Go back to 1980 and enjoy it

Chapter 124 Celebrate the New Year happily

In Bobai County, there are two things that are indispensable during the Chinese New Year, namely the gray water jackal and the big jackal.

At this time, Deng Shirong was making the giant jackal at home, with his children and eldest daughter-in-law helping and watching.

The method of making Da Zhi is to grind the soaked glutinous rice into powder, then add boiling water to stir, knead it into arm-thick strips, and then put it into boiling water to cook into mature Zhi Zhi.

Clean the pot, add a bowl of water, add brown sugar in proportion, slowly simmer the sugar into sugar oil over low heat, then add the cooked rice dumplings, stir evenly and boil out the water.

Doesn't this sound simple?

However, when you actually do it, you realize how difficult it is to be a big jackal.

The previous steps are indeed easy, but the real difficulty is the last step. When the sugar oil and cooked glutinous rice are mixed evenly, as the water slowly evaporates, its viscosity will become stronger and stronger. When the dough is almost formed, At some point, the stickiness will be so strong that most people will doubt their life.

Every time you stir, most people have to use the strength of feeding to stir. People who are not used to hard work will basically not be able to last two minutes and have to stop cooking.

Once the vegetables are put out, unless the fire is put out, the pot will burn soon.

Even if you have a lot of strength, if you don't know how to use force, you still won't be able to make a big pot. Because the stickiness of the pot is too strong, and sometimes when you stir it hard, you will lift the whole cauldron. In order to make a big pot. There are many examples of ruined pots.

Breaking the pot with a spatula is a common occurrence.

It is precisely because it is not easy to make Da Zhi in this era, so it is not available at ordinary times. It is only available during the Spring Festival.

"Azhen, be careful not to make the fire too high or too low. If the fire is too high, it will easily burn the pot. If the fire is too low, it will be difficult to stir evenly." Deng Shirong said while stirring vigorously.

Deng Yunzhen glanced into the stove and said, "Dad, I understand, the firepower is not too big or too low now."

Deng Yuntai, who was standing nearby, saw that his father was struggling to stir, so he said, "Dad, I think you are tired too, how about you let me try?"

Deng Shirong, who was indeed a little tired, did not refuse and nodded: "Okay, then let you try it!"

With that said, he handed the big spatula in his hand to his eldest son, and then showed him how to use force and how to stir.

As a big vat master, Deng Yuntai is no stranger to power generation techniques. His father just gave him some pointers and he understood!

However, when he actually started stirring, he realized that being a giant jackal was really not easy.

Fortunately, there is a difference between someone changing hands and doing it all by yourself.

After the father and son exchanged hands, Deng Shirong saw that the fire was almost done, so he ordered: "Azhen, it's time to put out the fire. Sister Aping, go and bring me the bamboo shell on the table."

Deng Yunzhen responded and took a fire stick to put out the fire in the stove.

Zhang Xiuping also immediately went to the table and took the stack of bamboo shells over.

In this day and age, there are no suitable utensils. In Naye Village, bamboo shells are used to hold the giant deer.

The bamboo shell is made from the local Niugule bamboo (Hakka), which is the largest bamboo in the area. The bamboo rafts and the meter tube used to measure rice are all made of it.

Generally speaking, many bamboo shells will have some small burrs, but the bamboo shells of this kind of bamboo not only grow large, but also have no fine thorns at all. Therefore, every year when the bamboo shells fall off, the villagers will go and remove them in advance. Pick up the bamboo shell, wash it, flatten it with something, dry it, and then you can use it to hold the deer.

The bamboo shell was brought, and Deng Shirong began to decorate it.

It took seven or eight bamboo shells to fill up the whole pot of giant zhim.

The picture below shows the giant jackal cut open after cooling:

The next step of shoveling the bottom of the pot is what the children are most looking forward to.

The crispy rice left after the rice is cooked is really fragrant, sweet and chewy. It is a very rare delicacy.

The only drawback is that it's a bit toothsome to eat, and a piece as big as a child's hand can last a long time.

There was a lot of rice cake, and everyone had a share. Deng Shirong also took a rare piece and started to nibble on it.

The taste is exactly as I remembered, it is indeed fragrant and sweet. As long as you don't eat too much at once, its chewy texture is quite enjoyable.

In later generations, although jackal was also an indispensable item for the Hakka people in Bobai County during the Chinese New Year, machines were used instead of labor. The jackal powder was poured directly onto the machine, and what came out was edible jackal. It was very It's simple and convenient, and the taste is better than hand-made ones.

The only regret is that the machine-made rice cakes do not have rice balls.

Therefore, the children of future generations will not know what the taste of Da Zhi Guo Ba is at all.

In the evening, Deng Shirong steamed a lot of hair for his eldest son and daughter-in-law to return home on the second day of the new year.

It goes without saying how grand it was for the new uncle-in-law to visit his father-in-law and mother-in-law's house for the first time. As a father, Deng Shirong naturally wanted to earn enough face for his son.

The next day, Deng Shirong began to make Huishuizi.

The method of making gray water is to burn pine wood, sesame stalks or soybean bark into ashes (just choose one of the ashes), and then filter the ashes with water to obtain alkaline water, which is gray water.

Soak the gray water and the glutinous rice washed in advance together, allowing the glutinous rice to absorb water and swell. After soaking for five hours, take out the glutinous rice and pour it into the wooden barrel. When it is full, poke a few holes in the top to facilitate heating and ventilation.

After steaming for about an hour, you can pour the steamed glutinous rice into a vessel made of wood, then pick up a wooden hammer and beat it continuously until the glutinous rice is evenly bonded together, then the production is completed.

This is easy to say, but it is not easy to actually make it. The main reason is that the amount of ash and the soaking time of gray water are difficult to control. Excessive gray water will have a bitter taste, and the gray water will not be soaked in place and there will be no fragrance.

Only by grasping this degree can we make fragrant gray water rice.

Deng Shirong makes gray water rice every year. Even in his old age in his previous life, he basically controlled the step of soaking glutinous rice in gray water. Therefore, few people can match his experience, so there is no need to worry. Not good.

After making both the big and gray water deer, New Year’s Eve is here!

Our country has a vast territory, and customs vary from place to place. Take New Year's Eve as an example. In many places, dinner is considered New Year's Eve dinner.

But in the Shuangwang realm, the noon meal is eaten as New Year’s Eve dinner.

On this day, those who can afford it will naturally kill chickens to offer to Grandpa.

At the same time, the children take a bath and put on new clothes at noon, then paste couplets and hang lanterns.

However, hanging lanterns is very particular. Only households that are not in debt can hang lanterns, and households that are in debt are not qualified to hang lanterns.

Although Deng Shirong's family is living a prosperous life this year, he still owes a loan of 6,000 yuan to the credit union, so they cannot hang lanterns in their home this year.

After paying homage to Grandfather, Deng Shirong took his eldest daughter and eldest daughter-in-law to cook a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner.

After the family sat down to eat, Deng Shirong, the head of the family, naturally had to say a few words: "Compared to last year, our family has undergone tremendous changes this year. Brother Yungui and I contracted the brigade's kiln. At present, Business is pretty good, I’ve made a lot of money in the past six months.”

Having said this, Deng Shirong looked at his eldest son and said with a smile on his face: "Yuntai has also become a vat master in the vat and tile factory, and his income is also very good."

Due to the unfortunate death of their eldest son in the previous life, the whole family fell into grief, so this year their family was quite depressed.

In this life, he was reborn and changed his eldest son's destiny. This was the happiest thing for him.

Seeing his father mentioning himself, Deng Yuntai chuckled and said, "Dad, this is all your fault."

Deng Shirong smiled, looked at his second son and said, "At the same time, Yun Heng has made great progress in his studies and has firmly become the first in his grade."

His father's praise and the adoring eyes of his younger brothers and sisters still made Deng Yunheng feel very useful.

"A'Zhu has also returned to school, and your grades have improved a lot compared to last year. This is all something to be happy about."

Deng Yunzhu and Deng Yunhua looked at each other. The two siblings, whose grades were relatively poor compared to other brothers, felt a little guilty.

Deng Shirong finally looked at his eldest daughter-in-law and said with great satisfaction: "The most important thing is that our family has increased in population this year. Your eldest sister-in-law has married into our Deng family. If you give me two fat grandsons next year, it will be even more perfect." ”

Zhang Xiuping's face was a little rosy and she couldn't help but glance at her husband. The meaning was self-evident.

After finishing speaking, Deng Shirong picked up the wine and said: "Come on, children, let's drink together and wish our family will be better and better next year."

All the sons, daughters and daughters-in-law toasted together, the adults drank wine, and the minors drank tea instead of wine.

Next, it’s time to enjoy the New Year’s Eve dinner.

After the meal, Deng Shirong took out the red envelopes he had prepared and distributed lucky money to his children and his daughter-in-law one by one.

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