Boom! Boom! Boom!

The pulsation of the earth is constantly coming.

The earth seems to have a heart sound,

This moment is very conspicuous!

The shelter shook for a while,


But a very powerful vibration sound kept coming.


I don’t know how many magnitudes of the earthquake it is, but after a while, the shaking around it stopped!

Wu Di stood in place, his body not moving.

After all, he is not what he used to be,

Under this violent vibration, I did not faint like last time.

“Wutian, test the shelter equipment!”

Wu Di returned to his senses and immediately looked around.

Because the earthquake has been upgraded, there are no cracks in the shelter or the like.


Wutian also sent back information.

“Master, the test is complete! Some equipment in the incubation room and workshop was slightly damaged, a supercomputer in the computer room failed, and the rest of the equipment was normal. ”

“Fortunately, nothing to lose.”

Wu Di breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s all a minor problem, just fix it later.

“How did an earthquake suddenly occur?”

Wu Di was a little strange, turned on the surveillance video and looked outside!

Snowy world,

Snow and ice, garages, recycling stations, a dead silence!


There was no acid rain, hail rain and the like.


It is a clear feature of no earthquakes!

“Not an earthquake?”

Wu Di was stunned.

At this moment, Wutian spoke up again: “Master, the floor of the workshop is damaged, please repair it in time!” ”

Hearing that there was a broken ground, Wu Di did not have time to think about these problems,

Immediately walked over.

In the left corner of the workshop, there is a depression, and black cracks appear there!

“The tiles, wood sandwich and outer alloy are all damaged?”

Wu Di took a closer look and gasped.

The wall alloy of the shelter, but the super strong type, nothing else,

One word, hard!

Even if it is an earthquake, it will not make a hole, right?

“What the hell happened?”


Han Xiaowu and Wuyi also came over, looking surprised.

They are already first-order life forms, and they were naturally not injured in this “earthquake”.

“It’s a little trouble.”

Wu Di groaned slightly, and said, “Look! ”

He pointed to the ground.

The two women were shocked.

“I just don’t know what’s going on now.”

Wu Di shook his head slightly.



The girl suddenly pulled Wu Di’s arm and pointed to the monitoring in the center and around the workshop.

“You’ve been on? Have surveillance video? ”

Wu Di’s eyes lit up.


The girl nodded,

Han Xiaowu also explained: “Because the shelter is just the three of us, plus there is no shortage of water and electricity, in order to prevent accidents in the experiment, we all turn on the monitoring every day and check the situation records.” ”

This is actually learned from Wu Di,


But it is precisely because of this that the surveillance video suddenly has it,

Wu Di smiled, hurriedly went to open the video, and turned back the time!

In the workshop, there is no one,

A few minutes ago!

Suddenly, the shelter shook, and in that corner a peculiar gas erupted,

“Shredded” wood, alloys, tiles!


Wu Di’s face changed, and he didn’t have time to think about why the gas had such great power, and hurriedly shouted: “Wutian, test the air in the shelter!” ”

Wutian: “Yes!” Turn on the oxygen supply center detection equipment…”

The air in the shelter can be said to be all regulated by the oxygen supply center,

Naturally, there is a set of equipment for detecting the composition of the air.

“Detecting the temperature…”

“Detection is moderate…”

“Detection of gas composition…”



Time passes minute by minute,

Wu Di frowned,

The two women beside him also felt Wu Di’s nervousness, and they were silent, for fear of disturbing him.

After a while,

All tests are over,

Wutian reported: “Master, compared with usual, everything is normal in other rooms, the air in the workshop is slightly turbid, and there is fine dust in the air!” ”

“What mote?”

“Common dust, nothing special.”

In this way,

Wu Di also relaxed.


That gas is just ordinary air.

It’s just that…… How could an ordinary air penetrate the walls of the shelter?

He groaned slightly, walked over, and carefully observed the inside of the breach!

A bottomless cave appeared in front of his eyes!

“Deep hole again!”

Wu Di narrowed his eyes slightly and touched his chin.

“Wu enemy, flashlight!”

Han Xiaowu came over and held a strong light flashlight.

She’s smart,

Saw Wu Di’s thoughts.

Wu Di smiled slightly, nodded to her, and took the flashlight,


Take a picture inside the cave!

Empty! Dead!

Still bottomless!

“It won’t lead to the depths of the earth, will it?”

Such a thought popped up in Wu Di’s mind,

But it was quickly vetoed.

Reality is not fiction, how can it be so outrageous!

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