"Lin Xiao, what do you mean? Are you trying to tell me that the fruit on this tree is edible?"

Lin Xiao nodded after hearing Lingxi's words. It seems that Lingxi is not stupid enough yet.

"The fruit on this tree is edible, you can go and pick it."

After Lingxi heard Lin Xiao say such words, she felt that Lin Xiao was really cold.

She is a girl, shouldn't Lin Xiao be allowed to pick fruits?

"Are you asking me to pick it?"

Lingxi looked at Lin Xiao in disbelief, and Lin Xiao nodded very naturally at this time.

"If you don't go, should I go?"

Lin Xiao said these words very plainly, as if he didn't know what kind of meaning was hidden behind these words.

Lin Xiao's plain words seemed to anger Lingxi, but Lingxi did not expect that Lin Xiao He's so unmanly

"Shouldn't you do this? I am a woman, this matter should be left to the boys!"

Lin Xiao looked at Lingxi very seriously at this time. He actually found the fruit, so naturally Lingxi should be allowed to pick the fruit.

Otherwise, why should Lingxi come with him?

"You came with me to find food, and I also discovered this fruit tree. You should make some contributions."

"You should rush to the tree and pick those fruits now."

Lingxi was really defeated by Lin Xiao after hearing Lin Xiao say such words.

It seems that in Lin Xiao's eyes, there is really no difference between men and women, only equal division.

"Lin Xiao, I really admire you so much"

"Okay, I don’t have the same knowledge as you in that book. I’ll pick it up for you right now."

Fortunately, Lingxi is a big-hearted person, and she also grew up in the forest. Her favorite thing is to climb up and down.

Soon, Lingxi picked a lot of fruits from the tree and threw them one after another. Lin Xiao.

Until Lin Xiao couldn't hold it anymore, Lingxi continued to pick it, and Lin Xiao frowned.

"That's enough, don't take any more."

After Lingxi heard Lin Xiao say such words, he felt a little aggrieved. He came down directly from above. After Lingxi came down, Lin Xiao gave some of the fruits in his hand to Lingxi.

Soon, the two They came back here. When they came back, they found that Liu Hai not only brought water, but also caught a few fish.

Lingxi immediately jumped to Liu Hai's side. In her opinion, Liu Hai was already very powerful.

"Are you too awesome with bangs? You went to look for some water and actually got two fish"

"You are really great. Unlike me, I only got a few fruits with Lin Xiao."

"These were only found thanks to Lin Xiao."

After Liu Hai heard Lingxi say such words, he felt that Lingxi was very disappointed.

There was no need for Lingxi to do this. He knew more about water, and Lingxi knew more about woods.

"It doesn't matter, we have enough to eat now anyway, there is no need to worry so much"

"By the way, you must be very hungry, right? Hurry and sit down to eat, this fish has just been tested."

After Lingxi heard Liu Hai say such words, he smiled and nodded. He quickly put the matter behind him. A character like Lingxi is really good.

He won't take anything to heart. After telling the story, they treated it as if it had never happened.

At this time, the people of Lanzhou began their first life of sleeping on the mountain here.

Chen Mu and others never thought that in the future, they would Frequently facing such situations, they also became more and more aware of how to deal with unexpected situations in the mountains and forests.

Just when Chen Mu and others were asleep late at night, a sudden wolf howl woke Chen Mu from his sleep.

After Chen Mu woke up, he saw that the area around them was full of wolves.

At this time, everyone woke up one after another, and they all became very scared after seeing this scene.

Especially Lingxi, she is a female A child, and a fox at that, had no power to fight back when faced with these wolves.

Lingxi could only shrink into the crowd helplessly, leaving four men to protect her.

But strangely, the wolves did not Instead of attacking Chen Mu and others, they shouted at Chen Mu


Chen Mu felt that this wolf should have something to say to him, but he didn't understand what this wolf wanted to express at all.

"Do you have something to say to me?"

"But we don't speak the same language. I don't know what you want to express at all?"

At this time, Chen Mu turned his attention to Lingxi. Since Lingxi is also an animal, can she talk to the wolf?

After Lingxi noticed Chen Mu's gaze, she immediately raised her hand.

"I don't know what he wants to express? Although I do too, I am not a wolf."

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