One eye + line , just pick the important data to read , and browse the stack of files in a short while .

” Okay , keep busy , little one , don’t mind me !”

Continuing to walk around the company , all departments showed their faces , brushed their presence , and finally Xia Ze came to the technical department .

The Big Four are still in the state of development maniacs. All of them are sloppy , have no shavings , and always have dark circles under their eyes , just like four giant pandas . It is also their normal state to have a leftover lunch box on the table .

” Boss !”

Zhang Yiming and others who found Xia Ze were very happy .

Only when Xia Ze came , could they put down the keyboard in their hands .

” The system you asked us to build to collect large databases is almost there !”

Zhang Yiming smiled .

” Oh , is it ?”

Xia Ze was refreshed , and this time he mainly came for this .

Today’s society is a rapidly developing society , with advanced technology and information explosion , the interaction between human beings and the network is getting closer and closer , ” big data ” is the product of this high-tech era. thing .

” big data ” refers to the phenomenon of user network behavior data generated and accumulated by Internet companies in their daily operations .

How big is big data ?

a group of surveys , in one day, all the content generated by the Internet today can fill 168 million DVDs ; annual number of paper letters ); 2 million community posts ( equivalent to 770 years of Time magazine text ) ; 378,000 mobile phones sold , more than every day in the world 371,000 babies born …

So what is big data good for ?

What it does is unimaginable !

For example, Toutiao and Douyin use special algorithms to monitor and collect users’ reading behaviors , so as to calculate the content that each person may be most interested in .

People who often use Douyin should feel the same way . When you often browse a certain type of content , such as travel , Douyin will recommend a lot of short videos to you about travel .

For example, food games or other content such as mother and baby , the same is true .

Toutiao and Douyin can quickly achieve success , capture the hearts of users and keep them active , thanks to big data algorithms .

This is one of the roles of big data to accurately locate users !

Apart from that, another example .

One of the daily tasks of the CEO of a capital company in Hua Er Street is to use computer programs to analyze the messages of hundreds of millions of scarf accounts around the world , and then judge the sentiment of the people , and then use ” ? ” ? 1″ to “50” for a score . Based on the score , decide what to do with the millions of dollars in stock in your hands .

rule of thumb is simple : if everyone seems happy , buy ; if anxiety rises , sell .

The recruiting worked well — the company earned a decent yield in the first quarter of that year .

Predicting financial fluctuations is also one of the roles of big data !

The Los Angeles Police Department and the University of California are partnering to use big data to predict crime .

Google Flu Trends uses search keywords to predict the spread of bird flu .

Statistician Nate Seaver uses big data to predict beautiful clan election results .

Ma Polytechnic uses cell phone location data and traffic data to build urban planning .

Macy’s real-time pricing mechanism , the company’s SAS -based system makes real-time price adjustments on up to 73 million items based on demand and inventory .

These are big data .

There is also a classic case of deep application of big data .

If you have watched the Manway sci-fi movie ” Pretty Captain 2 ” , you should be impressed by a certain plot in it .

The insight plan of the big villain Hydra organization in the movie : all the behavioral characteristics of a person from birth to the present , including education , place of birth , bank card , consumption behavior , life behavior Wait as a label , and finally speculate whether this person will pose a threat to the organization in the future . Then use the positioning system to kill these people through the helicarrier , and never bring a new order !

This is the scary part of big data !

When the data you have is massive enough and the algorithm is accurate enough , you can even judge whether a person is shitting with Vader or Jierou , just like that !

The application of big data is showing its advantages more and more , and the field it occupies is also getting bigger and bigger .

E-commerce , 020 , logistics and distribution , online loans , etc.

You can use big data to plan real-time traffic routes for thousands of delivery vehicles and avoid congestion .

You can analyze all SKUs, price and clear inventory with the goal of maximizing profit .

push other offers that may be of interest to customers based on their purchasing habits .

You can quickly identify Gold customers from a large number of customers .

You can use clickstream analysis and data mining to avoid fraud .

You can judge whether an online loan customer has the ability to repay .

and so on.

Some experts likened big data to the oil of the information age. This sentence is very appropriate .

With big data , you can do anything with less effort .

Xia Ze was reborn from an era where big data applications were already very widespread, and of course he knew how important this was .

Now what he has asked the Big Four to develop is the most powerful big data collection system !

Through the super-occupancy Shenlong OS and the overseas version of Douyin , he can master massive amounts of big data information around the world . Even if he sits on Xia Guo’s side , he can always understand the opportunities at any time . This is a business decision . The strategic advantages are incomparable .

” Let me see !”

There is a career

Zhang Yibei gave up his seat .

Sitting in front of the computer, the more Xia Ze looked, the more excited he became .

” Not bad , your development progress is much faster than I thought , and the idea is the same as what I said , there are only some details , but only small problems !”

” Hey , that goes without saying !”

Su Hua is proud .

” Boss , as soon as you put forward the concept of big data , we feel like it’s crazy , and every day we want to make this data collection system as soon as possible , and now it finally pays off. Hope ! ”

– ” Well , you’ve done a great job , but don’t be too quick to get your body down . Remember , your body is the capital of your life ! After I’ve got the system in place , I have to give You have a short holiday , you can go on a trip or do whatever you want . In short, you are not allowed to come to the company to work during that time ! ”

The Big Four are good at everything , but they work too hard . This is an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time .

Xia Ze was really worried that their bodies would consume too much .

So even if they don’t want to take a vacation , they have to take a vacation !

As a boss , you still need to be concerned .

” Understood , boss , don’t worry , our bodies are strong !”

” We went to the hospital for a checkup last week , nothing happened !”

” Boss , can you stop taking vacations , traveling is too boring !”

After staying in the technical department until the evening when he got off work , Xia Ze forcibly drove the Big Four away , preventing a few madmen from working overtime , and then left the company .

On the way home , he remembered something .

the way , today is Tang Zhiyan’s birthday .

Some time ago, Bai Mengru came to Xiaoyangfang for a live broadcast , and offered to surprise her best friend as a friend .

I didn’t take it to heart at the time , until now I wake up .

” It’s a birthday anyway , how about a little gift …”

Xia Ze muttered to himself , and soon had an idea in his heart .

Pick up the phone , open Doudou , find a contact , and send a message .

Well , that’s it , you don’t even need to buy gifts , saving trouble and money !

Back to the small bungalow , had dinner , and took a bath .

At night , when it was time to go out , Xia Ze opened the closet and picked out clothes for a while before deciding to put on a small casual slim suit .

He usually dresses casually , and as soon as the wardrobe is opened , which set is which one gets at a glance , but tonight it is unprecedentedly tangled .

Xiao Yu had already gone out first , and went to Tang Zhiyan to help with the arrangement .

drove to my ex-fiancee’s small villa , which was also the venue for tonight’s birthday party , and unexpectedly found that there were very few people .

The guests were only Yang Jixiao, Xiao Yu and Bai Mengru who were the most familiar members of the sister group , and the man was even himself .

I remember the first time I came to her birthday party and paid 50 million yuan . There were many guests here .

last two years . Tang Zhiyan’s mentality has quietly undergone great changes .

Her whole person has become more low-key .

hadn’t planned on this birthday , but Bai Mengru insisted on celebrating her birthday . Tang Zhiyan couldn’t resist the kindness of the sisters , so she agreed . The small villa was already set up very festively , Xiao Yu, Yang Xin and Bai Mengru were both there , but Tang Zhiyan was not seen .

The ex-fianc�e went home to have dinner with her parents , and will come a little later .

The person who first discovered Xia Ze was Xiang Xiang .

The little girl ran over happily .

” , . aunt ”

When Jin Dao swallowed it again , Xiangxiang changed her tone and said, ” Boss Xia , you are here !”

It has been a year since the two parties dissolved their engagement .

This is the first time Xia Ze has returned to the small villa .

Xiangxiang’s name couldn’t get used to it for a while .

I always thought it was weird to be called Boss Xia .

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