Get rich all over the world starting from growing vegetables

Chapter 222 The tragic virus outbreak area

After donating the money, Tang Ranran continued divination in his own flat.

After divining dozens of hexagrams for myself, I finally got some clues.

There are various indications that the reason why she cannot upgrade is: merit and karma.

Merit is easy to understand, that is, doing good deeds will bring merit, and if you achieve it, you will benefit the world. In his previous life in the sect, Tang Ranran received the education that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. As an immortal cultivator, he must protect mortals and bring blessings to his side.

The orthodox immortal cultivators of most sects all follow the path of slaying demons, rooting out evil, and benefiting the common people.

It is said that evil cultivators who do too many bad things will eventually die from thunder disasters.

As for whether this is true or false, Tang Ranran doesn't know, anyway, this is the education of their Dan sect.

Although she stayed at home in her previous life, she refined countless healing elixirs, which can be regarded as a lot of merit.

So, in this life, my cultivation has been stuck because of insufficient merit?

But hasn’t she already donated 61 billion and helped so many people in Beiqixing?

Forget it, just do more good deeds and save people.

As for another cause and effect...

In her previous life, Tang Ranran had a transcarnation, which was equivalent to herself, but in this life, she came through halfway and picked up the body.

The original owner died by herself, which had nothing to do with her. But after all, she picked up the body of the original owner, which was regarded as a debt of karma. And based on the 'money' she had calculated many times, Tang Ranran had a guess.

Maybe it really has something to do with her farm’s krypton gold.

Although it is said that it was because of her efforts to turn the situation around that she avoided bankruptcy and made a lot of money from Xie, but in the end, the money consisted of: her deceased original parents and the property left by the original person.

She usually uses it for herself, and she doesn't use it much, so it's nothing.

But he directly spent more than 100 billion to buy raw ore fragments of Star Diamond and used them all on the farm.

Is it a kind of...private use of public funds?

Well, you can’t say that.

Anyway, that’s pretty much what it means.

Combining merit and cause and effect, Tang Ranran came to the conclusion: do more good deeds and accumulate merit, and her huge sum of money will be used for the original person and her parents. They are both dead, so naturally she will donate money according to the beliefs of this world. , set up a monument of merit and virtue.

Of course, this was just her preliminary speculation, and she wasn't sure whether it was actually the case.

Anyway, let’s try it first.

It would definitely be unrealistic to donate all the money at once. Tang Ranran decided to learn from Uncle Lei's spirit first and go out to save some people and do good deeds.

It's a dark and windy night here on my side, Tang Ranran, but on the other side of the planet, here on the other side of the planet, where the trumpet Tang Xuan is, the sun is shining brightly outside.

Open Zhi Nao, pull out the map, and check the surrounding area.

To the northeast of the city where she is located, 30 miles away, is a vast landfill with more than 200 large garbage landfill pits.

Xuanyuan District Landfill.

Well, just go there and have a look.

The puppet body is not afraid of radiation and insect bites, so Tang Ranran is not worried at all.

After leaving the hotel room, going up to the top floor, releasing the hover car, Tang Ranran drove the hover car towards the northeast.

After leaving the city and driving for dozens of minutes, Tang Ranran saw a huge industrial park. According to the map annotation, this was the Jinhui Scrap Processing Park.

Around every landfill, there are always one or two waste processing parks.

When passing over the scrap processing park, Tang Ranran slowed down and took another look, and then she saw a long queue.

There was a long queue in front of the entrance and exit in the northeast direction of the scrap yard, a winding queue with no end in sight.

They were a group of ragged people, carrying packages on their backs and leaning on crutches. They were all thin and thin.


These two words immediately appeared in Tang Ranran's mind.

This direction is obviously coming from the landfill.

After taking a closer look, Tang Ranran saw the military police maintaining order. So was the government transferring the refugees?

After a few glances, Tang Ranran stopped paying attention and continued towards the garbage dump.

Along the way to the garbage dump area, on the ground below, there were refugees in small groups, walking together towards the processing park.

Obviously, the garbage dump area in Xuanyuan District is no longer suitable for human survival.

After driving for about ten minutes, a huge landfill appeared below.

Viewed from above, the entire landfill area is very vast and cannot be seen at all. The entire area is full of pits and pits, filled with large and small landfill pits.

The large ones are four to five kilometers in diameter, and the small ones are no less than 1 kilometer in diameter.

There are a large number of landfill pits, a small part of which have been filled with garbage, forming the appearance of a garbage mountain, but most of them have not yet been filled.

Around the huge garbage pit, dozens of meters away, standard shantytowns and small houses made of various metal plates were densely packed around it like a honeycomb.

Crowded, dilapidated, messy and dirty, even if you just look at it from a distance, you can't help but feel a kind of suffocating despair.

This is where the underworld lives.

Seeing it with his own eyes, Tang Ranran sighed inwardly, and then while driving slowly in the high altitude, he used the live flight camera as a surveillance camera to check the situation below at close range.

As the flight camera entered below, the scene on the ground was clearly fed back.

In the shanty towns around the outer garbage pit, there are many refugees walking together. Each one is holding a weapon such as a wooden stick and is quickly leaving the garbage dump and heading towards the scrap yard.

Under the close-range shooting of the camera, Tang Ranran could see the expressions on people's faces, some were indifferent, some were frightened and frightened, and some were full of vigilance and worry...

There were vaguely strange sounds around the crowd.

Rustling, like insects crawling, and like insects chewing.

As the camera searched, a large number of black bugs and white bugs entered the camera lens in the dark corner.

Just like the one in the picture, this is the black-armored spiny cockroach and its larvae.

In the dark corners where the sunlight cannot shine, there are swarms of insects everywhere. In some places, exposed white bones can be seen under the cover of insect swarms.

After looking around with the camera, Tang Ranran discovered the many skeletons covered by swarms of insects in the corner.

This number is simply one dead soul in three steps.

The dead were eaten up, and the living could not escape the attacks of insects. Even if there were hordes of people, whenever they passed through a dark corner, a group of big black insects would emerge from time to time.

People waved their weapons and struck with sticks to scare away the insect swarms.

Tang Ranran was shocked. She didn't feel anything when Kang Chen said it, but now that she saw it with her own eyes, it was too touching.

It's... it's really a hell on earth with corpses everywhere!

This is just a garbage dump, 58 garbage dumps, wouldn’t all of them have become like this?

It's really too bad.

Based on Kang Chen's previous fundraising behavior, Tang Ranran guessed that he wanted to take care of it, but he had no money in his pocket. After she switches back to her true self, she’d better donate more money! (End of chapter)

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