Go back to 1980 and enjoy it

Chapter 181 In order to have a son, I am not afraid of any risks

On this day, Deng Shirong came to the county again.

The last time he came to the county town was to take care of his second son. This time Deng Shirong came to the county town for only one purpose - to buy a house.

Nowadays, the time for the eldest daughter-in-law to give birth is getting closer and closer. Deng Shirong, who has experienced later generations, is not as ignorant as those rural people today. He knows very well that a woman giving birth is actually a very dangerous thing. In ancient times, for this reason Not a few people lost their lives.

Therefore, for safety reasons, the eldest daughter-in-law must not be allowed to give birth at home, at least not for the first and second babies. It is safest to give birth in the hospital.

As for the future, it depends on the situation, because if you want to have more children, you have to consider family planning issues.

When it comes to family planning, although the policy is issued by the state, when it is implemented in various places, it will also change due to different ideological concepts.

For example, many provinces began to implement family planning policies in the late 1970s, and the effects were very significant. Basically, those born in the 1980s and 1990s are only children, and families with two children are very rare.

But Bobai County is different. Before 1985, it didn't matter how many people were born in rural areas, because the government did not strictly enforce it at that time. It just shouted slogans to encourage female comrades to take the initiative to undergo sterilization.

It was only after 1985 that the government began to strictly enforce family planning.

There were regulations at the time that people with a workplace could only have one child, and no more children were allowed unless they no longer wanted the job.

Rural people can have two children, but if they want to have a third child, it would be an excess.

Because Bobai County is famous for favoring sons over daughters, it is absolutely impossible not to have a son. No matter how many children are born, they must give birth to a son. Even for many rural families, having only one son is not enough. They have to have two to barely meet the standard.

Therefore, the government takes this point into consideration when it implements family planning programs. If a family that has more than one child has all daughters and no sons yet, then if they are caught, they will only be fined and will not be forcibly arrested and sterilized.

However, if you are pregnant and have a son in your family, it goes without saying that if you are caught, you will definitely be sterilized.

Deng Shirong recalled that in his previous life, the women in the village were willing to take any risks just to have another son.

For example, when I was pregnant, I hid in the mountains. At that time, the mountains were not the orchards with houses in later generations, but real wild mountains. If a lesbian lived alone in such a place, it would be absolutely false to say that she was not afraid. of.

It can be said that in order to have more sons, the women in the village really worked hard.

There were also those who went directly to live with relatives. What impressed Deng Shirong the most was a neighbor behind his house. His family was originally poor, and then a relative of his family hid in their house to avoid family planning. As a result, Their family had no place to live, so a pregnant woman had to live in a cowshed.

This is nothing, because due to the customs and habits of Shuangwang, you cannot give birth to a relative's house when you give birth.

So, on a dark and stormy night in a certain month, when a neighbor's relative was about to give birth, two women in the village who were close to each other helped deliver the baby. They lit a kerosene lamp, washed a fertilizer bag, and carried it with them. The pregnant woman went to a remote mountainside to give birth.

Good guy, there was no electricity in that era, and the mountains were relatively desolate. To deliver a baby in that kind of place, you didn’t even have the most basic boiling water. The conditions could be said to be extremely primitive.

That delivery experience really scared the two women who delivered the baby half to death. Every time they think about it, they still have lingering fears. It’s hard to imagine what they would do if something unexpected happened at that time.

Under such delivery conditions, the pregnant woman could safely give birth to the child, and the mother and daughter were safe. It can only be said that she was really lucky.

After the baby was born, she returned to her relatives' house and continued to live in a cowshed. It was not until the full moon that someone from her husband's family came to take her back. It was really pitiful.

Deng Shirong will definitely not let his daughter-in-law suffer such a crime. If possible, he will try not to have more children. Even if he has to have more children, there is no need to hide in the mountains. He can hide directly in the city. This is why he plans to buy a house in the county. One of the reasons.

Of course, the main purpose of buying a house now is to facilitate the eldest daughter-in-law to have children.

After all, there are seventy-six kilometers from Naye Village to the county seat. It takes two or three hours by car. You can't rush to the county seat by car when you are about to give birth. If you come early and don't have a house, you can only Stay in a guest house.

Were people living in guest houses in this era?

Deng Shirong, who has stayed in guest houses several times, really has no hope at all about the hygiene of guest houses in this era.

Therefore, it is very necessary to buy a house in advance. Living anywhere is not as comfortable as living in your own home.

Moreover, if nothing unexpected happens, next year the eldest son and daughter-in-law will go to the county to do business, and they will definitely need a place to live.

In this era, the most prosperous places in Bobai were Main Street, Dongwei Street, Wenhua Road, Gouer Lane, and Xinglong Road. Buying a house in these places would definitely make life much more convenient, so it was listed as the main target by Deng Shirong. .

However, among these prosperous places, he immediately excluded Dog Alley.

Dog Lane is indeed prosperous now and is a gathering place for various small commodities, but after the 1990s, it will evolve into a gathering place for game consoles and video halls. He does not want to buy a house in this place and let his future grandchildren Learned bad things here.

The remaining streets each have their own strengths.

Main Street is one of the oldest streets in Bobai County. It was first built during the Wude period of the Tang Dynasty. Currently, many important government departments are concentrated on this street, as well as the County Supply and Marketing Cooperative, Baizhou Cinema, several banks, etc.

Dongwei Street is also one of the oldest streets. It was also built during the Wude period of the Tang Dynasty. It has been a farmer's market and a livestock distribution center in the past dynasties. Every time it comes to the Wedong Day, it is crowded with people, with a daily traffic of tens of thousands. It is prosperous. Needless to say.

Wenhua Road, this should be the most famous road in Bobai County. One end connects the best primary schools, junior high schools and high schools in Bobai County, and the other end connects the main street and Xinglong Street. There are many shops on both sides of the street. Whether now or in future generations, the passenger flow is very high. Quantities are very high.

Finally, there is Xinglong Street, which houses Xinhua Bookstore, primary school, restaurants, grain stores, department stores, Dongcheng Market, etc. It is the most prosperous commercial and trade center in the county.

After listing these places as his main targets, Deng Shirong immediately went to Wenhua Road to inquire about it. Not only was it prosperous, but it also had the best primary schools, junior high schools and high schools. It was not far from the People's Hospital. If there were suitable houses, Buying it is the most ideal thing.

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