Since subduing the Great Sage, Tang Ming spoke to it so solemnly for the first time, the Great Sage nodded solemnly, and also saw the solemnity of the master, and as soon as he turned his head, he went into the forest.

"Are you afraid that someone will go to the island when we leave

?" "Maybe today, on the day of handing in, if any of them don't open their eyes and go the wrong way and come to us, then they are not very dangerous

?" "No wonder you have to bring so many people over, it turns out that you are also afraid of such danger?"

"There is this consideration! By the way, I will go and hide the key items of the iron pot or something."

As if remembering something, Tang Ming jumped out of the boat, put the sapper shovel, the big iron pot, and the saw together, and loaded a few bamboo baskets with fruits and other food, and then went into the grove.

It didn't take long for him to run out.

"Okay, let's go!" Everything

was ready, Tang Ming looked at his island, except for the bamboo villa, there were basically no important items on the beach.

"I hope everything is safe!" Shu

Yiting also took a deep look at her island, rowed the raft with Tang Ming one after the other, and went into the sea.

The first time he went to sea, Shu Yiting was a little apprehensive, but Tang Ming was familiar with the road, and went to the sea, just like returning to his own home, after all, the shark himself had been killed, what else was there to be afraid of in this sea?

After rowing for a long time, Tang Ming was a little impatient, and looked at the direction in which the two of them were heading was no problem, so Shu Yiting slowly rowed forward, and he jumped into the sea, swimming in the back, pushing the raft forward, and occasionally, diving into the water to see if there was anything new.

Not to mention, with his tremendous propulsion, the raft was much faster than if it were paddled by hand.

It didn't take long for the island to be lost on the raft, and in the sky, I don't know when a flock of seagulls gathered. The raft around the two of them was constantly circling, apparently hungry for all kinds of food on it.

Especially the shark dragged behind the raft was very eye-catching, and even, in the higher sky, Tang Ming saw a few soaring eagles.

"Our piece of meat is fat enough!" After

pushing for a while, he found that there were more and more seagulls overhead, Tang Ming carefully inspected and found that there were no signs of sharks around, and then returned to the boat, staring at the seagulls in the sky, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"What, you want to make meat gourds again?"

After getting along for so long, as soon as she saw Tang Ming's expression, Shu Yiting knew what kind of bad idea this guy was playing again.

"I feel like I can try it!"

Tang Ming rolled his eyes, untied a thin rope from his waist, cut a small piece of shark meat and tied it up, and began to throw it into the sky.

Anyway, being idle is idle, it's better to have some fun, no matter how good a seagull is, it's better than shark meat.

As he guessed, the seagull above his head circled for a long time and didn't find a chance to steal it, and now a piece of fat has been dangling in front of him, and finally he can't help it.

Some of the more daring seagulls lowered their flight altitude and began to get close to the raft.

Finally, a seagull saw that the piece of meat was tossed high and landed a little far away from the raft, and one swooped down, so he followed, opened his mouth and took the meat in his mouth.

With a snort, Tang Ming pulled the rope violently, and the seagull was caught off guard and didn't have time to let go of the shark meat, and was pulled by him towards the side.

As soon as he spit out the shark meat and wanted to fly, he had no choice but to take off in the water and it was completely different from on land, and before he could rush out of the water, a black shadow pounced on him.

"Hehe, let you be greedy, remember it next time, I have a popular saying, meat debts are repaid. Swimming

back to the raft, Tang Ming wiped the seawater on his head, fired an afterthought at the seagulls, and then turned over and got on the boat.

"Seeing is believing, and you don't even let go of what flies in the sky.

Shu Yiting smiled speechlessly, as a survivor, Shu Yiting didn't have a virgin mentality, so she didn't reject Tang Ming's catching seagulls.

"Do you want to try

it?" "Forget it, are you stupid to be a seagull, and will you still fall for it?"

"That's not necessarily!"

Tang Ming tied the seagull with a rope to his feet, tied it to a bamboo, and began to throw fish again.

But this time, the seagulls were not fooled again and increased their flight altitude. Start moving away from the raft. And gave Tang Ming a look of contempt, grabbed our companion in front of us, and wanted to repeat the old thing. Don't we seagulls have an IQ?

After losing it for a while, we found that there were indeed no seagulls from the net, and Tang Ming lost interest.

Let the piece of shark meat float, and look at the seagulls swimming with the raft beside him.

"You say, is this guy good or bad?"

"It's hard to say, let's call him bad, they usually eat the garbage in the port and everything, and they have the nickname of the bay cleaner." If you want to say that they are good, they always like to steal and eat the young birds of other birds or something. So, depending on the personal needs, for us survivors, it is food, and it means nothing else?"

"No wonder they say that the most poisonous woman's heart, the seagull is so cute, but you only treat it as food."

Tang Ming smacked his lips and teased.

"Shameless, I don't know who caught it, and now you're talking about me!" Shu

Yiting took a sip of Tang Ming, and she didn't have a good air.

"You say, if we let it swim with us like this, is it possible to attract a big fish or something?"

I have to say that Tang Ming's head was full of food, and if he couldn't do anything, he began to play other ghost ideas again.

"It's hard to say, but our raft is here, except for sharks, I don't think any other fish will come, besides, such a big shark is dragging behind, it really attracts other fish, I'm afraid you won't be able to parry."

"How is it possible, even if the shark comes, I will kill my brother correctly, I am afraid that he will not dare to ......"

Before Tang Ming's words fell, he suddenly felt a violent wind sound over his head, and then, a black shadow flashed in front of him.


his head, Tang Ming saw that there was another bird on the seagull, but it was much bigger than the seagull.

Before he could see what it was, the bird was already grabbing the seagull and trying to take off.

"Damn, are there really people who came to grab food?"

With a burst of applause, Tang Ming stretched out his hand and grabbed the black shadow.

As soon as the black shadow flapped its wings, it was about to fly upwards, but helplessly, he didn't know that the seagull had a rope tied to his feet, and when he flew, not only did he not lift the seagull, but his whole body was pulled down.

In just such a moment, Tang Ming's big hand had already grabbed it.

Then, Tang Ming felt that his arm was pecked hard by something hard.

Nima, what the hell is it!

With an angry curse in his mouth, Tang Ming retracted his hand into his arms and ripped the big bird out of the air.


The author has something to say:

There is another chapter

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