Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 463 Gradually changing

The incidents caused by the exile are not a trivial matter. On the contrary, everything related to animal protection organizations is not a trivial matter in the eyes of Western countries. The incident gradually escalated. First, the anger of animal protection organizations aroused in the UK, and then, many countries’ animal welfare organizations Protectors also got involved and even threw dirty water on the creators of "Exile".

For example, Mickey or Lu Ze abused animals. Many unfounded charges were placed on the heads of many movie creators. These crimes that only existed in the minds of animal rights members seemed to be materialized and made into reality by them, making many People trusted them and responded with hostility or even resentment towards the creative team.

This time it may be said that Lu Ze, Mickey, and even Universal Brothers Film Company have broken through the circle, broken the barriers of the film industry, and become famous in many circles.

But being so famous is definitely not what any of Lu Ze and the others want. In order to prevent the blame from really falling on him, Mickey can only choose legal weapons to protect his and his colleagues' innocence, even though this is usually a dispute between artists and colleagues. The last resort used when a company encounters cyber violence and false accusations.

Of course, confrontations will always occur. Many viewers who have watched "Exile" took the initiative to defend the movie and Mickey and others. In fact, the vast majority of viewers who have watched "Exile" did not pay much attention to the scene of the beach lobster shop. I didn't care, but I didn't expect that this scene would sting the sensitive hearts of some extreme animal rights members.

When defending "Exile", many viewers also encountered more or less criticism from animal rights activists, which made many people have a slight prejudice against animal protection organizations. No matter whether this public opinion storm is won or lost, for animal rights activists There is no benefit at all. After all, extremeness, sensitivity, and vulnerability are gradually replacing people's original good-natured labels for animal protectors.

The outside world has continued to question "Exile" and Universal Brothers Pictures, and many major newspapers have also participated. Yesterday, there were animal rights activists at the entrance of the cinema blocking moviegoers from entering the theater, even if they were not watching "Exile" this movie.

Since the incident broke out, the box office of "Exile" in many countries has shown a clear downward trend, but this will not worry Mitch too much, because he knows that the incident will soon take an important turn, which may prove that the brain Planting things is easy to wash.

In real life, most people, including Lu Ze, are not willing to visit Mickey's home. The reason is that the decoration style of his new residence is too unusual and will cause a sense of mental oppression. It seems that everyone except Mickey Everyone will feel uncomfortable with it.

Under the dark red walls, there is a matching four-piece bed set of the same color. An abstract painting hangs above the bed. It is not a work by a famous artist, but is from an unknown painter who is said to have died of depression.

The twisted body seems to be dancing some kind of sacrificial dance. The head is twisted to 180 degrees and faces outside the painting. The irregular eyeballs have downward pupils, seeming to be observing every move of the people in the room.

The young model next to her was already awake, but after she opened her eyes and saw this strange portrait, she still chose to close her eyes, trying to use the darkness in her eyes to block the fear of what she saw when she opened her eyes. To be honest, if Mickey was famous and rich enough, she would never come to Mickey's house to spend the night with this absolutely insane lunatic. You know, even though she was very tired last night, she still didn't sleep well and even did a few things. A nightmare that I can’t even remember.

The phone rang, and Mickey was still sleeping soundly next to him. He was very peaceful when sleeping. He didn't snore, talk in his sleep, or turn over. His hands overlapped and covered the upper part of his lower abdomen. He looked as peaceful as a sleeping vampire, helpless. , the young model gently pushed the man who made her a little scared, gave him the phone, put on her gauze pajamas, and entered the bathroom. She lowered her head and did not dare to look at the famous painting "The Scream" hanging on the wall of the bathroom.

"Why are you calling me so early?"

"I heard that there is a lot of trouble in Liverpool? Do you need me to go back?"

"No, I've already taken care of the matter. You don't have to worry. Just spend the New Year at home with peace of mind. China is still comfortable and there won't be so many troubles."

He sat on the bedside, stroking the long hair that was scattered in front of his forehead to the back of his head. He chatted with Lu Ze endlessly while disassembling the matryoshka doll that Lucas brought back from Russia.

Picking up the cigarette case, he shook it lightly. There was no sound in the box. He frowned, flattened the cigarette case, and threw it into the trash can. The beautiful model walked out of the bathroom, wearing a translucent gauze nightgown. It was Mitch who gave it to her. Mitch seemed to have a strange need for nightgowns. He would always keep a few of them at home to provide to the women who stayed at his house, but his eyes were not looking at the triangle area, pursuing the vague and hazy beauty. Instead, observe the waist and legs, between transparency and opacity, and the refraction angle of light.

Seeing Mickey talking on the phone, this young model with wheat-colored skin and a Latina appearance pointed to the door. After receiving Mickey's nod, he quietly opened the door and went out.

"That's good. Has Fatini contacted you these days?"

"I was asked if I needed help, but I declined. Is there anything else? I hung up if nothing happened. It's really annoying to call me so early in the morning. I'm sleepy."

"There is one thing. Do you have any relationship with a publishing house in Europe?"

"What are you doing? Publishing a book?"


"Hey, you've been an actor for a long time and now you want to be a writer. Why? I don't have any business dealings with the publishing house."

I went to the imperial capital for a few days and learned some unauthentic Beijing accent. The Erhua accent was a bit strange, but Mickey seemed to fall in love with speaking Chinese like this, which made Lu Ze sound very twisted.

It was probably because Lu Ze disturbed his sleep, so Lu Ze couldn't stand being here with such disgusting people. He hung up the phone after saying a few words, making Mickey grin and show a slightly dull victory. Smiling, then, he saw a Facebook @in the message prompt column, which made the smile even more unrestrained.

A retweeted comment from the official Facebook page of Liverpool Animal Welfare Group made it clear that Marshall had made his choice.

"In the past few days, the disputes caused by the movie "Exile" have gradually spread to European countries. After carefully and repeatedly watching the movie, our organization has made a summary. I would like to express my opinions here and also call on all kind-hearted travelers to maintain a stable attitude. Look at this matter and never use violence to solve the problem, which is unbearable for everyone."

"After friendly consultations with the creative team of "Exile" and a correct interpretation of the core content of the movie, it can be confirmed that the spiritual core of "Exile" is correct and healthy. Any need for food is understandable. As human beings, As the movie says, we should stand from a human perspective and show kindness to the weak and vulnerable beings."

This comment is stinky and long, but the overall meaning is that it is understandable to murder animals for food needs. After all, everyone here is human. As higher beings, the top of the food chain, we must not give up our humanity and pursue companionship with weaker beings. .

And humans should not be singled out and completely distinguished from other life forms, because humans are also part of the ecosystem, and humans will feed back other lives after death. There is no fundamental difference between humans eating meat and tigers eating meat. The difference should be treated calmly. In this regard, the animal protection organization also specifically criticized the extreme members, claiming that they have distorted the original intention of animal protection. The purpose of the organization's existence is more to protect other lives from being linked to the economy. Hunting is putting the cart before the horse when it comes to food needs.

That's probably what it means. After Mickey watched it thoroughly, he suddenly felt that Marshall's ability to avoid the important and take the easy way out was indeed quite superb. The reason why the animal rights activists are rioting now is because there are scenes in "Exile" that smear them. Mickey has never denied this, because that The whole plot is to hack them.

But now, Marshall didn't mention a word about that scene. He just analyzed the spiritual core of "Exile" and supported it, letting the animal rights activists focus on their words. His attention was completely distracted. Mickey flipped through the comments. , no one inside was still struggling with the plot. On the contrary, they were as pious as if they had heard the Bible. They expressed regret for their words and deeds in recent days, and even went to Mickey's Facebook to apologize for the first time.

This fully proves that when entering a group, people's IQ will really decrease, and they will be easily instigated to act. Especially those teenagers whose minds are not yet sound, their performance will be even worse, without thoughts and self-determination. Believe fully in others and easily decide your own spiritual leader.

This can be a good thing. They can quickly find role models and establish their own goals, which is very helpful for growth, but the premise is that they choose the right spiritual leader.

What kind of person do I want to be? It sounds like I am imitating my own role model, but it is absolutely shameless. If this will have a negative impact on your future, then don’t doubt it, it must be a role model you trust. The problem is just like Marshall, the role model of these young animal rights activists.

When a role model you trust takes sides with an enemy you hate, and offers a set of truths that are convincing to you, what will you choose? Choose to reconcile with your enemies? This is not surprising at all.

Of course, people with firm stances will still exist. Even if their organizations have clarified for "Exile", people with strong opinions will not quickly change their stance. How to deal with such people?

It's very simple, sending friendly signals to them can easily break the grudge these people still have.

"Kesha, go to the police station, let go of the gang who destroyed the company, sign a settlement document, and we will pay the bail. We will handle it in a moment."

This matter should not be handled by oneself, but should be handled by the director. After all, the director is the main target of the attack, and the person who ties the bell must also tie the bell.

After a phone call, all he needs to do is this. This crisis may not be an inexplicable loss for them. On the contrary, it may become an important factor in the second take-off of "Exile". Everything is needed Let’s wait and see if the public’s impression of Universal Brothers has improved.


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