According to the plan,

Wu Di began the task of the tenth ring,

And today, he has agreed to trade with Wang Haoran!

Get up early in the morning,

Wash well,

After breakfast,

Wu Di turned on the computer and contacted Wang Haoran.

“Haoran, the formula and code on my side are ready.”

Soon after,

Wang Haoran replied.

“Yes . It’s inconvenient to reply to the forum, you still call me, the number is…”

He sent a special number for a satellite phone.

Wu Di was a little surprised.

“This number, isn’t this an ordinary official of the second generation?”

He muttered, took out his phone and made a call.


The phone is passed,

A slightly cold pleasant female voice came.


“Hello, I’m looking for Wang Haoran!”

Wu Di spoke directly.

The female voice was silent for a while, and said with a light laugh: “Invincible Gongzi, why, don’t you recognize me?” ”


Wu Di was stunned and said in surprise: “Are you a woman?” ”

Female voice: “Why, you look down?” ”

“No, no, no, I just think that Wang Haoran’s name is not very female.”

Wu Di explained, and said helplessly: “I see that your tone on the forum before is not like silently silent. ”

Female voice: “I don’t like boo-boo.” ”


She said again: “My real name is Liang Yu, you can just call me Xiaoyu.” Fish is the kind of fish you eat. ”

Her business is a little cold,

But it’s not a bad attitude, but a natural tone!

And unlike other soft women, Liang Yu carries a military style.

This made Wu Di think,

Could it be that the other party is a character in the physique, the second generation of the army?

“My real name is Wu Di.”

Wu Di spoke,

Liang Yu smiled and said, “I know, Kou Tian Wu, an invincible enemy in the world!” ”

Wu Di’s face darkened, and he said helplessly: “Okay, you tease me every day, I originally wanted to see you one day and beat you up.” ”

Liang Yu: “Now what?” ”

Wu Di: “I don’t like to hit women very much, unless it’s really disgusting.” ”

Liang Yu: “Then I want to thank you for your unkillable grace?” ”

The two are also very familiar friends,

The construction of the Wu enemy shelter, many places are Wang Haoran … That is, Liang Yu guided,

The other party also helped him contact some merchants,


If it weren’t for Liang Yu’s relationship, those people might not have sold things to Wu Di at a low price.


The two chatted naturally,

After laughing for a while, I got back to business!

And the shelter where Liang Yu was located also surprised Wu Di!

Heyang City Military District Refuge!

Official shelters, too, are different,

For example, the residential shelter is the largest, most complete and complex type of shelter in Ha Duong City.

It is said that there are more than a dozen medium-sized and three large!

And the military district shelter, there is only one large shelter!

“You are really the second generation of the army!”

Wu Di looked surprised.

Liang Yu said with a smile: “What, startled?” ”

Wu Di: “Don’t! Seriously, you need my stuff over there? ”

Liang Yu said angrily: “Soldiers are also people, the biological nutrient solution you said is indeed a good thing, of course, the more the merrier!” ”


Wu Di touched his chin and said with a smile: “Then I have to slaughter a wave of local tyrants!” You can get something good for me this time!” ”

The content of the two’s transaction is actually very simple, that is, to trade some chemical raw materials and some rare metals with biological nutrient solution!

Liang Yu was very angry: “Which time I let you suffer, don’t worry, it is guaranteed to be a lot!” ”

Wu Di: “Okay!” Give the address, I control the drone past! ”


After chatting,

Wu Di immediately tied the prepared package to the drone!

This time, the three came out together, drove out of the shelter, and rushed into the wind and snow!

Because it was a trade with the military shelter, Wu enemy was still more cautious this time,

The location of the military shelter is between the third satellite city and Ha Duong City,

Not close.

A few hours later,

The drone has just arrived at the corresponding location!

This shelter was actually built in the mountains!

Of course

There is also a part underground.

After the drone flew over, immediately part of the mountain cracked and opened a passage opening!

Wu Di hesitated and drove two drones in,

A drone hides outside, observing the situation.

inside the mountain,

has been completely transformed,

At the mouth of a rather spacious passage, the drone slowly landed,

From the screen, Wu Di can see that this should be some kind of parking place!?

Due to field of view limitations,

He also saw where there were planes.

But look around, there are specific airport runways!


At this time, footsteps sounded, and a dozen heavily armed soldiers escorted a tall woman over.

Her eyebrows are cold, her skin is fair, her phoenix eyes are slightly squinted, and she is born with a kind of anger.

It’s actually a big beauty!

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