Pinched the crab shell, it was slightly dented, Tang Ming nodded with satisfaction, it should also be the head hand, and he will eat them tomorrow morning.

After speaking, Tang Ming took two ropes and tied the butter crab cubs carefully, no way, this thing is very expensive, if you accidentally break a claw or something, it will be wasted.

After processing the butter crabs, the other crabs are selected and tied up with the larger ones, and the smaller ones are all thrown into a bamboo basket.

In the end, the total harvest this time was almost 40 catties of crabs, and there were about 20 crabs above half a catty, among which there were two brown crabs that rarely appeared.

They are about two catties, fat and fat, Tang Ming was a little moved, and they were included in the breakfast menu.

The next step is to sort the fish in the pit.

After the surprise of the two butter crabs, luck seemed to run out, and the two of them didn't see any of the three knives they were looking forward to.

Among the fish, the most common ones are still eels and octopus.

Of course, it can't be said that there are no surprises at all, and in one of the deepest fish cages put by Tang Ming, a big cuttlefish appeared.

More than ten catties, the whole body is bright and red, and it looks gorgeous.

"This head is really good, I just don't know if it's delicious!" Holding

the big cuttlefish, Shu Yiting observed the tentacles at its tail that were much shorter than the octopus, and said.

"It's much better than octopus, and it can be eaten as a steamed bun.

"Then put it away. With that

, Shu Yiting put it alone in a puddle and continued to count the harvest.

It took about 10 minutes for all the catches to be sorted and put away, and finally counted.

There are 20 catties of eel, 30 catties of octopus, 15 catties of cuttlefish alone, 20 catties of small trash fish, plus 40 catties of crabs. Total about 120 pounds.

For the existing fish cage, it is already a burst cage. However, after calculating the time, Tang Ming felt that it was more cost-effective to collect it in one day, after all, many of the 120 catties were dead, or were caught by crabs beyond recognition.

Picking out about 20 catties of dead fish and rotten fish, Tang Ming dragged the shark viscera over, cut them all into small pieces, and stuffed them all into fish cages, each fish cage was just bait, which was five or six catties.

"Do you want to feed the fish or catch the fish, I feel like the other fish will die if they go in!" Shu

Yiting covered her mouth and smiled.

"It's good to die, those dead crabs in the province are always getting our fresh fish, and if there is more food, the chance of them messing around is not so high. It's also a kind of protection in disguise for our catch.,In case tomorrow if you're lucky, there are three golden legends or something that are caught to death.,There's no place to cry.。

Tang Ming waved his hand absently, carried the fish cage and went into the water again. This time, he uniformly put the fish cage in a relatively deep water position, after all, deep water is a big shipment, and that cuttlefish is a good example.

After spending an hour, all the fish cages were put away, and Tang Ming returned to the shore and continued to weave household utensils.

A single bamboo strip, in his hand, seems to be alive, twisting and twisting, and it has become a variety of handicrafts.

Three hours passed, and the open space in front of the two of them exuded a faint fragrance of bamboo.

At least a basket that could hold a hundred catties of food, Tang Ming made four, each of which looked sturdy and reliable, even if it was stuffed with stones, there would be no danger of scattering.

The bamboo mat used for drying also got a piece out, although the number is small, but it is more than 10 meters long and two meters wide, and if you just dry food, you can put a lot. When you don't usually use it, you can harvest it in a pile with a roll, which is more convenient.

By the time this was done, it was getting late.

Seeing that Shu Yiting was a little tired, Tang Ming pulled up a hammock for her and asked her to sleep first, while he himself began to approve bamboo strips again.

This time, it was much more meticulous, and each bamboo strip was broken into a uniform filament, and then tightly woven together, and several fine sieves of different sizes came out.

With various uses, the strip of cloth on Shu Yiting's previous torn clothes has been almost used, and if you want to filter anything in the future, you can use a sieve to get it.

After making the sieve, Tang Ming made a few more oil baskets for scooping up the residue in the oil pot.

The fine things were braided, and Tang Ming did not waste the remaining bamboo strips, and made some bamboo baskets to facilitate the loading of things.

After another hour of busyness, Tang Ming still didn't feel sleepy.

"It's been a dog, didn't you sleep too much last night!" Seeing

that Shu Yiting was snoring, Tang Ming shook his head and smiled, brought some bamboo again, and began to polish.

This time, the newly arrived saw also came in handy, one by one the bamboo according to the size specifications, was sawn neatly, broken into a uniform long bamboo block, Tang Ming made two notches on both sides of the bamboo, and then spliced together two by two to make a bamboo barrel barrel wall more than half a meter high.

Subsequently, Tang Ming went to the woods, and with his strong arm strength, he forcibly sawed off a big tree that could only be surrounded by both hands.

The huge movement, Shu Yiting, who was frightened, was awakened, and watched Tang Ming sawing wood for a long time speechlessly before continuing to sleep.

It took half an hour for Tang Ming to polish out a round wooden base.

A circle of grooves is made in the wall of the bamboo barrel near the ground, which is spread out, and the wooden base is inlaid into it, and the outside is tied with a rope one by one. A wooden barrel that can hold longer than a large iron pot is made.

Of course, this is only a semi-finished product, and if you really want to be watertight, you need to soak the barrel in water and let it expand, so that those groove joints are squeezed more tightly.

After that, you have to find some tung oil and resin, brush to the joint, and then steam at high temperature for a period of time, a steamed bamboo barrel, and then complete the cooking.

I have to say that this kind of utensil, which requires extreme skill, is very time-consuming to make. Before I knew it, more than two hours had passed. It's getting dark.

Tang Ming threw the bamboo bucket into the water, looked at the sky, and was not interested in making another one for the time being.

Back at the camp, he took out the rest of the bamboo, made a pile of bamboo silk, cut off a bit of shark skin, used it as sandpaper, and began to polish the burrs on it delicately, until it was unusually smooth, and then began to weave.

This time, it is still a bamboo mat, but it is no longer used for drying, but for sleeping. After the villa is built after a while, you must prepare a little furniture. So this is mainly used for resting bamboo mats, and it can't be sloppy at all.

This time, two hours passed, and two wide bamboo mats appeared on the ground, the bamboo mats were delicate and tight, looking regular and neat, and the edges were also woven out by Tang Ming The edge of the wavy line, in the middle, I don't know what technique to use, relying on a few bamboos with some different colors, and also made up some simple patterns, which look like clouds floating on the bamboo mat.

Pulling one of them to the beach, Tang Ming lay down, only to feel that the bamboo silk around him was smooth, and the bamboo silk polished by shark skin was as round as if it had been thrown into the light.


The author has something to say:

Strive for more and more today

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