Li Guan was ambushed, blood stained the Gobi Desert red, and the mud and sand were bloody.

Wei Anxin breathed a long sigh of relief, and his heart was extremely happy.

It is not because of the killing of an enemy.

Rather, he can finally open up the situation here, and mastering this area is just around the corner.

The three bases are united, and Wei An is not an opponent.

But now that there are only two left, he thinks that it is much easier to deal with.

After coming into this world, he has been challenged all the time, and now he has overcome another one.

The scene was silent, Ma Peng and the others were a little trembling, and they knew a little more about Wei An.

Previously, Wei An was very polite and treated them gently.

Even if most of the time it is in a tone of command, but no one will be afraid of him because of it, just because of strength and respect.

But what Wei An showed today is really different.

It's like a scholar who is usually quiet, suddenly slaughtering a city with a giant blade.

Moreover, someone found that Wei An's eyes were still calm now!

Is such a person a thing in a pool?

While everyone was secretly afraid, they were extremely glad that they were with the right person.

"Chief, these people—"

Ma Peng looked at the others in the cabin, motioning for him to do anything.

Wei An just glanced at it and looked away.

"No, let them go."

"They were Li Guan's people before, and they can't join other goshawk and wolf tooth bases, so they can't pose a threat to us."

"Since I have made a decision, and they have not provoked me, let them live."

"Less hassle, no more effort."

Wei An replied, looking at the sky in the distance.

Time is running out.

Darkness is coming!

Ma Peng and the others also saw it, and they were all flustered.


"What do we do now?"

Many of them were crying and frightened.

"Take refuge in someone else's cabin!"

Someone roared.

But Wei An understood that it was impossible to do such a thing now.

They killed someone in the first place, and other people would believe that you were here to spend the night?

In the end, it's just a dead fish.

Staying overnight?

There are no doors!


"We're about to cross the darkness and return to Silver Leaf!"

Wei An yelled, and there were green tendons jumping on the door of his head.

Many people trembled in their hearts, thinking how could this be possible?

This is the first time they have faced the darkness, and everyone knows that there is only one way to die in the darkness!

Countless people are regretting it, thinking that why did they come to die?

But Wei An just took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said

, "Everyone, lean towards me!"

"Distribute torches!"

Wei An flickered in his hand, and a burning torch had already appeared in his hand.

It's a torch that burns monster spirits, and the light it produces can dispel darkness!

Although it can't resist the erosion of darkness, it can guarantee life.

Wei An tried once, walked in the dark, and finally returned to the wooden house safely.

It's just that he really doesn't want to experience this feeling again.

Now, I have to go through it again!

Darkness came like a tidal wave, coming towards the people.

Many people's legs were weak, but they saw Wei An standing at the front alone, holding on to his spirits.

"Does this torch work?"

"Resistant to the dark?"

Everyone is skeptical.

But when the darkness rushed in, but it did not break the glimmer of the torch, everyone was stunned.

Immediately my heart was ecstasy.

"That's all... Can you counteract the effects of darkness?

"Can humans survive in the dark?"

"The world, the greatest danger, has been solved in this way?"

"Just by this little torch?"

Everyone was stunned, and there was an unrealistic sense of ecstasy in their hearts.

They looked at Wei An, wondering what kind of monster this was.

Could it be that the leader had survived in the dark before?

This man... It's shocking.

Everyone relaxed, thinking that it would never be a problem to return to the base like this.

But someone had been paying attention to Wei An's expression and found that he was always frowning.

He chuckled in his heart, realizing that this was not so simple.

"Everyone is close to me, and no one is left behind!"

"To fall behind is to die, remember that."

Wei An was now covered in goosebumps, and his whole person was extremely nervous.

Unlike ordinary people, he is more sensitive to all kinds of dangers.

What others can't feel, he can know.

Now, he clearly found that in the darkness around him, there were countless sights, and they fell on him like this.

Dense, almost 10,000!

If you look closely, you can see that there are countless blood-red eyes hidden in the darkness, and they are full of resentment.

This look, like blood, fell on the body and made people tremble.

Even Wei An's body was trembling uncontrollably.

This is an instinctive reaction of his body, not something he can control.

What is hidden in the dark?

There are dangers everywhere, and it is still unknown whether they will be able to return to the Silver Leaf base.


It is eternal silence.

It's not the same as general darkness.

The darkness of this world is not nothing, it is more like substance.

Falling into it is like entering a swamp, step by step, and you will only feel that it is difficult to step forward.

There was no sound in the darkness, and it was as silent as a cemetery.

There was no movement but the sound of their footsteps on the ground.

It's not a long way, but it gives a sense of endlessness.

Wei An forcibly controlled his tremors and walked towards the base step by step.

He was at the forefront, and the pressure to accept it was the greatest.

The others were relatively good behind Wei An, but they couldn't hold on.

Suddenly, something happened!


One of the people at the back of the team suddenly went berserk, his eyes turned blood-red, and he held the torch and pointed it at his teammates in front of him.

"You dare!"

"Lin Long, what do you want to do?"

Ma Peng was next to him, reacted quickly, grabbed his hand at once, and then restrained him.

He wanted to question, but when he saw Lin Long's eyes, he was shocked.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he couldn't even see them!

The whole eye was hollow, and there was nothing but blood.

was such a stunned look, but he gave Lin Long a chance to resist, and suddenly, with a wave of his hand, he threw out Ma Peng and his torch!

The light is flickering, and they are about to lose the protection of the light!

Ma Peng is revenant, and his whole body was extremely cold in an instant.

He is aware of the consequences of not having light in the dark.

It's definitely a dead end!


Suddenly, a new ball of light was thrown at me.

It's a new torch!

At the same time, there was a gust of wind coming, Wei An quickly came over, and knocked Lin Long unconscious with a hand knife.

Ma Peng gasped for breath, feeling that he had been closed by the ghost gate.

Wei An frowned.

"Someone came to carry Lin Long on his back, and someone next to him watched carefully."

"If there is any more abnormal movement, kill it!"

"Others should also pay attention, restrain their minds, protect themselves, and don't be confused by the outside world!"

"The dangers in the darkness don't seem to be able to get in for a short time, they are blocked from the outside world!"

Wei An gave the final order.

Everyone nodded.

After seeing what happened to Lin Long, everyone no longer dared to think about it.

In the end, he returned to the base like this.

Seeing the light of the silver leaf base, some people actually shed tears.

Traveling in a world of complete darkness is not something that ordinary people can afford.

The psychological pressure has already exploded.

If it weren't for Wei An leading, if these people were scattered, there would be no more than three people who could come back in the end.

Return to your cabin and feel the warmth of the campfire.

Everyone couldn't bear it anymore and burst into tears.

And swear, such a journey will never try again!

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