“First-order lifeforms?”

When Wu Di heard this word, he couldn’t help but ask, “What kind of hierarchy is this?” ”

Mechanical brain: “Host, according to the subordinate life level of the gene agent, the first-order gene agent corresponds to the first-order life.” ”

“Oh, I thought you were talking about this universe, or the hierarchy of life in this world.”

Wu Di suddenly said.

Also, he thinks the truth too complicated,

The reason why the first-order gene agent is called the first order, it is estimated that there will be a second-order and third-order higher agent, so there will be a division of living bodies.

Come to think of it,

Wu Di said curiously: “Is there a level such as the division of life forms?” For example, how many kilograms of strength can be counted as several orders, such as first-order lifeforms, what should be the speed. ”

Mechanical Brain: “Life forms of different orders are not calculated from destructive power and physical fitness, but gene lock!” If the host has just opened the gene lock, it can only open the first-order gene lock, which is a first-order lifeform! ”


Wu Di somewhat understood,

No more random questions,

Instead, try to unlock the gene lock.

Although he is not very clear about the principle of gene lock, after taking the first-order gene agent, he can already feel a “shackle” in his body.

And he, with the key, has the key to open this “shackle”!

Open the gene lock,

All it takes is a thought.

As soon as Wu Di’s thoughts came out, his body underwent a transformation.

The most obvious is his five senses!

Hearing, touch, smell…

The five senses have almost reached the perfect state of the body,

The brain seems to be countless times stronger at this moment, and the distance of the surrounding wind and snow, every snowflake, will be captured by his gaze.

In his perception,

Every inch of skin and every bone on the body seems to have “spirituality”,

His body seems to be really alive,

Every cell is cheering!

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

The sound of a beating heart came out, deafening.


Wu Di showed a look of surprise, clenched his fist, and felt powerful like never before!

Not destructive power, not pure power speed and the like, but the control of yourself!

He closed his eyes, but the surrounding environment was completely visible,

Every snowflake,

Every wisp of wind,

Even the flow of air, everything in the distance, was clearly perceived by him!

“In this state, even if it is an armor-piercing projectile rotating at high speed, I can accurately capture it!”

Wu Di muttered to himself,

The eruption power of gunpowder weapons is no longer worth mentioning in his eyes.

This state is very intoxicating!

Wu Di felt carefully, his thoughts were extremely calm, and it seemed that his reason had been strengthened to a certain extent.

After a while,

A sense of dizziness came, and Wu Di hurriedly withdrew from this state,

The mysterious sense of “shackles” hit again, and the body seemed to be sluggish.


The dizziness also fades!

“Opening the gene lock will increase the load on my body!”

Wu Di understood the cause of the dizziness,

Like the “overloaded” state of exoskeleton armor, he himself opens the gene lock, which will also cause a certain burden on the body.

No problem for a while,

It’s been a long time,

The body may collapse.

He tested something else.

About ten minutes later, Wu Di walked back to the shelter very satisfied,

If nothing else,

This genetic potion is no problem!

After he went back, he asked Wuyi to try to equip a bottle and assist him by his side.

This time

The material used is a pink mushroom,

Unlike ordinary mushrooms, as a pan-living material, this mushroom is called “devil mushroom” by local people.

It is said that dozens of people were poisoned by mushrooms just by approaching.

After the mushrooms were collected and studied, it was found that the mushrooms could emit a hallucinogenic mist, and the location of the mushrooms, the air would swirl unexplained.

The hallucinogenic mist is carried around by the swirl current, and once humans smell it, many hallucinations will be born,

Nature is likely to lead to death.

With the first complete experience, the second time was successfully completed,

Made a pink bottle of first-order gene potion,


Wu Di began to make a third bottle,

Unfortunately, the third bottle failed due to a small mistake,

And then, the fourth failed.

It wasn’t until the fifth bottle that it worked!

The fifth bottle is a vine, this vine has no murderous “record”, it is said that during the forest fire, other plants and trees have withered, only this vine is still as green as ever,

Even grow out many branches!


I was busy until 3 a.m. on February 7th!


Brightly lit,

Wu Di looked at the two bottles of medicine on the experimental table and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Wu Di, eat?”

Han Xiaowu waited by the side, carrying a tray.

She’s already heated the meal three or four times,

Seeing that Wu Di was busy before, he didn’t dare to disturb.

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