Su Ke was slightly surprised, and cast his gaze at Isxia.

The person who fought on the Guangyue Ship was clearly Shen Liuyue.

After three months of slumber, when the Island of Beginning was awakened, Issia and Christine had mentioned the current situation of other people.

At that time, Shen Liuyue still belonged to the group of people who had their own boats and went forward alone, almost in the same way as Alice.

Now, neither the ship nor the crew saw it.

What is she?

Issha shook her head slowly, she didn't know what happened.

In any case, the battle over there looks fierce, and you can't just stand by.

The Green Apple ignored the second ship, and Su Ke jumped up using the wind and landed on the deck of the third ship.

After landing, he immediately swung his sword and headed in the direction of Shen Liuyue.

These light moon knights are not potions professionals. He wielded the sword of sin karma as if he were in no one, and soon arrived near the black shadow.

Shen Liuyue held the knife and paused for a moment.

"You are... the person from The Sea Times."

Long black hair fluttered, and his speech was as cold as ever.

Three months later, she became more beautiful.

Also more powerful.

"Culo." Su Ke nodded in response.

For some reason, when he looked at Shen Liuyue now, what appeared in his mind was the same one who called his mother in his sleep and longed to return to her original life.

Shen Liuyue's eyes sank, and she turned to the Light Moon Knight in front of her.

"That's it, you are the one who led us over," the cold long knife in her hand glowed with ice blue, "No matter what your purpose is, don't hinder me at this time."

Although looking at the front, this sentence was addressed to Su Ke.

From the meaning of the words, she should have joined Shenyue.

After all, there is Han Shuya over there, and she doesn't look like a member of the Witch Association.

What happened during that time I don’t have time to ask more, there are more important things right now.

"I don't want to hinder you, but Guangyue's fleet is following behind. Now is not the time to succeed."

Su Ke glanced back before boarding the ship, and the fleet behind him followed.

It's strange that Guangyue's people are not anxious and ruined with such roundabouts and playfulness.

Shen Liuyue quickly understood the meaning of his words, and after two seconds of contemplation, he came up with the answer.

"I hope your strength is consistent with that report."

Su Ke also understood her words, jumped to the side, and the two stood with their backs.

Shen Liuyue opened her eyes slightly.

This familiar feeling is...

Why did it seem to regain a long-lost tacit understanding when fighting together for the first time?

"You can really talk to yourself," the leader of the lightmoon knight opposite was angry, "Are you not sure about the current situation."

The Knight of Light Moon raised his sword to summon his hands, interrupting Shen Liuyue's thoughts.

Seeing the surrounding knights rushing out of the deck, Su Ke's eyes sank.

"It's coming."


The two of them twirled and moved at the same time.

Sword and knife.

Swing and cut.

Submitted to.

The two seemed to have deployed their swords in Realm, and with their fusion center line as the boundary, there was no need to worry about an attack from the other side.

Shen Liuyue discarded the doubt in her heart and focused on the present.

Knife cuts thousands of machines.

The person who wields the knife must not leave any troubles, but must cut off the troubles.

Otherwise, the knife will slow down.

She looked terrified, and brought the sharpness and decisiveness of the knife to its current level.


For the Lightmoon Knight, this was not a battle at all, but a massacre.

In front of the two Sequence 6s who specialize in swords and cooperate with each other in a tacit understanding, even if ordinary people have been training hard for many years, and with the help of spiritual weapons and armor, it is absolutely impossible to fill this sky.

Honor made them escape without turning around. This is their last dignity.

After that, he went to death with this so-called dignity and uselessness.

However, in one minute, only the Lightmoon Knight led by him was left on the field. Judging from the previous engagements, he was probably also a Sequence 6.

Su Ke and Shen Liuyue leaped to the same place at the same time, accumulating sword power in the air.

At this moment, Shen Liuyue pulled out his mind, glanced at the person next to him, and caught the arc of his mouth.

Is he laughing?


This idea only lasted for a moment.

Then he abandoned it and cut it.


The sword and the sword hit at the same time, and the Light Moon Knight blocked it with the knight sword.

Shen Liuyue knew that the knight was not dead, so she raised her blade at the ruins and asked:

"Say, what did the people of'End Yan' hide in this waterway!"

Su Ke was taken aback.

The end?

Shen Liuyue... Is she... also looking for clues to the end?

Shen Liuyue, who raised the knife, noticed Su Ke's gaze, turned her head, and frowned immediately.

She didn't understand why the man named Cullo in front of her suddenly had a relieved expression.

I am not looking for the end for you, so why look at me with this expression.

She responded with this look.

Su Ke quickly turned his eyes away when a voice came from the cabin.

"Are you crazy? You dare to take action against us, and you only hit the Blazers you are proud of yesterday. Are you afraid that our people will come back from the front line to find you to settle accounts." The knight said with blood on his forehead.

Su Ke squinted his eyes.

"You really dare to say it," he coldly looked at the knight in front of him. "It is because of this that I took action against you."

Shen Liuyue rolled her head and glanced at him.

pioneer? Guangyue?

Shenyue did not receive any news, that is to say...

Not a big power.


She narrowed her eyes and stared at the knight.

"You guys, have you shot Alice again!?"

"Ha ha ha..." Light Moon Knight smiled, "What kind of shit revenge princess, now her ship must have sunk to the bottom of the sea."

"You!" Shen Liuyue gritted her teeth hard and waved her knife up, "I will never let you succeed!"

The corner of Guangmoon Knight's mouth hooked.

be cheated.

The light of moonlight suddenly appeared from his sword, resonating with the light moon ore carried on board.

He said this on purpose just now, just to shake the other party.

At this moment, the sword of the light moon!

How can you pick it up at such a close distance?

Shen Liuyue realized that she had been fooled, but it was too late. She immediately adjusted her sword in the air, planning to take it with a soft knife.

At this moment, the light of Yuehua also surged from the other side.

She was surprised at first, and then discovered that the man who was swinging the sword at this moment was actually the man named Kullo.

The aura of his sword blade was even much higher than the orthodox Lightmoon Knight facing him.

"You...what, this is impossible!"

The things recorded in that report are actually true.

This man is obviously not a knight of light and moon, but he can wield the sword of light and moon!

Moreover, even the purity is above oneself!

Su Ke leaped into the gap in front of Shen Liuyue, and the thick Yuehua sword slashed out.

The light moon ore triggered on the ship also increased his sword of light moon.


The two moonlight crosses converged, and the vertical one was cut into two without any suspense.

"No, it's impossible!"

The silver armor was cut by Yuehua, and as a knight of the light moon, it was finally ended by the power of the light moon.


far away.

Bazel felt the power of the light and moon intertwined in the air, and the breath that belonged to his own hands was cut off.

He looked up bitterly at the sky.

"Even the moon betrayed us."

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