That's right, it's garbage.

Transferring to Nightmare Fang after using it looks great, but it's almost rubbish.

He has great potential, why should he change to an undead creature that is neither human nor ghost?

To sum up, this is just a powerful high-level material.

It's better to find a weapon to enchant it, and it can also have multiple attack effects.

Wait, what if...... Using the weapon of the Enchanted Nightmare Essence to hit the Nightmare Fang, tsk, is this considered murderous and heart-wrenching?

Chen Dong thought, a wicked smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He had already thought about what the expression of Nightmare Fang would look like when he went into the Bone Realm to fight for it.

The expression that was puzzled at first, then turned to anger, was definitely beautiful.

Throwing the Nightmare Essence into the Bone Demon Heart, the ring was placed together, and Chen Dong picked up another item.

That's a cloak.

The overall black appearance of the cloak was tattered, like a black cloth that had not been washed for a long time, revealing a cold aura all over its body.

"Huh, it's still a piece of equipment!" Chen

Dong picked it up and glanced at the attributes, his brows jumping.

[Nightmare Cloak (Purple): Nightmare Fang's innate cloak, along with its entire journey from a weak undead to a fifth-order, absorbs a large amount of spiritual power dissipated by Nightmare Fang.

Skill 1, Spiritual Barrier: Form a fifth-order spiritual power barrier, which can resist all attacks, and the upper limit is fifth-order.

Skill 2, Mental Coercion: Release your own mental power to form coercion, reduce the enemy's psychological resistance, and those who are mentally unstable will directly lose their will to fight.

Skill 3, Nightmare: Temporarily turns yourself into a nightmare state, and temporarily has the skill of Nightmare Fang. (The effect is related to its own level)]

Like, it's not bad.

Chen Dong touched his chin, this piece of equipment could just take over the position of the azure armor and bring him some protection.

I drew a few temporary cleaning cards and cleaned the cloak a few times, and the cold aura on it subsided a lot.

Chen Dong put it up and draped it back, and the black cloak was windless and automatic, making him look like a great demon king of the mixed world.

"It's not bad, it doesn't affect other equipment.

Chen Dong nodded with satisfaction, this is a cloak, if he finds the right upper body equipment, he can still wear it.

As for the black cloak looking a little evil, it doesn't matter, he's not Superman, he doesn't need to be red.

He is a sunny boy, and with that handsome face, he knows at a glance that he is a good person, a pure and good person.

Get a taste of the skills that come with the cloak, especially the third Nightmare.

It feels pretty good.

Chen Dong is now a transcendent fourth-order, and when he turns into a nightmare, he is exactly like the one in the Bone Secret Realm.

But one is the fifth order, and the other is the fourth order.

After trying out the Nightmare Fang's skills, Chen Dong's confidence in skipping the level and killing the Nightmare Fang alone increased a few points.

Nightmare Fang's skills are very simple, and in a nutshell, the core is a "mental attack".

Whether it's howling or attacking, it's all attacks derived from the nightmare's own powerful "psychic power".

However, due to its high level of its own, its mental attack is strong.

With it at the same Fifth Order, basically no one can be its opponent.

If Chen Dong didn't have any means to weaken it, maybe he would really overturn.

But having mastered its essence, it is very easy to hit it.

The simplest is to suppress it at the same level, and suppress it with a higher-level spiritual power.

Nightmare Fang is almost a little chick and doesn't pose much of a threat.

There is also the use of items that can resist mental attacks, and withstand its attacks, so that it is useless.

It is almost the same as an ordinary high-level undead, and it is weak.

And this cloak happens to be an item that can defend against mental attacks.

Thinking of this, his expression became subtle again.

Kill Nightmare Fang with the items that came out of the Nightmare Fang.

Matryoshka belongs to yes.

Chen Dong looked at the last item with a subtle expression.

It was undoubtedly a Lich Scroll-like marker.

This is one of the items that the Lich King needs to open the Gate of the Bone Realm.

"The Secret Book of the Dead? With

a slight sigh, Chen Dong opened the system and looked at it seriously.

[Secret Book of the Dead: A scroll that Nightmare Fang has mastered since its birth, it has the magical power to command the undead, but it knows in its heart that it needs to wait for a command to use the Secret Book of the Dead.

"Hmm? It's weird.

Looking at this description, Chen Dong frowned, and couldn't help but take out the Bone Demon's Lich Scroll as well.

Put the two together and make a contrast.

[Lich Scroll: A scroll hidden in the depths of the soul of the Lich Knight since its birth, although it does not understand what it means, it knows that it has to stay here and wait for the decision of fate. Looking

at these two scrolls, I think of the Book of the World in the hands of the Lich King, and the other bosses.

Chen Dong could see that these bosses were all targeted, guarding at various marking points.

"So, what is their purpose in doing this?" Chen

Dong frowned.

Judging by their performance in the simulation, their goal is to open the door to the secret realm.

However, what is the purpose of opening the door

of the secret realm? Why wait for the end to come for more than ten days before preparing to open the door of the secret realm?

According to the current situation of the Bone Secret Realm, the entire Bone Secret Realm has already been occupied by these bosses for an unknown amount of time.

Even if it has been arranged to look like he wants, there is no shortage of source power and bones in the secret realm.

So why didn't they act sooner


? Their goal is to occupy the Blue Star after the apocalypse?

Chen Dong's mind flashed, and when he thought of this possibility, he couldn't help but feel creepy.

I have to say, this is very possible!

If you say that the boss of the Bone Secret Realm has been laid out in it for so long, it is to occupy the Blue Star, which will be expanded by a hundred times after the end comes.

Well, it all makes sense.

The Book of the World, which is suspected to be the Heart of the World, in the hands of the Lich King, may be able to accurately grasp the time when the end begins.

Then through so many bosses in the Bone Secret Realm and a huge death force, open the door to the Secret Realm.

When the time comes, he will come out with countless undead and occupy the entire Blue Star ...... after the cataclysm

Moreover, zombies can be strengthened by the power of death, and perhaps by the Secret Book of the Dead or the Book of the Lich King's Worldbook.

At that time, the survivors will face tens of billions of mutated monsters and countless undead!

You know, the most basic undead skeleton warriors are all first-order.

When the Bone Secret Realm was opened, Chen Dong saw in the simulation that the strongest people were just a few humans who had awakened their abilities and might have been two or three ranks.

Compared to the endless army of the undead, compared to those high-level bosses.

It's really a small thing.

At that time, will it be the end of humanity?

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