"When needed, I will consider escort services." Fang Xiao nodded towards the tall earth elf.

"Thank you earth elves for your consideration. Then please stay here for a few days. After the war is over, we will discuss the previous transaction in detail."

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the tall earth elf smiled: "Okay, respected human lord, I will report what happened here to Broken Rock City later."

Fang Xiao glanced at these earth elves, then turned to look at Huang Yunjie next to him: "Yunjie, you take a few guests back to the territory first."

"Yes, Lord Lord." Huang Yunjie responded immediately, and then left quickly with a few earth elves.

After Huang Yunjie left with these earth elves, Fang Xiao continued to collect the corpses and trophies.

They kept calm until early in the morning, and finally, as far as the eye could see, the body of the Zihao Wolf could no longer be seen, only the remaining blood stains, still telling the cruelty of the previous war.

Fang Xiao directly used the Zi Hao Lang's corpse as meat and sold it to the trading house.

As for the other trophies, the harvest was quite generous.

First of all, there are 4312 converged wolf corpses and 55 intermediate tree elf corpses.

According to the amount of blood absorbed on the blood-drinking mad knife information panel, it can be judged that Fang Xiao killed a total of 1,950 of them.

When Fang Xiao drove the machine bird to kill, the efficiency was relatively high, but when he led the soldiers behind him to kill the wolves, the efficiency was much lower.

However, the machine bird has a flight cooling time, so there is nothing we can do about it.

Among them, there was a 1-star Purple Hair Wolf Soldier transfer order worth 3220 yuan, a 2-star Purple Hair Wolf Soldier transfer order worth 351 yuan, and a 3-star Purple Hair Wolf Soldier transfer order worth 21 yuan.

Purple Hao Wolf Soldier's job transfer order, the professional star rating is the same as the Purple Hao Wolf's own strength, and it is a rare 5-star occupation.

Speaking of which, this was the first time Fang Xiao saw Samsung's job transfer order.

It seems that the higher the star rating of the job transfer order, the lower the explosion rate.

After all, he had killed thousands of purple wolves here, and only a few 3-star job transfer orders came out.

However, Fang Xiao didn't care about this.

After all, Samsung's job transfer order only allows one more target to transfer jobs, and has no other special effects.

Therefore, a one-star job transfer order is actually enough, as long as the number is sufficient.

The purple-haired wolf soldier's job transfer order that was revealed this time can transfer a total of 3985 people. In a short period of time, there is no need to worry about running out of transfer orders.

The reason is very simple. Originally, there were more than 2,000 ordinary people in Fang Xiao's territory, but before that, Fang Xiao recruited 426 recruits.

The total number of ordinary people in Fang Xiao's territory now totals less than 2,000, which is not as many as these job transfer orders.

After the war with the Ringling Forest is over, Fang Xiao must seize the time to conquer other NPC forces to gain population.

Otherwise, the next development will be very slow.

In addition to these job transfer orders, Fang Xiao also received two 2-star town-level lord's mansion drawings.

It seemed that Fang Xiao's previous guess was correct.

The rare three-star monster exploded with the blueprint of the five-star village-level lord's mansion.

Then, by analogy, a 4-star rare monster will produce a 1-star town-level lord welfare blueprint, and so on.

Now the rare five-star Zihao Lang has revealed the blueprint of the 2-star town-level lord's mansion, which shows that Fang Xiao's inference is completely correct.

It's a pity that so far, Fang Xiao has not revealed the blueprint of the one-star town-level lord's mansion.

Otherwise, he can now directly use the 2-star town-level lord's mansion blueprint for his territory.

Fang Xiao is not in a hurry to sell the extra 2-star town-level lord's mansion drawing.

He has killed more than 4,000 purple wolves here, and as a result, these two 2-star town-level lord mansion drawings were revealed. Moreover, he also has a god-level explosive lord talent. You can imagine how outrageous the explosion rate is. .

Therefore, there is no way to determine the value of this drawing now.

Moreover, Fang Xiao now has so many purple wolf carcasses for sale. Carnivorous resources have always been hard currency, so there is no need to worry about not being able to sell them.

After all the corpses of these purple wolves are sold, another large amount of gold coins will arrive.

There are also the corpses of those intermediate tree elves. Their wings are useful materials. Since they are useful materials, they must be used in some ways.

The tree elves are vengeful and very vindictive. At this stage, few players would dare to provoke them.

Even Fang Xiao actually didn't want to take the initiative to provoke them, but he didn't expect that the tree elves' hidden conditions for starting a war were triggered, so he had to confront them head-on.

In this case, the market for the wings of the tree elves should be relatively high. If their corpses are hung on them, if someone needs their wings, I believe they will spend money to buy them.

Fang Xiao put their corpses up for sale at a very high price, and after selling them, he could also get a large sum of gold coins.

In short, for now, although Fang Xiao spends a lot of gold coins, he is not in a hurry to need a large amount of gold coins.

In addition, there are wheat seeds that have been infected by the mysterious power. Together with the original warehouse storage, there are now a total of 49,980 kilograms.

So many wheat seeds are enough to cultivate 4,998 acres of land.

This undoubtedly made Fang Xiao more determined to upgrade the territory level as soon as possible, expand the scope of the territory, and plunder a large number of people.

In addition, 21 peach cores that had been infected by mysterious power exploded, and 15 apricot cores that had been infected by mysterious power exploded.

Later, you can arrange for Huang Yunjie to sow seeds in a fertile vegetable garden to enjoy the vegetable garden bonus.

He now has two 1-star fertile vegetable gardens, which are enough to plant these fruit tree seeds.

Zi Hao Lang did not reveal the weapon design drawings, perhaps because it does not know how to explode such things.

Other than that, there is the mysterious treasure chest.

A total of 413 mysterious treasure chests were revealed.

This time it was definitely a bumper harvest.

It has to be said that gains are often accompanied by risks.

If it hadn't been for this war, I don't know how much time would have been wasted just to find so many purple wolves, and they wouldn't have gathered together to kill Fang Xiao.

After the statistics were completed, Fang Xiao took steps to find Huang Yunjie.

He now has many things that he needs to understand with Huang Yunjie.

It didn't take long for him to find Huang Yunjie.

At this time, Huang Yunjie was directing the craftsmen to repair the damaged city wall.

After seeing Fang Xiao approaching, Huang Yunjie immediately saluted Fang Xiao: "I have met the lord."

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