After Zhao Chen determined these three tasks, he began to break them down one by one.

The first task seems to be the easiest, but it's actually the most complex and the most difficult of the three.

Zhao Chen's first thought was to build a septic tank to deal with the problem of feces.

It's just that septic tanks also have drawbacks.

Zhao Chen thought about it seriously, and then, Zhao Chen thought of a particularly suitable method.

Previously, he had been thinking hard about how to properly store and degrade manure and make use of these resources.

In the end, Zhao Chen thought of a biogas tank and a septic tank, which were combined in two.

The biogas digester itself has the effect of degrading and storing around you, coupled with the degradation of the septic tank, after triple degradation, there is basically no longer any peculiar smell.

On top of this, Zhao Chen will also add some airtight isolation equipment to expel these gases out of the shelter or ignite them directly.

This is a particularly perfect plan, and Zhao Chen has also browsed it on major video websites before.

It's just that for the vast majority of people in peacetime, this set of treatment methods is completely unnecessary.

Direct discharge 12 into nature is the vast majority of treatment methods.

Nature is big enough and empty enough that the associated odors are hard to detect.

But inside the vault, it's completely different.

Although the shelter is also connected to the outside, to a certain extent, the shelter is relatively closed.

If there is a smell in an enclosed space, the smell will be magnified infinitely.

When Zhao Chen didn't notice it before, he didn't pay attention to these more details. Now after Ying Mengyao brought it up, Zhao Chen should have dealt with it in time.

There are many advantages to building a digester, the most obvious being the ability to degrade and dispose of the manure and sewage produced in the shelter.

There are many points to pay attention to when building a biogas digester, and Zhao Chen will take relevant safety measures before building a biogas digester.

There are many benefits to the digester, but Zhao Chen doesn't want to turn his digester into a time bomb.

In the past, there has been a lot of official support for the construction of biogas digesters, and every time a biogas digester and reservoir are built, the officials will give some money as a reward.

However, after several explosions in the digester, the construction of the digester was halted for a time. The most fundamental reason is that while the biogas digester makes efficient use of resources, it also has great safety risks.

Huge air pressure will form in the digester, and if these air pressures are not treated in time, the entire digester will explode directly.

The lethality of biogas digester explosions is particularly powerful, and many biogas digesters are even built directly in rural family rooms, so the safety hazards are even greater.

If Zhao Chen wants to build a biogas digester, the most important thing to do is to take corresponding measures to deal with potential safety hazards.

Zhao Chen is ready to start from three directions to deal with the safety hazards of the biogas digester.

After deciding on the three directions, Zhao Chen prepared to dig the pit directly.

The most basic component of the biogas digester is a circular cave, this circular cave Zhao Chen is not going to dig directly in the shelter, he is going to dig in the relatively empty soil next door to the shelter.

Zhao Chen tentatively plans to dig a biogas digester of about 50 cubic meters.

Infrastructure 1 and Infrastructure 2 stopped most of the time except to help transport minerals, and there was nothing to do.

Now Zhao Chen arranges them to dig a biogas digester, which can be regarded as making full use of effective resources.

Infrastructure 1 & 2: We may not be human, but you are not human either.

Infrastructure No. 1 and Infrastructure No. 2 were digging the pits of the biogas digester, and Zhao Chen was not idle, driving a large RV to the mine to transport minerals.

The employees of major manufacturers work very hard and hard, basically every time Zhao Chen drives to the mine, a large number of minerals will be mined.

However, it takes a certain amount of time and a certain process to directly refine the mined minerals into the corresponding metals.

However, it is absolutely right to mine all of these minerals during this period of time. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The employees of major manufacturers worked very hard, and Zhao Chen did not treat them badly.

It was a big problem for them to stay in the shelter and even eat enough, and now they were working with Zhao Chen, not only could they be full, but they could also take more food to take the shelter.

They were very grateful to Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen not only brought them hope, but also met their basic survival conditions.

They felt that Zhao Chen was the ninth generation of good people who landed in the world, and meeting a good person like Zhao Chen was the greatest luck in their lives.

Zhao Chen pulled the ore into the shelter several times in a row.

In Zhao Chen's refuge, the ore gradually piled up.

The work is carried out in several aspects.

Among the shelters, the construction of Infrastructure No. 1 and Infrastructure No. 2 is also progressing at a very fast pace, and it is progressing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye almost every day.

Mining is much easier than mining, and transportation is also much simpler. Although mining started earlier, the speed of mining is faster.

Of course, this is also thanks to infrastructure No. 1 and infrastructure No. 2, which will not be tired at all.

Zhao Chen only needs to charge them, and they can work 24 hours a day.

One day.

Three days.

Five days.

Within five days, Infrastructure 1 and Infrastructure 2 also dug the holes in the digester.

On the outermost part of Zhao Chen's shelter, a large pile of dirt was piled up, so much dirt of 293 people, because it was loose, it looked like a small mountain bag.

Zhao Chen did not waste the soil dug up from the bottom of the shelter next door, and he planned to build a small rockery in front of the shelter.

This small rockery, Zhao Chen would have built and the surrounding natural environment, thus using it to cover the gate of the shelter.

It's just that Zhao Chen didn't face the main entrance directly.

It's too fake to face this door, and from the perspective of Feng Shui metaphysics, it's not very good to face the door.

There can be a mountain on the back, but not in front of the door.

Although Zhao Chen is a materialist with scientific values, he still has to believe something like this that does not affect the overall situation.

Anyway, there is nothing to lose by believing it, so why not.

After the holes were dug in Infrastructure No. 1 and Infrastructure No. 2, Zhao Chen was going to the steel plant to pull some cement back and prepare to build a biogas digester directly.

Zhao Chen also discovered one thing, basically every time he exchanged, he needed to run over in person.

In order not to expose the shelter, it was impossible for Zhao Chen to let others pull the relevant resources over.

Gasoline is limited.

Every time Zhao Chen drove an RV to pick up goods like this, it was not only a long distance, but also a waste of extra resources.

Zhao Chen had an idea, and he planned to build an underground trading market near the shelter.

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