Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 398: Details of

"Hey! Lu Ze, you have lost a lot of weight. It seems that your vacation is not so easy. It's good. You can also save a lot of time on muscle training. Wait a minute, what's wrong with your face..."

At seven o'clock in the evening, Lu Ze and his wife returned to the company. The Mendeleev brothers were very busy with the preliminary preparations for the shooting, so they had moved out of Mickey's apartment and came to live in the company. As soon as they opened the door of the office, they instantly rolled their eyes. It floated out. If the white smoke wasn't so choking, Lu Ze would have thought he had gone to heaven.

The room was quite tidy. After all, the company's cleaners were not just for free, so the two of them would not turn the office into a pig's nest. There were only cigarette ashes scattered on the table, a few bottles of beer, two boxes of pizza, and some side dishes.

The two brothers were not in a very good state of mind. Their hair was messy and twisted into buttons. The lights were bright and bright. The bags under their eyes were droopy and the dark circles were scary. When they saw Lu Ze push the door open and come in, they reluctantly cheered up and stood up. He hugged Lu Ze vigorously.

"He...hahaha...let the kangaroo."

"Shut up."

The sinister reprimand made Mickey shut his mouth, but his face continued to twitch and tremble. After all, being beaten by a kangaroo sounded very happy, and it was Lu Ze who was beaten. If he didn't laugh, it was because of Lu Ze. Ze face.

Lu Ze was slightly injured, and the corner of his eye was bruised by a straight punch from a kangaroo. Although this level of injury was nothing more than drizzle to a breeder, after all, Lu Ze was an actor by profession, and the most important thing was that his face was injured. Things got a little serious. The zoo manager repeatedly persuaded Lu Ze to go to the hospital for a check-up, but Lu Ze refused. In the end, Morgan had to take the blame and was reprimanded by his boss, which ended hastily.

"It seems like something interesting happened?"


Lu Ze bit his mouth tightly, and Mickey did not dare to speak at the side. This matter was skipped and went directly to the topic. Of course, Lu Ze still had to pay attention to Mickey, lest he take advantage of his absence to talk to Men Jie. Brothers Lev share happiness.

"In this way, we first decided on the filming location. Here, starting from the Port of Liverpool, about seventeen nautical miles and entering the Irish Sea, at 52°28' north latitude and 3°01' west longitude, there is a name called Cardiff. Ser's island, with an area of ​​about 37 square kilometers, is an island that has been purchased. The owner of the island is a local wealthy businessman who has developed the island into a private resort. I have already contacted him to arrange an appointment eight days a week. The forest on the island was rented for a fee of one thousand pounds, provided that the trees were not destroyed and the forest was kept hygienic.”

Lucas stood by the wall, drew a circle on the map on the blackboard, and marked the location of the island. Suddenly, Mickey stretched out his hand and interrupted Lucas's speech.

"Then where do we live?"

"Um... after the filming is completed, we will take the boat back to Liverpool."

"What about him? This bastard dares to ask us for eight thousand pounds a week? Including the round trip expenses, that week is almost nine thousand pounds! We don't live anywhere, that piece of broken forest is worth eight thousand pounds?"

"I have already negotiated the lowest price. He originally offered 20,000 yuan, and the ecology of the island is indeed good. It basically meets the characteristics of an uninhabited island. There are many wild animals in it, which is unmatched by other tourist attraction islands. of."

"What? Twenty thousand? This is the most ridiculous joke I have heard today. What is the name of this island owner? Give me the phone and I will talk to him."

"Marshall Stanforth, I heard is an export merchant from the Port of Liverpool."

"Marshall?'s not expensive...skip this topic and continue."

Mitch shut up when he heard the name, Marshall, a Liverpool import trade businessman. Of course, this is his official identity, but behind his back, he is the largest cannabis supplier in Liverpool and a smuggler. The refugees who smuggled into Liverpool back then were at least Half of it was sent by him. This man belongs to the evil forces. Mickey also knows how much he weighs and can talk about eight thousand. Maybe Marshall has given him Mickey's face.

The pizza was already cold, and the slices of meat on the cheese were beginning to change, but it was enough to satisfy my hunger. I picked up a piece and took a few bites. Lu Ze did not participate in the expenses.

Mitch is in charge of the company's flow. This was decided when he signed the share contract. He only has shares and gets dividends every year. He has no involvement in the company's operations. Moreover, this is between the director and the producer. Discussion has nothing to do with him as an actor.

There was a kraft paper file bag on the table. Lucas picked it up and picked out many photos from it. They fixed them on the blackboard with magnets. The scene looked familiar, but Lu Ze didn't say anything and waited quietly for Lucas to explain.

"Victoria Street, the second location, is located in the prime location of Formby. I can't discuss this location. I need you to negotiate with the relevant departments, Mitch. Secondly, the Department of Medicine of the University of Liverpool also needs you to communicate..."

Lucas talked a lot. He analyzed them one by one according to the position of the scene in the photo and combined with the script. Some of the scenic spots to be selected were adopted and some were rejected. The four of them kept talking about the framing issue at 9:20 p.m. It had only been initially finalized, and now it was time for Lu Ze to raise his own questions.

“What about the casting issue?”

"The well-known actors are tentatively selected. I sent out a lot of audition letters, but there were not many responses. Most of them are not interested in this drama. I have confirmed a lot of cost-effective Golden Green Leaves for the money. Maybe I should think about it. I’m looking for someone who can play the main role.”

"Show me the photo."

It was still this brown paper bag, filled with many formal photos of actors, and the names of the characters were labeled on them. I looked through a few photos, some looked familiar, some I had never seen before, and none of them could be named.

Stack the photos into a pile, flatten them on the table, press the first one with your thumb, and bend it into a U shape. Then each photo slides past your fingertips, and is finally photographed on the table. Lu Ze ponders. After a while, he turned to look at Mickey, who was blowing smoke rings into the light.

"Does Fanny have any dates?"

" daughter has already gone to school, didn't you know?"

"Did you tell me that?"

"It seems... not."

What’s very interesting is that it seems that only when talking about his daughter and his ex-wife, Mickey would show such a bitter and resentful expression. After pondering for a long time, he pressed the cigarette butt that was burning to the sponge into the ashtray and patted his face vigorously.

"OK, I'm going to talk to Mary about this. I hope she can help me once. Lucas, you come with me tomorrow and be my bodyguard. I can't beat her current husband, who is a soldier. Lu Ze, are there any other candidates?"

"Where's Elena?"

"Why do you always look for such difficult guys! I haven't been to Lionheart for a long time. Old Depp is trying to catch me everywhere. When he sees me, he asks me to arrange a role for Elena, okay, okay, If I go and talk about this, it will be considered as Depp’s wish, lest he really catch me halfway and beat me up again, is there anything else?”

"I'm just thinking of these two for the moment. Wow... Okay, it's ten o'clock, and I'm sleepy too. Let's go here today, or you can talk again, and I'll talk about it tomorrow."

"Okay, then you go back and rest first. By the way, Lucas, when does his fitness plan start?"

At this point, Lucas showed considerable rigor and took out Lu Ze's training schedule from the brown paper bag. It started at 7:30 every night, with one hour of swimming and two hours of equipment every day. Four meals, and four buckets of gas canisters were moved from the bedroom.

"A bucket of nitrogen pump, I bought protein powder in three flavors, chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, which one do you like?"

After taking a look at the schedule, fortunately, the amount of exercise was not large compared to the period when filming "The King of Fighters". After all, he had to gain nearly 40 pounds of muscle at that time. After taking a look at the four "gas tanks", Lu Ze finally decided I left with the vanilla-flavored protein powder, navigated, and started home.

The company was far away from the new house. It took nearly an hour for Lu Ze to park the car, wash up, lie on the bed, enter the system space, and simulate the people he was about to photograph.

At the same time, Mickey was also about to sleep in the company. He suddenly remembered that he had received a letter from the mailroom this morning. He hurried downstairs and rummaged around in the mailroom. Finally, he found an envelope and opened it as he went. Sitting on the bed, I opened the letter and saw the words printed on it. Suddenly my face changed, and finally I smiled.

Early the next morning, a Chinese actor with a bruised eye stood at the entrance of the zoo, welcoming the attention of tourists at the entrance. He swiped his ID card and entered the employee area as if nothing had happened, but he overheard the conversations of other employees.

"Is this the employee who was KOed by the kangaroo? Oh~ don't tell me, he is really rich."

Lu Ze couldn't hear clearly what they said later. After all, it was quite embarrassing to talk about. As early as the first sentence of their conversation, Lu Ze had already run away.

After putting on his work clothes and wearing his ID on his left chest, Morgan had already informed Lu Ze that the two of them would separate and serve breakfast to the animals alone.

Picking up the iron bucket, he followed the recipe in the granary to find the food that the animals needed to eat today. After filling it with fresh vegetables and a large bundle of hay, he stood at the door of the kangaroo park, picked up the key and opened the door. In an instant, the eyes of the four kangaroos He looked at Lu Ze, but at this moment Lu Ze was mentally prepared and physically defensive. He picked up the carrot, walked forward slowly, and threw it at a kangaroo.

"Jack! You fucking need to eat!"


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