And at this time, a new post appeared on the forum again.

The title of the post is: [Ye Shaotian summoned two strange spirits at once, worthy of being the new super genius of the Dragon Kingdom!].

The content of the post is:

[Ye Shaotian, just now the second strange spirit was summoned, and he actually succeeded in summoning two strange spirits!

[Ye Shaotian, the first alien spirit general, that is, the strength of the C-level spirit general, was actually able to summon the second alien spirit, and successfully summoned two, isn't this a super genius of our Dragon Kingdom?].

[Ye Shaotian, breaking the record of summoning the whole world can only summon one alien spirit at a time, isn't this the super genius of our Dragon Kingdom?].

[Now, this super genius of the Dragon Kingdom is going to be captured and returned to the real world and handed over to the Inquisition for trial!].

[Is this the super genius of the Dragon Kingdom, the treatment he deserves? Could it be that the Dragon Kingdom is jealous of the super genius? Seeing that Ye Shaotian has no backstage, he can handle it at will?].

[The author once again implores everyone, click to vote for Ye Shaotian! Thank you here!].

Below the text, attached is the vision of heaven and earth caused by Ye Shaotian's summoning of black and white impermanence, as well as a fragment of black and white impermanence sucking zombie souls.

Author: 'Still Me'.

The next second this post came out, it was once again pinned and refined by

the forum administrator! The forum administrator saw the author's name, and did not hesitate at all, and immediately made a pinning and refinement! Today's

'still me' is the spiritual pillar that represents Ye Shaotian and speaks for Ye Shaotian.

No matter what 'Still Me' publishes, the forum administrator will put it on

top and refine it! After a while, more and more people in the Dragon Kingdom saw the post, and after reading it, they all felt their blood boiling! A super genius appeared in the Dragon Kingdom, and

he was Ye Shaotian! Ye Shaotian

alone had 3 strange spirits.

This is definitely breaking the record

of the Dragon Kingdom! In the Dragon Kingdom, many alien spirits are stuck on summoning the second alien spirit, and no one has ever been able to have a third

alien spirit! And summoning the second alien spirit requires the first alien spirit to reach the upper limit of its qualifications before it can be successfully summoned!

This is common sense.

But how to summon the third spirit has not yet been studied by anyone in the Dragon Kingdom.

And below the comments, the number of messages has been full

!【Support Ye Shaotian!Support Ye Shaotian!Ye Shaotian YYDS!】.

[Ye Shaotian is a super genius of the Dragon Kingdom, a rare encounter in a thousand years! A super genius should not be caught, please vote for Ye Shaotian!].

[Ye Shaotian is the hope of the rise of our Dragon Kingdom, everyone must support him, and at the same time hope that the Dragon Kingdom military will do it for themselves!].

More and more comments indicate that they want to support Ye Shaotian.

As soon as this post came out, there were many fewer messages that wanted to discredit Ye Shaotian.

Because this post illustrates a problem, Ye Shaotian is a super genius of the Dragon Kingdom and the hope of the rise of the Dragon Kingdom.

The Dragon Kingdom was frantically suppressed by the foreign coalition forces, and it really needed a super genius to emerge to become the hope of the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

Today's ratio of votes for support and capture is: 550 million VS 320 million.

The number of votes in support of Ye Shaotian is still rising.

Support for Ye Shaotian appeared with an overwhelming number of votes.

He Feifei looked at the data, and the phone was thrown out again and slammed on the ground.

If this continues, it will be difficult for him to avenge his son-in-law.

But he has no choice but to wait for the means of the first hacker in the Dragon Kingdom.

In a dilapidated room, a figure was constantly editing all of Ye Shaotian's videos.

This person is the author of continuous posts in support of Ye Shaotian, 'It's still me'.

His name is Li Dong, he was originally a poor student, and he had just fallen out of love and was ready to end his life.

But Li Dong saw Ye Shaotian's rise, Ye Shaotian's genius, and Ye Shaotian's rescue road.

He rekindled the path of life.

Using superb video editing skills and good writing skills, Li Dong constantly posted posts in support of Ye Shaotian on the forum.

These posts are so hot now, he didn't expect it, there are still many local tyrants in the Dragon Kingdom who give him tips, and these tips are gradually improving his life.

It was Ye Shaotian who gave him hope for rebirth! It

was Ye Shaotian who gave him a way to make money

! It was Ye Shaotian who gave him the opportunity to open the door to another world!

And Li Dong is not only the author of the post 'Still Me', but also the leader of Ye Shaotian's fan organization.

Now Ye Shaotian's fan organization has 5 million people joining, what a huge number.

Didi ......

Li Dong's mobile phone rang, and a message appeared inside: Leader, someone is smearing and attacking Ye Shaotian on the Internet, come quickly.

After he saw the message, he immediately posted a message in the fan organization group.

"Brothers!Prepare to enter cyber battle mode!".


in the virtual world.

The original Camp 9 is now in tatters.

Ye Shaotian looked at Camp 9 helplessly, he didn't expect that summoning black and white impermanence would lead to such a big vision of heaven and earth.

It seems that summoning S-level spirit god-level spirits has a vision of heaven and earth.

This time, he also summoned two S-class spirit gods at once, and the vision of heaven and earth was even worse.

He was still thinking about getting some rest at Camp 9, but now it seems that he can't do it.

Ye Shaotian looked at the sun in the sky, his eyes narrowed, this virtual world always hindered his progress.

In the future, if he has the ability to clean up the virtual world, he will definitely not let go of the virtual world!

Thinking of this, Ye Shaotian glared at the black and white impermanence fiercely, it was these two goods, and the entire No. 9 camp was gone.

The black and white impermanence was glared at by Ye Shaotian for no reason, and he suddenly panicked.

They really don't know what they're doing again, and they're upsetting their masters.

Sure enough, it is like a companion tiger, black and white impermanence looked at the generals beside Ye Shaotian, and also lowered his head.

Days like this make them feel like when they returned to work in the underworld.

"Let's go, continue in the direction of Camp 7. "。

Ye Shaotian commanded Zombie No. 1.

Liu Yifei and half of the zombie army were already heading in the direction of Camp 8, so he shouldn't be too far behind, after all, Camp 7 was farther away than Camp 8.

When Zombie No. 1 heard the order, he immediately came to his senses and immediately commanded the zombie army to advance.

And Zombie No. 2 summoned a super cobra, and Ye Shaotian and the generals climbed on its head and began to set off.

Zombie No. 1 and Zombie No. 2 did not get on the head of the Super Cobra because they could see that Ye Shaotian was not in a good mood.

With that, the hordes of zombies began to advance, leaving behind the dilapidated Camp 9.

Black and white impermanence can only fly up and follow behind.

"Tell us what's going on in the world, zombie boy. Don't look at it, it's you kid!".

Black and White Impermanence glared at Zombie 1 viciously, as if threatening it.

Zombie No. 1 was shocked when he saw the fierce and vicious two, it had just seen Black and White Impermanence directly suck the soul of a zombie brother.

"Two old brothers, please listen to me in detail. "。

Zombie No. 1 was helpless and began to export the situation of this side of the world to black and white impermanence.

After an hour, it finally stopped talking.

Black and white impermanence is also a matter of fully understanding this side of the world.

Is the master of his own house now ready to go to support Camp 7

? The master of his own house is actually a super genius

? It didn't take long for his master to summon the generals before he was able to summon the two of them?

Black and white Impermanence glanced at each other, and they all saw the look of shock in the other party's eyes.

According to Zombie No. 1's words, Ye Shaotian was a genius among geniuses, and in less than a month, he summoned strange spirits twice in a row.

The second summon also summoned the two brothers.


they were

summoned by Ye Shaotian to this side of the world, the two black and white impermanence brothers could only do their best to assist Ye Shaotian.


The exit of the virtual realm.

There's a team showing up.

"Who?Why are you here?".

The two guards shouted at them.

This team is part of the people in Camp 10 led by Ye Tian and Li Hua.

Of course, there is also a genius girl in the North District, Chen Xiaoxiao.

"We returned from Camp 10, which has been breached by the enemy, and we want to go back to the real world. "。

Ye Tian opened his mouth and explained the whole thing.

After verifying the identities of the guards, they let them go.

Everyone who came out of the virtual world said goodbye to each other.

Chen Xiaoxiao said to Ye Shaotian and Li Hua: "Uncle, aunt, I'm also going home to see my family, leave a contact information." "。

She breathes the fresh air of the real world, and it feels too oppressive in the virtual world.

Fortunately, when they retreated, they did not encounter enemy attacks.

However, even if he encounters it, now that there is Ye Tian's C-level spirit general lion, he will not be afraid.

Li Hua touched Chen Xiaoxiao's hand and said with a smile: "Xiaoxiao, let's come to Tian'er more in the future, don't be polite." "。

For Chen Xiaoxiao, the more she looks at it, the more she likes it, not only is she beautiful, but she is also a genius girl, worthy of her own son.

When Chen Xiaoxiao heard this, she nodded with a blushing face.

Then she disappeared from Ye Tian and Li Hua's eyes.

Then Ye Tian and Li Hua also returned to their homes.

"Brother Tian, I don't know how Tian'er is doing in the virtual world, have you encountered any dangers?"

Li Hua asked Ye Tian worriedly.

Ye Tian was also a little worried, and said, "Tian'er's strength is so strong, there shouldn't be any danger." "。

Immediately, he seemed to think of something, and hurriedly said: "Isn't that virtual world APP able to see the situation inside?

After Li Hua heard this, he immediately flipped out his mobile phone and opened the virtual world APP.

The two of them rarely use this app, because they are basically sent to the battlefield more often.

After the two of them operated, they found Ye Shaotian's live broadcast room.

As soon as I entered, I saw an endless barrage, which was the crazy output of water friends in the live broadcast room.

"Ye Shen YYDS! Brothers, Ye Shen is now going to support Camp 7! Everyone, cheer him on!".

"Ye Shen! Come on, Ye Shen, you are the best!".

"Ye God! Ye God! Invincible!".

"New newcomers to the live broadcast room, go and vote for Ye Shen! This live broadcast room only supports Ye Shen! Trolls, please give way!".

Ye Tian and Li Hua looked confused when they saw this barrage.

Who is Ye Shen

? It seems to be very famous

? The two of them looked at the number of people in the live broadcast room: 1.2 billion!

Oh my God, what the hell is going on

? The population of the Dragon Kingdom is only about 6 billion, and now there are 1.2 billion people watching this

live broadcast room? Ye Tian looked at the live broadcast room and it was playing the picture of his son advancing with the zombie army.

He asked weakly, "Brothers, who is Ye Shen?"

At this time, a sailor replied: "It seems that you are a newcomer, right? I don't even know Ye Shen? Ye Shen is Ye Shaotian, a super genius of the Dragon Kingdom, a super genius with three strange spirits!"

Ye Shen

is Ye Shaotian? Ye Shaotian is a super genius of the Dragon Kingdom? Ye Shaotian

has three strange spirits?

The subtitles of this sentence shook the hearts of Ye Tian and Li Hua.

When did their son become so good?

and became a super genius

? Hey

, you group of sailors are not joking, are you

? Li Hua looked at Ye Tian in shock and said.

"Brother Tian, our son has become a super genius in the Dragon Kingdom?".

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