The plan is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

High-strength mercenaries, especially mercenaries with special abilities, only have code names and no photos!

On the mercenary network, most of the powerful and famous ones keep their true identities secret, perhaps because they want to keep a low profile, or perhaps because they have made too many enemies and are afraid of being sought for revenge by their enemies.

Hiring mercenaries is just like opening a blind box, a good-looking boy band member or something like that, it’s shattered!

Tang Ranran: Hey...

Keep refreshing your aura!

Throw the spirit plant, throw the spirit plant, throw the spirit plant... Then the feedback from Yan Qian's marrow cleansing potion came over.

Yan Qian took the remaining six marrow-cleansing potions and divided them immediately because he was worried about affecting the effectiveness of the medicine.

People have close relationships, and Yan Qian is no exception. Not to mention the big Yan family, the small family on his parents' side alone has a large number of people, so of course he came with his own people first.

Yan Qian's father, his mental power was at the SSSS level at his peak. However, due to age and hidden injuries, although he has not yet entered the aging period, his body was overdrawn in advance and went downhill. Decades ago, his mental power degraded to SSS level.

Mental strength will not only decline during the aging period, but also when the body suffers huge damage, or the body's various functions decline and ages prematurely. Such situations will also cause mental strength to decline, and may even lead to direct collapse.

Kang Chen's father is a ready-made example of mental breakdown caused by mental violence.

After taking the marrow cleansing potion, Yan Qian's father's mental power returned to SSSS level! There’s not even a ‘-’, it’s a stable SSSS level!

In addition to the recovery of mental power, various physical functions have also improved. Although they have not returned to their peak state, they have definitely recovered to 70% to 80%.

Yan Qian's mother, who has SSS level of mental strength, after taking the marrow cleansing medicine, she became whiter, tenderer and wrinkled, and she looked more than 20 years younger. The beauty and beauty effect is very outstanding. As for the strength, there is no change and it is still stable at SSS level.

Sister Yan Qian, her mental power is SS level. After taking the marrow cleansing potion, she became more beautiful, and her mental power has also reached a '++' state, and she is expected to break through to SSS level.

Sister Yan Qian happened to be stuck at the age of thirty this year. Her original mental strength of 'SS++' directly broke through to SSS level after taking the marrow cleansing potion.

Yan Qian's younger brother is still a young boy under twenty years old. He is still in school and his mental strength is only 'S++'. After taking the marrow cleansing medicine, the effect was remarkable and he directly became 'SS+'.

Yan Qian gave the last marrow-cleansing medicine to his elderly grandma. The two elderly people pushed and pushed each other, and finally it was Yan Qian's grandma who took it.

Grandma Yan Gan is already 188 years old this year. At her peak, her mental power was SSS level, but now her mental power has degraded to 'S——'. In two years at most, this S level will not be maintained.

After taking the marrow cleansing potion, Grandma Yan Qian not only looked twenty or thirty years younger in appearance, but her mental strength also recovered from 'S——' to 'SS'.

The span of this mental power level, based on the rate of mental power degradation, is at least fifteen years.

According to the empire's existing academic knowledge on the "correlated effects of mental power level and life span after entering the aging period", it can be said that Grandma Yan Qian's life span has increased by more than fifteen years.

This is the preliminary result. Now Yan Qian's grandma and Yan Qian's father have entered the planet's highest medical research institute to test various physical data and conduct related harmless human experiments.

After giving detailed data, Yan Qian called Tang Xuanhao, and the two discussed it via video.

Potions that enhance mental power are very valuable, but with 40% of the JS element in front, even if the marrow-cleansing potion is more effective than it, it won't cause any big trouble.

But if measured, it was verified that the marrow cleansing medicine really has the effect of 'increasing lifespan', and this lifespan increase is not like a long-term process that requires persistence like eating pure food, but an immediate effect within 24 hours.

For the elderly who have entered the aging period, this is an irresistible temptation. The older generation, after years of accumulation, has accumulated wealth and power that is absolutely unimaginable.

If the old people go crazy, it can definitely be solved harmoniously within the empire, but there is no airtight wall in the world. The Federation next door, the Zerg on the border, and the aliens in the Free Alliance will also take action after hearing the news.

By then, as Tang Xuan, who can grow vegetables and grow large trees that are raw materials for marrow cleaning medicine, he will be a living target!

My head hurts! !

It really hurts!

I was just thinking about auctioning the marrow cleansing potion, so I decided to do it!

How to do it?

Yan Qian gave two suggestions. First, Tang Xuan (Tang Ranran) went to Military Star to avoid the limelight. Military stars that ordinary people cannot enter have greater security guarantees.

But if Tang Ranran is going to the military star, she will be exposed to the outside world. Even if others don't guess that Tang Ranran is the real owner, they still have to create a "girlfriend" or "sister" of Tang Xuan. identity. Then Tang Ranran himself is likely to become a living target.

If Tang Ranran is unwilling to go to Military Star, then the military department will send a powerful personal guard to Su Pingrui to protect Tang Xuan personally.

The Imperial General Military Headquarters is already holding a meeting to discuss how to protect Tang Xuan's safety. The final result is almost inseparable, either to go to the military star or the army to send personal guards. There is definitely no escape from this two choices.

Later, Yan Qian also suggested that the raw materials for the marrow washing medicine, that is, living plants, be dispersed to share the risks.

Yan Qian has already contacted Gu Siyao and received feedback based on relevant experiments.

Gu Siyao from SSS, with all his efforts in growing vegetables, is sure to grow one chalcedony mushroom every half a month.

Chen Feng, an SSS-level time-grower, is sure to grow one chalcedony mushroom a month with all his efforts.

SS-level Zhu Dahai, with all his efforts in growing vegetables, is sure to have one chalcedony mushroom in three months.

SS-level Gu Jiajia is a novice. She can't grow at all. She can only be equivalent to an emergency doctor. From time to time, she can input a little wood energy into chalcedony to maintain her immortal state.

Therefore, chalcedony with a purification value of 67 and powerful SS-level wood type should be able to be planted.

As long as Tang Ranran sells live plants and more wood types have raw materials in their hands, isn't the probability of foreign forces targeting her small?

There is a hint of diverting misfortune to the east.

Wrong, the raw materials of the marrow cleansing potion cannot be said to be a disaster, but a source of wealth! And high returns often exist at the same time as high risks.

Do you want wealth but don’t want to take risks?

There is nothing so beautiful!

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