"Meng Yao, do you know how to make pickles and sauerkraut?"

Ying Mengyao shook her head when she heard Zhao Chen's words:

"Brother Chen, I don't know how to make pickles and sauerkraut. What's the matter? Are you going to make some pickles and sauerkraut to eat?"

Zhao Chen nodded: "Although there is a lot of food in the shelter, but the forms that are eaten back and forth, I want to get a little sauerkraut and pickles to enrich the taste of our lives." "

"Okay, okay, Brother Chen, I'll make sauerkraut with you later. "

"Qianqian, do you know how to make pickles and sauerkraut?"

"Sir, I won't. "

The king of soldiers is the king of soldiers! I don't all say it so straightforwardly and categorically.

Zhao Chen simply teased, since Ying Mengyao and Qiao Qian can't make pickles and sauerkraut, then Zhao Chen is ready to learn from other manufacturers.

The whisper in the dream: "I also want to make a little sauerkraut and pickles here to enrich the taste of daily life, which of you knows the production process of sauerkraut and pickles? "

Fruit grower: "Big man, you're asking the right person." When I was in my hometown, I used to make sauerkraut and pickles and sell them, and the production process of pickles and pickles was like this. "

The fruit growers posted a large text in the group, which was all about the making of sauerkraut and pickles.

Zhao Chen summarized the tutorial on the production of sauerkraut sent by fruit growers:

Step 1: Wash the dishes well. Step 2: Shabu-shabu, add plenty of cold water to the pot and find an airtight bucket or tank. Step 3: Boil the pot, put the vegetables into the pot and roll them several times when the water temperature is right, then remove the vegetables and put them in the water tank or bucket...

The production tutorial seems relatively simple, but for this kind of thing, Zhao Chen also knows that although the production tutorial is very simple, it also tests personal skills.

In the same production process, people with good skills make different tastes and textures.

Zhao Chen doesn't require a good taste, as long as he can basically eat it.

Originally, Zhao Chen directly handed it over to the fruit grower to help him do it, which was the best. However, there is nothing to do in the shelter every day, Ying Mengyao and the others really want to participate, and Zhao Chen is ready to do it together.

Considering the taste, Zhao Chen compromised.

He was going to pull 200 catties of vegetables for fruit planting, and asked the fruit growers to help him make some pickles and sauerkraut.

As for himself, he was trying to do a little bit in the vault.

He and Ying Mengyao make sauerkraut by himself, and he is not going to make a lot of it. It's just a simple experience of making sauerkraut and pickles. If it tastes good, it's better, and if it doesn't taste good, it doesn't matter, he can also take it directly from the fruit grown.

As soon as he thought of it, Zhao Chen was ready to start working directly.

The raw material of sauerkraut itself is in the shelter, that is, bitter herbs.

Zhao Chen chopped more than 10 catties of bitter herbs and handed them to Terminator 2 to wash them.

When Terminator 2 washed the bitter vegetables, Zhao Chen had already boiled the water in the pot.

"Meng Yao, you bring me that ceramic jar. "

"Okay, Brother Chen. "

Ying Mengyao took the ceramic jar, stared at Zhao Chen and asked:

"Brother Chen, the ceramic jar has been brought over, what should I do now?"

"You do it with me, let's put the bitter herbs in first, and when the bitter herbs are finished, we can just take the bitter herbs out and put them in the ceramic jar. "

Ying Mengyao said eagerly: "Okay." I'll give it a try. "

Two or three minutes later, Zhao Chen saw that the bitter herbs were almost ripe, and hurriedly said:

"Meng Yao, quickly take out all the bitter herbs in it, otherwise you won't be able to eat it later. "

"Oh, okay, I'll get it out. "

Because of the lack of experience of the two, the first time they made sauerkraut, they failed before they started. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's just that Zhao Chen didn't waste it, he dried the bitter herbs and prepared to eat them next time.

There is actually a big gap between theory and practice, and Zhao Chen also understood this truth before, but when he really did it for the first time, he knew how correct this sentence was.

The process of making sauerkraut and pickles is very simple, but because Zhao Chen has never made sauerkraut and pickles before, he can't grasp this degree.

He also knew that the sauerkraut would be fished out after the bitter vegetables were cooked, but to what extent, Zhao Chen didn't know very well.

Fruit growers have described it to him several times, but the results of this experience are different because of the different heat and the amount of water added at different times and places.

Zhao Chen and Ying Mengyao tried two or three times in a row, and finally succeeded in making the raw materials of sauerkraut and pickles.

In the end, it also made the two happy for a long time.

Zhao Chen felt that the impact on him was not all negative, but also promoted. If it was in a peaceful era, Zhao Chen would definitely not have so much time to settle down and study and improve his ability at the same time.

Affected by the catastrophe, Zhao Chen's abilities in all aspects have been greatly improved. Although this is forced, Zhao Chen's promotion is real.

After stuffing pickles and sauerkraut, Zhao Chen and the others spent a happy day in laughter.

On the second day, Zhao Chen had just woken up when he heard the sound of the system prompt.

[Ding, congratulations on surviving for a day, survival points +100.] 】

[You have obtained a lot of supplies, survival points +200.] 】

[You will have a new practice gain, survival points +150.] 】

[Remaining survival points: 58420.] 】

After some consumption, the survival points accumulated by Zhao Chen fell from the level of 60,000, and now there are a total of 58.420 survival points.

As long as there is an opportunity, Zhao Chen will do everything possible to accumulate survival points.

The more survival points, the greater the chance of surviving for Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen will not feel that there are many survival points, he will only feel that the more survival points, the better.

On the other side at the same time as this (the king is good).

Since the official implementation of Plan 1, there has been a huge amount of supplies transported from the plains and heavy industry areas to the high mountains almost every day.

There are a lot of resources for transportation, not only daily food, but also major machine tools.

The 1 plan is not just a transfer of materials, but a decision-making garden made by the Dragon Country in the face of the impact of the global catastrophe.

This decision is not a year or two, but eight years and 10 years, and it is a long-term decision.

This decision will shift all the center of gravity towards the alpine region until one day the cataclysm ends.

No one knows what the ultimate impact of this decision will be, but they know that the Dragon Nation is more confident that it will survive the various natural disasters that will be made by them.

The old man sat in the middle of the room and said very solemnly:

Access port, I want to announce the most important thing. "。

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