Calm sky,

With a strange depressing aura.

Wu Di was silent and rejected Wutian’s proposal.

“Those carts are not some black technology, drive over, they will still be frozen!”

“Wait a minute, there is nothing important on the drone anyway.”

Wu Di also did not know what the concept of a strong ice storm would be,

After thinking about it,

Or decide to be safe.

Wutian: “Yes!” ”


Wu Di continued to look at the information.

He reads quietly in the shelter,


A terrifying ice storm has arrived!

The sound of “whirring” is like the sound of a ghost crying wolf,

The invisible freezing wind blew through, freezing the snow layer, and the snow buildings turned into ice sculptures under the ice wind.

other shelters,

In the face of ice storms, their complexions have changed greatly,

The underground ones are fine,

Some of the shelters on the surface of the earth were somewhat killed and wounded under the reach of the ground, and there were wails and cries of pain everywhere.


February 11.


Wu Di refreshed an easy-to-complete task today, running 10,000 meters!

He decisively went out to complete this task.

But as soon as I went out, I saw a color of ice crystals!

The ground, the walls, and the doors are all thin ice crystals!

This is still around the passage of his refuge, and in the distance, it has been frozen into “ice sculptures”!

“Was yesterday’s ice storm so terrifying?”

Wu Di’s face changed, and he said, “Wutian, check the temperature!” ”


Wutian: “Turn on the temperature detection instrument…”

Like the monitoring equipment of the shelter, the temperature detection is also a simple set of equipment,

It’s not some fine and advanced equipment.

Soon, Wutian responded: “Master, within a radius of 10,000 meters, the temperature is within minus 10 degrees Celsius to minus 40 degrees Celsius!” ”

“It’s really the loneliness of everything!”

Wu Di opened his mouth, his foot stepped on the ground, and a slippery feeling came.

He hesitated, this ground is not suitable for running!

But…… It’s not difficult either!

Just slow down!

After thinking about it, Wu Di jogged along the edge of the cleared ground while observing the surroundings.

The bare world, the ice, the earth is almost enveloped in cold!

During this time period, the radiation has gradually been overwhelmed by ice and snow, people are hiding in safe shelters, and few people will come out to hang out!


Wu Di suddenly thought of the drone that was frozen yesterday, and thought that it was close anyway, so he ran over there!

A few kilometers away,

After a while, he stepped on the ice and snow and ran over.

The drone was frozen on the side of a building, which was twenty stories high, but the lower half had been buried in the ice and snow, leaving only the upper part,

The drone presumably happened to be “caught up” by an ice storm and frozen on a balcony on the upper floors of the building.

Wu Di took a visual look and found that the ice and snow on the side of the building could all converge into icicles like rainforest!

He looked for a direction, jumped eleven or twelve meters, and jumped to a balcony in the middle of the building,

Use your hands and feet together, bang a few times, and hit down!

The ice suddenly shattered and turned into pieces, revealing the room inside.

The inside is not much better, basically frozen by frost, but not covered with ice and snow like the outside.

Wu Di walked in, feeling as if he had come to another world.


Walked a few steps,

Wu Di frowned. He suddenly felt the cold!

Sounds a little strange,

But in fact,

The safety suit on his body has the ability to protect against cold, and coupled with swallowing a first-order genetic potion, Wu Hostile’s resistance to cold is already very high!

Before, he walked outside without the slightest pressure,

How now…

After a while, Wu Di went up a few floors, and the feeling became more and more obvious!

He was already aware of the obvious cold!

There’s no thermometer either.

Wu Di groaned a little and looked around vigilantly.

In the building, there was no one and no creatures were seen!

In the ice and snow age, everything is silent, and this building gives people a ghostly dead silence.

“It’s getting colder!”

“But it’s okay, I can bear it!”

Wu Di was shocked in his heart, and slowly went up!

Soon after,

He came to the level of the drone.

When he arrived here, the cold had become biting, and even though he was wearing cold-proof safety clothes and his body was strong, Wu Di couldn’t help but shiver.

Somewhat surprised, he looked around and walked in step by step carefully.

Dangerous… It doesn’t exist.

In fact

As soon as Wu Di entered, he saw three drones!

Frozen outside the balcony, it is like three mosquitoes stuck to the “frost spider web”!

And the balcony doorway,

There is actually something else!

In the corner, in the ice mass, a few azure and turquoise mushrooms!

Wu Di had just taken a few steps.

Lawless: “Warning! Master, a lot of radiation detected! ”

“There is a radiation source ahead, please be careful with the owner!”

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