Now that the decision has been made, Wei An will not be biased against them before.

The treatment that should be given to the god of war can be given now.

The five people who passed the selection were naturally grateful and excited.

At the beginning of the feast, the delicious meat on the table exudes a tangy aroma.

Many people swallowed frantically and their stomachs rumbled with hunger.

Under the sunset, the steaming meat still exudes a golden sheen.

In their eyes, this thing is much more precious than gold!

But naturally, they could only watch, and they didn't dare to do it.

After all, Wei An hadn't spoken yet.

They all knew that everything they had gained now had been given by the man in front of them.

They were both in awe and awe of Wei An.

Seeing that everyone was here and the dishes were complete, Wei An officially opened the banquet.

He didn't say any gossip, just told them to rip open their bellies and eat them.

With this order, those who had long been impatient suddenly became a little excited, and their outstretched hands trembled.

I really wanted to be presumptuous and eat in the dark.

But in front of Wei An, they had to restrain a little more.

In this way, it creates a very strange stiff movement.

Wei An watched it funny on the side.

Including Ma Peng, they also find it very interesting.

As time passed, they gradually let go of their hands and feet, and finally the whole table was eaten.

Everyone spread out on their chairs, thinking that they would not be able to eat tomorrow.

The meal was full.

The five of them still had a dreamy feeling, as if they were living in a dream.

When will they be able to eat this good?

It's only been half a month back and forth, and the change is so big?

Looking at the mess on the table, Wei An slowly stood up at this moment, his eyes skimming over everyone.

Everyone present suddenly froze and cheered up a little.

The one who did it crookedly before also put on his own posture.

"Gather everyone today, there is this banquet, I think everyone knows the reason."

"Just today, we welcomed the five new gods of war from the Silver Leaf Base."

"They are a new force in our base, and we need more help to survive in this world."

Wei An pointed to the five people and said to Ma Peng and the others.

Of course Ma Peng knew about this matter, and these words were more for the five new people to hear.

Sure enough, when they heard Wei An introduce themselves so solemnly, they felt full of energy.

What does it feel like?

It's a long-lost feeling of being respected.

Some people feel that they are useful and existential.

It's a feeling I haven't experienced in a long time.

At any base, they are treated like livestock, they come and go as soon as they are called, and if they are not careful, they are beaten.

Even if a few were killed, no one would have mercy on them, just sneered and told them to go.

Here, they are not only well fed and warmly clothed.

And, really feel valued.

For a while, many people were wiping their tears again.

The grievances I received before have erupted at this moment.

Seeing them like this, Wei An just chuckled.

"Our base is in a new life, like a newborn sun."

"You were chosen by us, as the god of war of the base, you will naturally be vigorously supported."

"But... You must also remember that there is no room for bullying at our base.

"At our base, everyone is precious, has their own position, and can play their own role."

"You're new to the team, but if you want to challenge this rule, I don't mind letting you know why I'm the leader."

Wei An was smiling at the moment, but the cold light in his eyes was terrifying.

Ma Peng and the others all bowed their heads and didn't dare to look directly.

The new few people who joined were even more pale, their backs were cold, as if they were being targeted by a fierce beast, their blood was flowing backwards, and their thighs trembled.

The so-called imperial technique is nothing more than the combination of grace and power.

Kindness has been sufficient, and proper vigilance should also be sufficient.

When these words were spoken, the faces of the five newly joined people changed drastically, and they hurriedly promised loudly that they would never commit such a thing.

Wei An was noncommittal.

In fact, the few people who passed the test really had this idea in their hearts.

They were treated like this by Wei An, and felt that they could probably become gods of war as well.

And they were in other bases before, and they all received the concept that "the god of war can bully others".

Although they were bullied before, after their turn to be strong, who didn't have a little bit of caution in their hearts?

Human nature is inherently flawed.

The dragon slayer eventually becomes an evil dragon.

This is no joke.

But no matter what, from today onwards, these five people must not dare to make any other moves.

In the Silver Leaf Base, the banquet is nearing the end.

The sun sets.

It will be dark for about an hour.

It stands to reason that everyone should go back to their cabins and get ready for the night.

Wei An and the others also packed their things and were about to end the banquet.

However, at the edge of the Silver Leaf Base, there were already five people standing there.

The leader is tall and thin, his eyes look dark, and the whole person seems to be shrouded in an evil aura.

It turned out to be Li Guan, the leader of the goshawk base.

It was almost night, and he was standing there, not knowing what he wanted to do.

At this moment, he was not alone, there were four of his henchmen standing behind him.

The operation was kept in absolute secrecy.

Except for the five of them, even the other gods of war in their base didn't know.

Even if there are other people in your base, you don't have to worry about leaking secrets at the moment.

Li Guan turned his head and looked at his henchman.

"You say, how did this monster Wang Yuan break through to the second order?"

"I didn't know before, but now I realize that there are too many materials needed to break through to the second order, and I don't think we can save materials in a short period of time."

The henchman nodded.

"This Wang Yuan is said to have appeared suddenly, but he directly killed Du Lang and his henchmen, like a thunderbolt above the nine heavens suddenly landing on the ground, which is surprising and unpredictable."

"Originally, we also suspected that he might not be alone, but the strength he showed seemed to be able to do it."

"It stands to reason that he is just a lone ranger, and the name Wang Yuan is not a big person, how could he break through to the second order in such a short period of time?"

"Could it be that he used to be the leader of a large base? Just driven out by the struggle?

"Or is Wang Yuan actually a pseudonym? Is he really some big guy? "

Some people speculate that Wei An is really not simple.

Li Guan smiled.

"Even if it's a big base, there is a high probability that it can only afford a second-order now, the chance of your guess is too small."

After speaking, the expression on his face froze.

"We won't be able to threaten him with force anytime soon."

"But let him thrive here... I'm always sick in my heart! "

He's smart, at least a little clever.

At this moment, he understood that the three bases would not be able to curb the development of the Silver Leaf Base in a short period of time.

But...... It was absolutely impossible for him to allow the Silver Leaf Base to develop.

One mountain does not allow two tigers!

Since there is no way to defeat him head-on.

Then use insidious means!

"Let's see if the Silver Leaf Base can survive this hurdle!"

Li Guanyin was pitiful, staring in the direction of the Silver Leaf Base, his eyes were terrifying.

And at this moment, suddenly there was a terrifying roar in the wilderness.


Then there was a roar like an earthquake, the ground trembled, and everything was terrified.

From a distance, a huge monster appeared!

It roared and ran, as if it had lost its mind.

And the direction in which it is running is the Silver Leaf Base!

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