Get rich all over the world starting from growing vegetables

Chapter 211 Substandard nutrient solution with excessive radiation

On the other side of the planet, the city where trumpet Tang Xuan is staying in the hotel is the landfill in Xuanyuan District, 30 kilometers away.

The moon was sparse, and under the dark night, a hover car took advantage of the lack of light in the middle of the night to silently enter the landfill area from above, heading straight for the X-123 landfill pit with a clear purpose.

The hover car stopped at the edge of the unfilled garbage pit.

After a while, several old land-based pickup trucks appeared in the darkness, also parked beside the garbage pit.

A group of big men came out of the small truck and stood aside, looking at each other very darkly. After all the young men were in place, a thin man got out of the small truck at the front.

The thin man looked around and headed towards the hover car. When he approached, the window of the back seat of the hover car was lowered, and a fat man with a fat face sat on the seat, "Well, are you here?"

"Hello, Brother Wang!" The thin man greeted with some respect and replied, "Everyone has been brought."

"Yeah." After taking a look at the many big men, Brother Wang nodded with satisfaction. He stretched out his arm that was leaning against the car window and held a cigarette in his hand. "Smoke one."

"Thank you, Brother Wang."

They took the cigarette and puffed away the smoke.

"Is it surrounded?"

"Brother Wang, don't worry. My people are guarding every intersection around the X-123 pit to ensure that those scavengers cannot get in."

"That's good."

Smoking cigarettes, the two of them talked incessantly.

About an hour later, the spacecraft signal light appeared in the dark night sky above. A spaceship broke through the vast night and gradually revealed its figure.

"Here we come, don't let anyone get in." Brother Wang ordered again.

"Brother Wang, don't worry."

The spaceship is obviously a garbage transport ship, here to throw away garbage.

Soon, the spacecraft arrived above the X-123 garbage pit, and then unloaded the cargo directly above the ground more than ten meters above the ground.

With a whoosh, a lot of stuff poured out of the spacecraft and fell into the garbage pit, causing the entire ground to tremble.

In just a quarter of an hour, the spacecraft was cleaned up, and after completing the garbage disposal operation, it took off and returned.

"Let your people find the yellow shockproof box." Brother Wang gave the order.

"Did you hear that? Come down and look for it!" The thin man immediately shouted to his men.

A group of big men climbed into the garbage pit with ropes attached.

Soon, yellow boxes were pulled up one by one and loaded onto the truck.

"Each box is 10,000 pieces. This batch should have 500 boxes. Don't miss it."

"Brother Wang, don't worry." The thin man assured, and then asked cautiously, "Can I see the goods first?"


Walking to the box and opening the outermost shock-proof layer, the thin man saw the seal and the word "destroy" in big letters.

Taking a closer look at the strips on the seal, the thin man understood. No wonder the price was so low. The radiation value of this batch of nutrient solution exceeded the standard and should have been destroyed.

The man surnamed Wang bribed his connections and secretly threw it here in the form of 'garbage'.

Returning to Brother Wang, the thin man asked a little worriedly, "Brother Wang, will something happen to this batch of goods...?"

"What happened? What could happen?" Brother Wang didn't care at all.

The radiation exceeds the standard!

The thin man felt a little uneasy, "But..."

"Ma Qi, this is something I finally got! There are more than 100 million pieces in total! This batch of 5 million pieces, the price I gave you is only 0.9. If you don't want it, tell me earlier and I'll contact someone else!"

The price is 1 star coin, so you don’t have to worry about selling! Sold them all for a total of 500,000! If he sells it for 1.2 or 1.5, that's several million! What's more, this is still the first batch. With so many people in this Xuanyuan District, even 10 million cans can be sold easily. The thin man Ma Qiyi gritted his teeth, seeking wealth and wealth at risk, and did it!

"No, no, no, brother Wang, I want it!"

"That's right, ha!" He laughed. Fatty Brother Wang patted Ma Qi on the shoulder and explained, "Who among those who live in the garbage dump has not survived with radiation? Isn't it because the radiation level exceeds the standard? One or two points? Those people are pretentious and can't eat! What are they afraid of here? So what if a few people are eaten to death? The radiation here is already high. Are there still so few people who die from radiation sickness every year? What's more? They are all gangsters and their lives are worthless!"

"Brother Wang is right. Brother Wang is still the big one. I completely rely on Brother Wang to take care of me!" Ma Qi hurriedly flattered.

"Don't worry, there will be a way to get rich in the future, and I will take you with me!"

"Brother Wang is a righteous man! From now on, Brother Wang will be my biological brother! If Brother Wang has something to do, just ask him, I will do my best to help you..."

After the factory matters were finalized, Tang Ranran returned to the hotel and hung up the trumpet.

Tang Xuan had a piece of good news in his mind, which came from Zhou Yuanji.

Tang Ranran's advertising in the live broadcast is still very effective. Many growers who are interested in cooperation have approached Zhou Yuanji.

However, it is still unknown whether watermelon is a new variety and whether it will be difficult to grow or whether it can be grown successfully. Most growers have concerns and choose to wait and see. However, a few activists have decisively chosen to join.

During this period, in addition to the Beiqixing planting base, Zhou Yuanji also developed five franchisees.

Of the 5 billion franchise fee, 4.5 billion belongs to Tang Ranran, oh, before tax, and tax will be deducted.

After deducting 8%, there is still 4.14 billion.

The money is still going through the process and will all be received before the end of the month.

Zhou Yuanji gave her a very detailed relevant information, which recorded the total number of watermelon seeds, how many were left, and the information of the five franchisees.

Tang Ranran took a serious look at them. Three of them he didn't recognize, but the remaining two were He Lanxing Guye Green Planting Co., Ltd. and An Bai Yuexing Lufeng Forestry Planting Development Co., Ltd.

Guye Green Planting, anything with the word "Guye" is basically a branch of Guye Group.

Guye Group, like Xie's Hengsheng, is a long-established large enterprise with a history of ten thousand years, a super-large behemoth. It is said that the Gu family is also a long-established family in the first galaxy, a powerful family at the top of the empire's pyramid.

After feeling envious, Tang Ranran focused on Lufeng Forestry.

Lu Feng is a person. This person Tang Ranran knows. She has watched his live broadcast. He is the 'big grower Lu Dafa' next door to her. He is a tall and thin man. This guy does not cover his face, so his vest has long been taken off by netizens. .

Lu Feng has a baby face and looks a little breasty. He likes to wear suits and leather shoes with gold-rimmed glasses to look mature and elegant.

This Lu Feng's life can be called a Long Aotian-style male protagonist. It is said that he started from scratch. In more than ten years, he has established the empire of several planets. There are no less than five cultivated planets in the industry under Lu Feng's name. As for Whether it was rented or bought is unknown.

Some netizens speculated that Lu Feng was SS level, while others said he was SSS level. Some said he was the illegitimate son of a high-level psychic from a large family. Some said he was of ordinary origin and had an adventure as a boy. Anyway, his mental level was at least SS. Level, very capable of growing vegetables.

Lu Feng's live broadcasts are basically about growing vegetables and advertising. When a certain vegetable on the planet reaches the maturity and fruiting stage, he will come up to advertise, promote his own vegetables, and sell vegetables through live broadcasts.

The pure food produced by Lufeng Forestry is very popular and can only be purchased online.

Tang Ranran has watched several of his past live broadcast videos. To be fair, Lu Feng's vegetable growing ability is better than hers simply by relying on supernatural powers.

But she had the spiritual power to cheat, and with the addition of the breathing technique, Tang Ranran could beat him not just by a few blocks, but by a few planets!

Although not as powerful as her, she is a real wood type and is the best partner. Join Lufeng Forestry and you won’t have to worry about growing watermelons.

Tang Ranran estimates that Lufeng Forestry will be able to sell watermelons in three or four months. By then, a large amount of patent tax will be incurred!

And with the successful planting case of Lufeng Forestry, franchisees who are waiting to see the situation will continue to come.

Ha, you just sit there and collect money while doing nothing!

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