Godly Student

Chapter 6636 Isn’t this just right?

After a long discussion, they made it clearer that they wanted to implement Wang Hongyang's plan. Only then could they make a comeback. Otherwise, they could only passively wait for the attack from the Holy City.

On the third day, as they expected, those who left from the north and south gates the next day also returned with secret messages, and they successfully reached their destination.

Although it was also impossible to tell whether all this was deliberately allowed by the Holy City, but after the discussion the day before, everyone was calm.

Regardless of whether these people were really let go by the Holy City, at least the current situation is the same as their plan.

And now the first and second steps have been successfully completed.

Then it will be their turn to leave the city next time, and I have to say that they are still quite nervous.

"General, how many days will it take for us to leave again?" Yuan Lin asked anxiously.

There were people leaving the city on the first and second days. If the Holy City hadn't discovered it before, they might have discovered it now.

Therefore, they could not leave the city for the time being and had to wait for a few days, at least to dispel the doubts of the Holy City.

It's just hard to estimate how many days it will take to dispel the Holy City's doubts.

“We don’t know if the Holy City has any plans to discover us, but if someone goes out for two consecutive days, it would be easy to find out if the Holy City is really serious about it.

So let’s not rush for the time being. We have to wait at least three days. Lieutenant General Wang, what do you think? "Guo Yuan said.

"What the general said is absolutely true. If the Holy City has been monitoring us, that would be a different matter.

But if they can't keep an eye on us all the time, it will be relatively easy for them to detect an immortal sneaking out of the city for two consecutive days.

Now that they have made this discovery, they will definitely keep an eye on it for a few days, especially in the past few days, they should keep an eye on it even tighter.

So we have to wait a few days to relax their vigilance as much as possible before we leave the city.

Although we are not sure whether they will discover our plan, for the sake of insurance, we should wait a few more days to be safer! "Wang Hongyang nodded and said.

"It doesn't hurt to wait a few more days. I'm just worried that they will suddenly launch an attack on Meteor City in the next few days?

In that case, our plan will no longer be able to proceed! Yuan Lin said worriedly.

"It's not impossible, but it's just possible. At least how big it is, I can't figure out.

But we can't disrupt our plans just because of this. Even if they really attack the city at this time, we have to wait.

Otherwise, if they see through our plan, then we will be able to reach Meteor City, but we will not be able to reach Hanshui City. They will definitely intercept us halfway. "Wang Hongyang said.

"I understand that, but waiting like this is too impatient."

“Our plan has been set, and as long as we follow our plan, the success rate is quite high.

So no matter how anxious you are, you can only endure it.

There are only a few days, it will pass quickly.

Just think about it, if we wait here for a few more days, we can trample the Holy City under our feet. I think you will calm down soon. Wang Hongyang said with a smile.

This kind of waiting really makes people anxious, isn't he anxious?

It's just that he knows better that the matter is over, and the plan has already been implemented in two steps, and they have to wait until the third step anyway.

As long as they succeed, they will no longer have to be so passive.

They were even able to complete the tasks assigned by the Inner Dynasty and capture a few people from the Holy City and return to the Inner Dynasty, which was a great achievement.

Even Shi Cong and the others couldn't reward them with such merit. Perhaps they would have to wait until they returned to the immortal world, and the immortal mansion would reward them.

Because as long as the people from the Holy City are captured, the mystery of the Holy City will inevitably be revealed.

Regardless of the location of their holy city's home base, the true strength of their holy city, the strength of their home base, and how many affiliated forces like the Cheng family exist in addition to the Cheng family.

Even if we cannot understand everything related to the Holy City in detail, we can at least have a general idea.

Especially regarding the location of the Holy City's home base and the strength of the Holy City, this should be relatively easy to know.

Knowing this, can this holy city still play mystery in front of them?

They went straight to Huanglong. No matter how hard they tried to hide, even if their lair was taken away, would they still be able to hide?

And how did such a great achievement come from? It was because they were the first to capture the people in the Holy City.

Therefore, there is no need to say how great this contribution is.

"If our plan can really succeed, then I will naturally be very happy to wait a few more days. But leaving the city is only the first step of the entire plan, and there are still a lot of troubles that need to be solved continuously.

I just hope that our plan can go smoothly. Every step we complete will bring us one step closer to success.

But now our first step is still unknown, so let me think about victory, which is too far! "Yuan Lin said.

“Although the first step of our entire plan has not been completed yet, as far as the results of these three days are concerned, everything is still within our expectations, which is good news.

As long as you wait patiently for a few days, I believe the third step will be completed smoothly.

At that time, we will just go to Hanshui City and prepare for the second step, which is to change from light to dark! "Wang Hongyang explained.

"Actually, I've been worried about a question. Even if we leave the city smoothly, will the troops who stayed in the city really be able to leave the city smoothly?

If only a few of us leave the city in the end, or even only a few of us arrive in Broken Leaf City, how can we deal with the Holy City?

We can't be allowed to find out the information ourselves, right? Yuan Lin thought for a while and said.

"If we can leave the city smoothly, do you think it will be difficult for them to leave the city again?

It’s just a matter of spending more time! "

"But now we are all worried that the Holy City will suddenly launch an attack on Meteor City. If we leave, Meteor City will be attacked, and none of these people can escape. Then aren't we still the only ones?"

"Wouldn't that be better? If we leave the city, but they, the Holy City, attack Meteor City, doesn't this prove that the Holy City really didn't discover us?

Since they haven't discovered us, doesn't it also prove that we have moved from the light to the dark? Wang Hongyang said nonchalantly.

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