Global Evolution: I transplanted the heart of the Supreme God

Chapter 365 I am the worst at cutting cakes

"I should choose the plane world where the foundation has been laid."

Bai Pu counted, "Inner Demon, Original Sin, Flesh Plague... I will choose the world of [Flesh Plague: Aberration]."

Bai Pu's current main goal is not to gain huge profits in the intermediate spiritual world.

Instead, get as many "legendary points" as possible and light up the second level talent tree! Of course, in the process of obtaining legendary points, you will definitely need to do a lot of "trouble", and the benefits obtained will never be small.

The world that has already laid the foundation is more convenient for Bai Pu to make changes in it and obtain legendary points.

Flesh Plague: Aberrant World, currently the most developed, and the remaining 1 legendary point is the easiest to get.

In addition, Bai Pu owns the territory of this world and can easily enter and leave the world, so it is listed as the first priority.

Ranked second is [Original Sin World]. Bai Pu has left a back-up man who can be tapped in the Original Sin World - the pure-blood slave, the level 7 warrior "Evolutionary Edge" Bonnie, and the Original Sin World as a high-level spirit. The world is more challenging.

As for the [Inner Demon World], it is a fantasy plane characterized by the inheritance of mysteries. Bai Pu has a good friend, Dong Bocheng, and has a good foundation.

The only problem is that tickets for the World of Original Sin and the World of Inner Demons are not easy to get.

The world of original sin is a matrix plane. Normally, you have never heard of it in the world of earthly awakeners, so tickets are naturally not easy to get.

The entry-level tickets for the World of Inner Demons are relatively common. After all, there is a junction.

Tickets that can directly locate the intermediate area: Oara River are relatively rare.

Bai Pu plans to delve into Plague of Flesh: The World of Aberration while collecting tickets to the world of original sin and the world of inner demons.

"That's it..." Wushan Goddess shook her head slightly, "You are in the fiefdom of Flesh Plague: Aberration World. You should only be allowed to enter and exit by yourself. Qingyun cannot come with you."

"The blood spider can explore on its own first. If it encounters a more difficult problem, I can help if I have time."

Bai Pu's words have made his meaning very clear.

He is willing to team up with the Blood Spider.

Because only the permanent team has the default function of "calling teammates across borders", of course this function requires a lot of energy points, so it is not commonly used.

Wushan Goddess was waiting for Bai Pu's words, and said with a smile: "Qingyun, take out the team props and team up with Gang Xin first."

Only then did the Blood Spider react. She said "ah" and her face turned red like a boiling teapot.

She suppressed the throbbing in her heart, took out the A-level team building item [Three Arrows Oath], and handed it to Bai Pu.

In terms of who should be the captain, Blood Spider insisted on letting Bai Pu take the lead.

Bai Pu didn't refuse. After training in the college competition, he gradually realized the responsibility of a leader. For a trustworthy partner, you must bravely take on big responsibilities even if you feel some resistance in your heart.

After signing the contract, two of the arrows of the Three Arrows Oath became slightly shiny, with "Steel Heart" and "Blood Spider" engraved on them respectively.

This team can accommodate up to three permanent members, and the remaining arrows can be used by another awakener.

The question is, to whom?

Bai Pu and Xue Spider are not people who are good at sociability in reality.

Bai Pu's colleagues and friends, not to mention those from the Secret Service, have a fixed team; the only one who is on the side is Li Ling, but she is not a martial artist who is good at fighting, and handling internal affairs is her specialty.

Blood Spider has even fewer friends than Bai Pu.

"Let's put the last quota on hold for now..." Bai Pu said, "The strength of Blood Spider and I is almost at the top of the intermediate awakened level. We will be promoted to the advanced awakened level in half a year to a year at most. There is no need. Temporarily find another intermediate awakened person to be your teammate."

"Well, when the time comes, we will directly find a strong high-level awakener to join the team." Blood Spider agreed.

Upon hearing the words "a powerful advanced awakener", Wushan Goddess's eyes flashed slightly.

She waved her hand and said, "That's it. You guys go back to school, and it's time for me to go back to Donghai."

Bai Pu and Xue Spider returned to Xicheng University of Technology.

Originally, the two of them didn't have to come back. After all, the school didn't even have a junction. It would have been a waste of time.

However, Mr. Cai Xiang, the principal of Xi Polytechnic, wants to commend the meritorious officials, especially the two school team parents, Bai Pu and Xue Zhu, which must not be skipped.

Bai Pu heard that the school's psychic power point bonus was worth 100,000, so he came over after smelling the smell.

When I arrived at the celebration venue, I met the principal and Teacher Cai Cai and found out that the 100,000 bonus was awarded to the entire school team.

How should the prize be divided?

Including the substitutes, there were a total of ten people from the school team attending the celebration banquet.

Principal Cai Xiang asked with a smile: "Student Gang Xin, you are the number one contributor to the school team's championship. How do you think the division should be divided?"

These words have a somewhat testy meaning, seeming to be testing Bai Pu's character.

Normally, Bai Pu would be humble. As the leader, he was humble. The Blood Spider, Xuan Mi and others below would definitely be embarrassed to jump out and take the lead. The school can make smooth progress by formulating a distribution plan. When the time comes, the main force will be given more points and the substitutes will be given less points. a little……

Principal Cai’s leadership skills are evident.

But Bai Pu didn't care so much.

"Since the principal asked me, I will tell you directly."

Bai Pu said: "First of all, let's talk about the substitutes. I haven't played in a single game in the national competition."

The smile on Principal Cai Xiang's face froze.

Bai Pu continued: "I will take 80,000 of the 100,000, and the Blood Spider and Senior Xuan Mi will take 40,000 in total..."

Teacher Cai Cai coughed: "Gang Xin, did you make a mistake in your calculation? The total bonus is 100,000. According to your calculation, the total share of the three of you is 120,000, and you still owe 20,000."

"Aren't Jingxi and the others still there?"

Bai Pu said: "They took advantage of it and won the championship, and they all got psychic point rewards and psychic infusion attribute rewards. The 20,000 yuan they owe is what they owe, so just pay 10,000 yuan each."


Jingxi, the common-faced male, was the first to laugh out loud. He clicked on a post in the Xijing University online community:

"Boss Steel Heart, did you get inspiration from this post?"

Jingxi swiped two fingers to enlarge the virtual light curtain. Now everyone saw it.

[Xiligong's strength is one stone in total, Steel Heart's eight dou alone, Xuan Ni and Blood Spider's four dou in total, and the rest are short of two dou. 】

Everyone laughed.

Bai Pu showed a smile that was in line with social expectations and declined: "I am the worst at cutting cakes, and the result will definitely be bad if I am asked to divide them. Let the principal divide them. I don't have any objection to whether you divide them more or less."

"Okay..." Principal Cai Xiang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He had learned the lesson. As expected, it was not easy for a newcomer to become the champion of the high school competition in just six months. His leadership skills as a principal were completely useless, and he was turned against him.

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