Get rich all over the world starting from growing vegetables

Chapter 225 Plant a piece of ‘potato’

Tang Ranran walked two or three kilometers with a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, and then met the men from the same team who had escaped earlier.

The men were lingering in place, and in front of them was a dark alley.

This is the only way to leave, either by climbing on the roofs of the densely packed simple shanty houses, or by walking through this alley.

In the dim alley, the clicking sound of insects chewing could be clearly heard. The sound was extremely creepy. It was conceivable that the alley was filled with a lot of insects.

The men hesitated and stopped in front of the alley, not daring to go deeper.

Tang Ranran ignored them and walked forward into the crowd, obviously intending to pass through. The dozen or so people behind her immediately followed her footsteps and moved forward in unison.

Passing through the crowd, Lu Qi, who was a few years older than Xiao Yi, his eyes lit up and he ran to Alan in surprise, "Mom, it's great that you're okay!"

"Yeah." Alan smiled lightly and didn't say much, just said, "Go back and stay with your dad."

"Oh." Lu Qi felt a little depressed, but finally returned to his father.

Noticing this movement, Tang Ranran immediately understood that this little boy should be Alan's child, the child his father took back to raise.

Without paying too much attention, Tang Ranran walked directly into the alley.

Like a human-shaped killer weapon, as soon as Tang Ranran approached, the insects immediately retreated. The faintly audible sound of crunching and chewing immediately turned into a rustling sound of crawling away.

With his outstanding five senses and enhanced night vision, Tang Ranran could clearly see that this alley was full of corpses.

Some have been eaten away, leaving only the bones, and some are still bloody and bloody. They look like they have just died, and their faces are still covered with flesh, with a look of fear and death. These fresh ones are probably from the first few batches. The unlucky ones who evacuated.

"Let's go."

Tang Ranran turned around and said hello with a calm expression.

A dozen old, weak, sick and disabled people immediately sped up and followed her, while a large army of dozens of men also chose to follow behind them without hesitation.

With Tang Ranran around, not a single insect dared to show up.

After successfully passing the alley, Tang Ranran led everyone to move forward.

After walking for another hour, about four or five kilometers, people began to appear around who had not yet evacuated, or were in the process of evacuating.

Tang Ranran, dressed in combat camouflage uniform, was incompatible with this environment and stood out from the crowd.

Many people regarded her as an armed personnel sent by the government, and the team following Tang Ranran grew larger and larger.

There were more and more people following them, and Tang Ranran didn't mind. As long as they didn't cause trouble, she didn't bother to care.

I walked around until sunset, and finally walked out of the garbage dump.

Some people in the crowd couldn't help but cheer, some hugged each other and cried with joy, and most of them looked like they had survived a catastrophe.

Once outside the dump area, there is almost no sign of the bugs.

The garbage dump and the scrap garden span about ten kilometers. In between is a desolate area with lush weeds. There is a trail made by vehicles on the grassland, which spans about ten kilometers.

At night, the temperature is tens of degrees. Although it is cold, it is not freezing to death. You can get over it if you can endure it.

After surviving the night, we will definitely reach the scrapyard during the day tomorrow.

Just leaving the garbage dump and without the income from picking up garbage, how can they survive?

After a brief moment of joy, everyone fell into deep worry and panic.

Many people have their minds set on Tang Ranran.

"Sir, we have no food, can you please?"

"Sir, the government will take care of us, right? Can we get free food?"

"Sir, we have no food. My child is starving to death. Please save the child!"

Faced with the refugees who were crying and begging, Tang Ranran felt a little headache after being surrounded by people.

"Get out of the way." Using intimidation, Tang Ranran shouted sternly.

In fear, the people surrounding her immediately dispersed and shrank to one side in fear.

Striding away, Tang Ranran walked more than ten meters away from the crowd.

Looking back at the crowd, Tang Ranran estimated that there were about one or two thousand people, not too many.

Pretending to pull it from space, but actually pulling it from the basement of her farm, Tang Ranran took out a crop, soil fruit.

This is an ordinary vine that can produce fruits that look like potatoes. Because they grow in the ground, they are called soil fruits.

In a radiation environment, the soil fruit itself will retain radiation, but the radiation value of the object will not exceed 3. It can fill the stomach and is a commonly used raw material for the production of low-radiation nutrient solutions.

Although the soil fruit can survive in a radiation environment, the level of environmental radiation will affect its fruiting rate.

The environmental radiation here is around 18. Under natural growth conditions, it is almost impossible for the soil fruit vine to bear fruit.

But with her around, of course it wouldn't grow naturally.

Tang Ranran threw the fruit on the ground and started to encourage it to grow.

As an ordinary crop with tenacious vitality, even if Tang Ranran used the wood-type superpower to promote planting, it would be effortless.

Soon, Tang Ranran planted a large area of ​​vines, covering five or six acres of land. It was estimated that there were several kilograms of soil fruits. Tang Ranran stopped working and turned to face the group of stretching vines behind. The refugee, who was looking at him eagerly, waved.

"The fruit is underground, with radiation levels below 3. It is edible. Anyone who wants to eat it must dig it themselves, and you are not allowed to snatch it from others!"

After Tang Ranran finished speaking, everyone rushed over to the vines, pulling out and digging them. Everyone worked very hard, fearing that others would rob them all if it was too late.

Alan, Xiao Yi and Er Ya also worked on the front line of digging fruits. As for Douding, who was still unconscious, he was placed on a small mound higher than the ground.

Looking at that small figure, Tang Ranran couldn't bear it, so she finally walked over and took a look.

There are still large black and purple bruises on Xiao Douding's face and arms, but they seem to be a little lighter?

Tang Ranran knelt down, stretched out her hand to feel his breath, and her breathing became stronger.

That is, the red blood fruit is working.

I don’t know if the weight of this unit is enough for this terminally ill child?

After much hesitation, Tang Ranran did not use the cure.

She didn't know the effect of spiritual healing. It would be a shame if a healing spell resurrected her with full health.

Forget it, that's it for today. When I get back, I'll ask Kang Chen if there is any specific medicine for this disease. Prescribing the right medicine will have better results.

Looking back at the crowd who were still struggling to dig out the fruit, Tang Ranran stood up and left.

After walking a certain distance, Tang Ranran released the hover car, got on the car, started it, took off, drove, and returned to the city... (End of this chapter)

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