chen’s back without concealment.

“Your Highness is the way forward for me at all times, and I don’t think I fully understand the teachings.”

Totally understood?

Luo Chen was a little speechless, judging by the devotion of his faith today.

Alisa came first without any doubt, and the twelve apostles were slightly inferior.

When the earthly body ends, she will surely step into the gate of heaven under the welcome of angels.

“In that case, I’ll tell you again.”

Retracting his gaze, Luo Chen turned back to face the first Great Guardian.

At the same time, the affection in Alisa’s eyes also happened to be hidden.

“Thank you for Your Highness’s tolerance and being able to tolerate my foolishness.”

The blonde royal sister bowed her head lightly to show her affection.

It is different from the cold and cold of being the supreme ruler of the city outside.

In front of him, Alyssa hopes that she will always be the immature girl she was.

The only pity is that such days can last for decades at most.

How nice it would be if time could stand still at this moment.

With a little selfishness, the blonde royal sister listened to Luo Chen’s gentle and steady voice, and a shallow smile was drawn at the corner of her mouth.

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