Walking out of the alley, Mickey distributed the cigarettes to the three of them and shook his hands that were stained with blood. On the deserted street, vehicles with high beams on were speeding in the direction of Lu Ze and the four of them, lighting the cigarettes in the lighter. For a moment, it caught the eyes of four people.

"Turn off the high beams! You immoral bastard!"

He stepped on the iron beam at the bottom of the sidewalk guardrail, stretched out his middle finger and pointed at the vehicle, shouting curses, like a crazy drunkard. The car owner obviously heard it, and Mickey could clearly see that the middle-aged uncle also extended his middle finger to retaliate. In terms of color, the high beams were finally changed, making Mickey hold on to the railing and smile heartily.

"So...why did you come out to find me?"

"Your father is here. He came to look for you. When he saw that you were not there and the phone couldn't be reached, we came out to look for you. I guess your father hasn't left yet, so let's go back quickly."

Of course, Lu Ze would not complain to Mickey about his father's attitude towards the three of them, although the old man was indeed quite excessive. He thought they were a bunch of Mickey's friends, eating Mickey's things, using Mickey's things, and even renting him a high-end apartment. It was a mess and didn't look like a guest at all.

Moreover, he did not bury his dissatisfaction with the subjective impression of Lu Ze and the others in his heart. Instead, he spoke it out unabashedly and criticized the three of Lu Ze, making it impossible for the three of them to sit or stand, and they were prone to conflicts. It was even more impossible. I could only use the excuse of looking for Mickey to leave the apartment in despair.

According to Mickey's original plan, the three of them went to the red light district to look for him, but did not see him. Lu Ze suggested to go to Lion Heart to have a look. It was a coincidence that they happened to encounter the scene just now. , and now Mickey is also rejoicing. If the three of them don't find him tonight, something might happen.

Although Lu Ze and Mickey's quarrel will not really hurt their feelings, it has only been a few hours and it is obviously impossible for the two of them to communicate as if nothing happened. No matter how good friends quarrel, It was inevitable that there would be some grudges in their hearts, so the atmosphere was a bit awkward. The two of them didn't communicate too much. They just walked back the same way in silence on the snowy night.

It wasn't until I opened the door that I saw the old man of Mickey's family sleeping soundly on the sofa. The TV was on and playing the replay of the evening baseball game. This old man was so venomous that even juniors like Lu Ze who liked the elderly would not be attracted. Mickey's father was well received, let alone the Mendeleev brothers. The three of them did not dare to disturb him and quietly returned to their respective bedrooms, leaving Mickey standing in front of his father with his arms akimbo, wondering whether he should wake him up.

I returned to the bedroom, took off my coat and got on the bed. At first I could still hear Mickey's father's loud voice, but then maybe because Mickey had dissuaded him, there was no sound outside the door.

Because I slept for a long time today, I didn't feel sleepy anymore when I lay in bed. At 1 o'clock in the middle of the night, which is around 9 o'clock in the morning in China, Dahai had already gotten up. Lu Ze made a video request, hoping to see the cripple with a grimace on his face. I chatted with the cripple for half an hour.

In order to adjust to the jet lag, Lu Ze hung up the phone half an hour later, adjusted the pillow to a comfortable position, turned to his side and closed his eyes to rest. Maybe people have different feelings when they fall asleep. Some people are completely unaware that they are sleeping. Whenever you fall asleep, it will be dawn. Some people are very sensitive to the state when they fall asleep. They will feel that their bodies gradually become lighter until they lose control. But Lu Ze is different from them.

When I'm sleepy, I just put it on the pillow. When I'm not sleepy, I forcefully use the system space to absorb my spirit. I still put it on the pillow. Over the years, I really haven't had any insomnia. However, the system has a lot to play for now, but it hasn't yet. During the official filming period, it can only be used as a sleeping pill. Thinking about it...it is indeed a bit of a soy sauce.

"Dong dong dong... Lu Ze, are you asleep? Can I come in?"

"Hmm...huh? What's wrong?"

The hour hand of the fluorescent watch pointed to three o'clock. In this short period of more than an hour, Lu Ze had a dream that was not very wonderful. Countless people tried to persuade him to film this movie. It was not until Mickey woke him up that he realized that he was covered in blood. It was already soaked from top to bottom.

"Drink some wine with me, don't refuse, let's have a good talk, okay?"

"Okay... let me take a shower first."

Washing away the sweat stains on his body in the private bathroom, he put the towel that he had wiped on his hair on the towel rack and carried his hair that still had some moisture to the back of his head. His hair was still very thick. Lu Ze was very lucky for this. He didn't have to. I am worried about hair loss. After all, there are many friends who are middle-aged and bald around me. For example, Han Chen, Guo Mingde, the driver Liu Bin, Huang Liu, and even Song Guiyuan all have symptoms of hair loss.

He was once worried that excessive mental exertion in the systematic classes would lead to baldness. Excessive worry even made him use some hair protection products, but now it seems that this kind of thing will not happen anymore. The old Lu family does not have the genetic tendency to lose hair easily. sick.

Wearing a soft bathrobe, he tied the rope around his waist. When Lu Ze left the room, he noticed that Mickey had started drinking. Lu Ze looked helpless and stretched out his palm to suppress Mickey's arm that raised the wine glass.

"Are you really not afraid of drinking yourself to death? You haven't stopped since I saw you. Drinking like this all day long is a bit too much. It will cause too much damage to the liver. Stop it. Don't drink."

"The last glass, I won't drink it after finishing it. You can drink the last glass with me. This glass of wine...I apologize to you. I went too far today. I'm sorry."

"Although I don't think you need to say this. Anyway, it will be over as soon as daybreak and it won't affect anything at all. But I have to say I'm sorry. I drank this glass of wine."

Just like Lu Ze said, a quarrel will not cause a rift in the friendship between the two, because in the film industry, it is too common for friends to quarrel over work.

Think about it, any job that can make two friends quarrel is basically inseparable from creation, because this is something that does not exist in the world at present, and people need to create it. If one person is okay, the number of people Once there are more than two people, there will inevitably be a collision of ideas and conflicts will arise. This situation does not only occur in artistic creation.

Product design, promotion plans, construction plans, advertising planning, etc. This series of work that requires creation cannot avoid quarrels. In other words, products are born out of quarrels. At this time, you can only be grateful. Fortunately, my good friend does not work in the same company as me, and my colleagues certainly cannot be called friends.

But the film circle is different. As long as you have enough rank, eight out of ten people in a level are acquaintances. They can also be considered friends. When creating art in this environment, you have only two choices, or recognize it. In work and life, don't bring dissatisfaction at work into your life, or don't treat someone who is prone to conflict with you as a friend.

The second option is the most common in this circle. You don’t get close to anyone. The advantage is that you don’t care about the other person’s feelings. The disadvantage is that you can’t accumulate connections at all. There are no close friends in the entire circle, and you are prone to persecutory delusion. I wake up every day with the overwhelming feeling of loneliness.

The advantage of the first option is that you will have a wide network of people. No matter how noisy you are, friends will still be friends in life. This will not change at all. The disadvantage is... only the top people in the industry are qualified to play like this, and the level is low. At one point, you have no business speaking at all.

After finishing the last glass of wine, Lu Ze forcibly took away Mickey's wine glass and put it on the table to prevent him from breaking the promise he just made later. He picked up a lighter and pressed it to the bottom of the glass before asking.

"Uncle, it's so late, can you feel relieved when you go back? Besides...why did he come here in the middle of the night?"

"Once you get in the car, you don't have to worry about him. His house is quite safe. After all, it's a wealthy area, and there are police patrols on every street. As for why you came, I just miss his granddaughter and want me to take Fanny away." Take it over and let him take care of it for two days. No, I said Fanny was filming and there was no time, so he lost his temper and left."

"It's normal for old people to miss their children. Coming here in the middle of the night is probably because they're thinking too much. There's an old Chinese saying about relatives separated by generations. This sentence probably applies to all countries."

"But Fanny doesn't like him. There's no way. The old man always likes to instill knowledge into children that he can still put on the table, whether they really like it or not. Just like he always teaches Fanny Chinese, think about me learning When I was in Chinese, I had nightmares every night, and my dreams were full of polyphonic words... I’m scared to think about it now, let alone Fanny, whose language talent is much worse than mine.”

Talking about the embarrassing things in childhood, it seems to be particularly interesting now. The two of them sat on the sofa laughing, and finally stopped talking. They couldn't laugh about this incident all the time, and finally fell silent.

Living in a high-rise building, when you look out the window, you can see nearly half of the night view of Liverpool. Late at night, even the bright neon lights have stopped, leaving only the street lights waiting for the rising sun alone, dyeing the night into a golden color, but dispelling the darkness. At the same time, the few vehicles traveling along with it can't bring a trace of warmth to people. Come to think of it... everyone looking at this scene must be lonely.

He tried to dissuade Mickey from drinking anymore, but he couldn't hold it back. He poured half a glass of the auburn-bodied wine and drank it in one sip. Lu Ze frowned at the stamina. Martell's VSOP was no longer considered a low-end wine. Drinking like this is somewhat wasteful, but what is the purpose of drinking? Is it really about feeling the taste?

It's just that when you're drunk, it won't be so hard to swallow.

"You still want me to take on this drama, right? I know what you're thinking about."

"I don't deny it, because you are the only one I consider to be the protagonist. It's not because your salary is low and your cost-effectiveness is super high, and it's not because you are also a shareholder of the company. I have to assign tasks to you. It's just that I feel... from that rainy night From the beginning, I decided that we were a whole. To be honest, I really didn’t expect you to refuse. Maybe this is my self-righteousness."

The rainy night was that night at Irkru Castle. Both of them were so frightened by the rain that they stared at the shooting props all night. Then they had a high fever together, worked together while sick, and vomited together. In fact, after this incident, Lu Ze also affirmed Got him.

He reached out to take the bottle, but Lu Ze slapped him and pushed the bottle further away. He shrugged and gave up the idea of ​​drinking. He coughed, lit a cigarette, took off his slippers, hugged his legs with his hands, and covered his whole body. Sitting on the sofa, quiet and decadent, with the rising smoke and staring at the crystal chandelier, Lu Ze couldn't see his expression from his slightly curly hair, so he remained silent and looked out the window.

Everyone has something on their mind, and they all have one thing on their mind.

"If what you are talking about is not this movie, what you say is true. I don't understand. What's wrong with you to have such negative thoughts? I really don't understand...how does this society treat you? Now, Mickey, tell me why you wanted to write it."

In fact, part of the script that Mickey came up with was not one connected script paragraph, but two short stories. The purpose of this writing method is obvious. Mickey wanted to use a multi-point narrative expression technique and abandoned the traditional three-paragraph structure. , is no longer like ordinary movies, or Hollywood dramas, with a beginning, climax, and end as a whole.

Instead, it disrupts the order of the plots and uses stories to connect each other. Therefore, it is possible that the previous scene is the plot of the old age, and the next scene is the past of the protagonist when he was a child, and the audience needs to piece it together by themselves.

The difficulty of the two expression structures is not equal, but there is a huge gap. A film with multiple narrative points is much more difficult to shoot than a three-part structure. The splicing is also very particular, and the director's skills are very demanding.

This is not the first time Mickey has used this method to shoot a movie. One of his failed works "Birdman" was like this. If it weren't for Lu Ze's strong protest to maintain stability, "Effect" would have been cut into a multi-point narrative.

Nowadays, the criteria for judging good and bad movies are no longer decided by film critics. The only people who are truly qualified to judge the quality of a movie are the audience, because they have spent money and they have the right to demand to see the pictures they want. My movie-watching trip is worthwhile, and more narration is the weakness of viewers who have no knowledge of movies and just watch movies for the sake of watching movies. To put it bluntly, they can't understand it if there is more narration.

The multi-point narration must be clean and neat, and cannot be delayed, otherwise a story will take up some time and cause the audience to watch fatigue, which means they are prone to falling asleep. Therefore, every scene is full of useful information, and such a compact plot is for those who have no experience in movies. For ordinary viewers with basic skills, it will already be overwhelming, let alone asking them to put the stories together during the tense plot. This is completely difficult for the audience, and it is a difficult movie for the audience. Look... there are Several good endings, except for brain-burning movies.


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