Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 256 Collective

October 1, 2020, Magic City, Magnolia Theater.

After five days of intense rehearsals and five consecutive days of "Broken Wings Bird" drama performance starting today, Lu Ze stood by the bed in the lounge on the second floor and already saw parents bringing their children.

Normal dramas are not like today. They can be performed on stage in five days. That is just a joke. A good stage play requires the actors to rehearse and perform for several months, or even one or two years. To get along, we not only need to memorize the script from top to bottom, but also cultivate the actors' tacit understanding. In this way, if anyone makes a mistake, other actors can quickly fill in the loopholes.

Even the rehearsals for "Bird with Broken Wings" were practiced by a group of students from the Imperial Theater Academy for more than three months before starting the tour.

Fortunately, Lu Ze only played a supporting role with a lot of roles. Five days was enough to thoroughly study the script. In addition, his progress was extremely fast. Even though he was still far behind professional drama actors, he still had to play a children's drama. He is competent enough, and due to his high stability, he has not made a single mistake since the third day.

"Lu Ze, it's your turn, put on your makeup."

Old Song wore orange paint on his face and looked like an Indian. He was shirtless and put on the costume of Father Bird. Lu Ze responded, sat down on his seat, and asked the makeup artist to apply green on his face. oil paint.


"Son, we're getting out of the car. Come here, mommy will hug you."

A BMW X5 entered the parking lot of the theater. After carefully backing into the garage, he unbuckled his seat belt, looked at his quiet son in the back seat, got out of the car, opened the rear door, and gently adjusted the child's bangs with his little finger. , took out the handkerchief he had prepared for a long time and wiped the saliva from his son's mouth.

Her name is Zhang Min, she is thirty-five years old and a business executive. She has been married for eight years. She is expecting a child in 2013. The child was born in April 2014. She is born with intellectual disability and her nickname is Ding Ding.

Unfastening the child's seat belt, she struggled to pick up the child and put it on the ground. Ding Ding was now over fifty kilograms, a little fatter than a normal six-year-old child. Zhang Min was a thin woman, so it was naturally very difficult to hold her. .



As soon as she walked to the front of the car holding Ding Ding's hand, she saw a woman getting out of the car next to the car on the left with her child in her arms. Although Zhang Min always felt that her family was a normal family and her children were normal children, There is inevitably a hurdle in her heart, or a blockage, because she can lie to herself, but the way others look at her child always brings her back to reality. Her son... has intellectual problems. .

But now, seeing so many parents with similarly mentally retarded children, she suddenly felt comfortable and cordial, because they were destined to be parents who had to worry about their children all their lives and could not close their eyes even after they died. When everyone comes together, it’s like a big family.

There was no pity or ridicule for the child in the other person's eyes, but only sympathy for each other who had been reduced to the end of the world. This sense of identity was something Zhang Min had never felt in the six years she had been a mother. For a moment, her eyes felt a little... Moist, Zhang Min felt that this trip was not in vain just because she could meet other people like her.

From the moment Ding Ding was born, no...from the time it was found out that there might be something wrong with the baby, she felt like the sky had fallen apart, as if there was no hope in her life. She even suffered from prenatal depression before she even got to the postpartum period.

Although the husband was very sad, he didn’t know whether to call him rational or cold-blooded. After confirming that there was 100% problem with the child, he discussed with Zhang Min whether to remove the penis and get another one. But at that time, she felt that the child would die. If the child is born, she will die as well. She doesn’t want to live without this child.

When she was in school, she was afraid of having children. After working, she felt that pregnancy was a drag and delayed her career development, and she still felt a psychological burden about having children. But when the pregnancy test stick turned out red, she felt like a mother. The joy could not be suppressed no matter what.

Watching my belly swell little by little, and seeing the baby take shape a little bit every time during the prenatal check-up, and then he would playfully kick my belly, this feeling is like...a sense of accomplishment? Or... is it a sense of responsibility? She couldn't tell, but was she happy?


After entering the delivery room, due to the abnormal fetal position of the child, a caesarean section was required. The scar was not only a romance for men, the wound on the woman's belly was also a great proof.

She felt empty in her stomach, but there was a six-pound child lying next to her. She remembered the hardships of ten months, but she felt it was worth it.

However, the child's intelligence problem is an obstacle that cannot be circumvented. She checks the child with hope every time, and then returns home disappointed every time. She holds the child in her arms every day and teaches Tintin to call her mother, but there is no response for more than two years, until In the third year, she finally heard this sentence, and then she hid in the bathroom and cried for more than an hour.

Ding Ding could call mom at the age of three, called daddy for the first time at the age of three and a half, and learned to walk at the age of four and a half. This was all the result of her hard work. Every time Ding Ding came up with a new word, she was pleasantly surprised, but... .....The child's father gradually lost his patience.

Every time her husband said, "We are looking for one so that when we are old in the future, someone will be able to take care of Tintin," she was not interested because she knew that no one except her parents would take care of a mentally retarded person for the rest of his life. Not even biological brothers and sisters.

Moreover, she is afraid that Tintin's younger brothers and sisters will take away her love for Tintin and make Tintin feel wronged. What is even more fearful is... what if the second child is still the same as Tintin? This was her psychological shadow. She really didn't dare to have a second child.

Even she was wary of the intimacy between husband and wife. When her husband came in, she would always ask again and again, "Did you bring it?" "Did you bring it?" "Did you bring it?"

The disharmony in their married life has naturally made the relationship between her and her husband cold. She recently discovered that her husband smells of someone else's perfume. She has also seen a lipstick in her bag that does not belong to her. She can always find it on his clothes. She found a few long golden hairs on the bed. She knew that her husband had cheated on her, but she still kept silent and slept with Ding Ding every night.

She knew that her marriage was coming to an end. If her husband chose to divorce, she would sign it without hesitation and leave. The high salary gave her financial confidence. She had the confidence to raise Ding Ding alone. Now she really doesn't care about anything but her children.

The gap between rich and poor cannot change the fact that everyone's children have problems, so Zhang Min did not look down on those parents who took their children to watch the show on electric bicycles. Even the woman who just got off the Rolls-Royce was nothing more than They are just poor people. In essence, there is no difference between us.

"What's your name, little baby? Guoguo? You're so good. Can you kiss Auntie and give you some sweets? Oh, it smells so delicious! This is Brother Dingding. Can you be good friends from now on?"

A man held a four-year-old girl in his arms. The father brought the child close to Zhang Min with a smile on his face, without any precautions. When Zhang Min gave the child a piece of candy, he hugged the little girl and shook it a few times, teaching the girl to say Thanks.

The candies were not big, and they were small candies that Zhang Min bought specially so that the child would not get stuck in his throat if he swallowed them. Although the girl could not speak yet, she had a bright smile.

After following the large troop into the theater, every parent would greet each other. But to be honest, Zhang Min was really envious when she saw those families whose parents brought their children to watch the drama together. Perhaps for Ding Ding, the lack of parents She can't feel her love for him, but Zhang Min cares. This will be a lifelong regret for her, but it is still for Ding Ding, not her husband.

He lowered his head and touched Ding Ding's hair, but noticed that Ding Ding's pants were wet. With a gentle smile, he sighed and pulled Ding Ding into the women's bathroom. This place was full of parents changing their children's diapers, so Zhang When Min took her six-year-old boy into the girls' restroom, no one pointed out anything. There were even enthusiastic parents who didn't mind helping Zhang Min carry his pants, which were wet with urine.

When the first cry came, it proved that crying is indeed contagious, especially for a group of emotional women. Such a situation has never happened in their past. Normally, they would have to endure other people's strange looks and change their children's diapers in public. Isn't it embarrassing? Actually no, but I always feel the pain in my heart.

Even as a business woman, Zhang Min was full of tears. Humans are social animals after all. If you are not regarded as an alien by others, you will naturally not understand their loneliness and suffering, so the feeling of hugging each other for warmth is really great.

I changed Ding Ding's pants and said thank you to the woman who helped carry the pants. The woman in this toilet shouted that she wanted to form a group face to face. We all interacted more in the future and got the collective call.

Looking at Ding Ding standing in the corner with a confused look on his face, Zhang Min put his phone away and followed everyone into the hall. He found his seat with his ticket, sat down, and interacted with the people around him.

"Ding Ding, the play is about to begin. If you like it, tell your mother. She will often take you to watch it in the future."

Holding this little hand, she set her sights on the stage with a smile on her face. The big lights were turned off, leaving only the small lights in front of the red curtain. Many children were at a loss for the sudden lights out, and some were even more so. Cried out.

But none of the adults would be unhappy or noisy. They just tried to comfort the other children around them with warm words after the crying gradually disappeared.

The drama begins...


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