Godzilla In Konoha

Chapter 535 The end that determines the fate of the universe

The crazy extraction of power from various points in time ultimately had a huge impact on the historical direction of this universe.

Generally speaking, changes in time, regardless of whether the general trend is changed or the small trend is slightly changed, will not have a severe impact on the timeline itself.

For example, in the Battle of the Valley of the End, Senju Hashirama defeated Madara and died soon after. This is the general trend. This result remains unchanged, but during the battle, Hashirama took a few more punches and died earlier after the war. This is a small trend.

The waves caused by small changes, placed on an infinite time line, will slowly calm down and disappear. As for those people who are affected in the process of calming down the small fluctuations, they are insignificant to the universe, whether they are alive or not. Death doesn't matter.

But doing what Xuan Yi did, sending countless clones to various historical periods, plundering and devouring like crazy, and bringing back all the gains, was tantamount to causing huge waves on the timeline.

The most frightening thing is that this huge wave is not just one, but one after another, covering every node on the timeline. The final feedback result is that everything has suffered a violent impact.

Xuanyi became unprecedentedly large, using the two powers of nuclear fusion and chakra as driving sources, keeping pace with the God of Chakra.

The God of Chakra and the Otsutsuki clan members he is connected to also know how the universe has changed.

"Crazy, really crazy!"

"I originally thought that this invader came from another universe and wanted to seize the chakra system of our universe and enslave our Otsutsuki clan! But I found that I was wrong!"

"He can destroy everything in order to achieve his goal. What he doesn't have, he would rather destroy it all than let us get a hold of it!"

"So this guy comes from outside the universe? In this case, wouldn't he be an alien monster that invaded our world?"

A group of Otsutsukis are in the chakra network and can instantly understand all the thoughts of other tribesmen, and they are immediately confused.

This guy looks like a human, but his actions are clearly demonic—at least in the eyes of the Otsutsukis.

As for the influence Xuan Yi had on his subordinates, they simply ignored it and assumed that it was the devil's method.

"Are you demons? This is a decisive battle between foreign demons and local gods! We can't afford to lose!"

"We have lost... This guy has destroyed the universe into a mess, all history has collapsed, and all our previous understanding of things has collapsed. Even if we kill the enemy, we still have to face this devastated reality. .”

"Asshole! Who came up with such depressing thoughts at this time? Can't you restrain your thinking and don't let such bad thoughts be passed on to everyone!"

The Otsutsukis were frightened.

"A demon...can do such a thing and fight against the gods we gave birth to. Even if he is really a demon, he is still the god of demons...an alien demon god."

The clan leader sighed inwardly and tried his best to restrain his thoughts and not think about what he noticed subconsciously.

Even if it is really a terrifying demon, it has grown up in their universe with the help of the power of chakra.

This way of using chakra, the samsara eye and reincarnation eye, cannot be faked.

Moreover, the other party clearly created a strange organ in front of them, and the energy source continuously produced huge and very different energy from chakra.

In other words, before this, this guy trained his subordinates and slaughtered countless planets, mostly using the power of chakra.

Such a foreign demon god used their power to grow, and finally traveled countless light years to kill him...

The Otsutsuki clan, which claims to be the overlord of the universe, actually didn't notice it at all!

Damn it, damn Kaguya!

This pair of bastard men and women must have indirectly provided huge help to the demon god and become sinners of the tribe and even the entire universe!

The angry Otsutsukis cursed Isshiki and Kaguya like crazy, but they seemed to have forgotten that it was their tribe that had been sending people to slaughter various indigenous planets before, but now they were just the slaughtered indigenous people.

"I'm so excited. This kind of power will definitely kill you."

Xuan Yi's size continued to expand, and soon reached tens of thousands of meters, and launched an attack on the God of Chakra.

This half-finished god is currently receiving the thoughts of the Otsutsukis and becoming more and more agile.

"I can't die. As long as I have chakra, I won't die." The God of Chakra sent his first thought.

This surprised almost everyone.

Xuan Yi is very calm. The energy of chakra inherently contains spiritual power. Every trace of chakra carries the spiritual imprint of the creator.

A sum of energy gathered from countless chakras, the thinking may be extremely chaotic, but it is impossible to have no thinking at all.


Xuan Yi punched the God of Chakra. This blow was like grabbing an exploding planet. Endless explosions emerged and were transmitted to the opponent.

The power of nuclear fusion expanded infinitely on Xuan Yi at this moment, and countless microscopic particles began to collide with each other.

This punch is a real nuclear fusion punch.

It was so powerful that the moment Xuan Yi hit the God of Chakra, the entire fist could not withstand the energy explosion inside and suddenly exploded. In other words, the fist itself had participated in the nuclear fusion process and there was no need to deliberately keep it intact.


The power of endless catharsis spreads, using energy to energy to eliminate each other.

The huge figure of the Chakra God swayed slightly, and his blue body flickered for a moment, making it difficult for ordinary people to detect.

"With chakra, will you be able to die? It's a pretty good ability, as expected of something bred by these stupid families who have screwed up... It's really a good thing that you were able to come into the world early instead of being fused with these inferior and inferior creatures." Thank me."

Xuan Yi punched him one after another.

The God of Chakra also began to fight back. He himself was a huge energy body, and he took action at will, as if it caused time and space to work together. Billions of streams of light flowed rapidly and intensively bombarded Xuan Yi.

These two beings were engaged in a brutal confrontation against the huge waves of time flow and the power of distortion and erasure brought about by time distortion.

"too strong……"

"But if this continues, we people will also be erased by time, right? One or two changes will not cause changes in the current reality, but what is happening now is far beyond the scope of our understanding! If I die, in the future I can no longer serve Master Xuan Yi, I won’t be willing to do so!”

"Why panic? We have the power of Lord Xuan Yi and Planet Godzilla. We are not only native creatures in this timeline, but we also have a chance!"

Kabuto, Kazue and others also began to take action, mobilizing all their strength to preserve the existence of their group as much as possible.

Lifeforms at the Sixth Path level don't feel any pain or itching. Their size can bear it hard, but it's troublesome for those below the Sixth Path level.

Kabuto's face was solemn. He had already expected what was happening now, and he immediately raised the unfinished Eye of the Universe.

It is impossible to describe in precise words what kind of weird eye this is. This thing gives people an indescribable feeling that it should not exist. A random glance is clearly using countless different eyes from different dimensions. Watching.

The eye of the universe stares at everyone, trying to determine the existence of every flesh and blood star resident at this time.

Xuan Yi has no time to care about these, and all his attention is on the God of Chakra.

As long as he can kill this guy, he can be promoted to god!

"It's useless, I won't die..." the Chakra God said again.

Xuan Yi was knocked hundreds of thousands of miles away. At this time, he stabilized his body and kept shaking his head: "Immortality? Why are you stressing about this? What is there to show off? Isn't it the most basic ability? If he is easily beaten to death , is it unqualified?"

The God of Chakra stopped talking and attacked silently.

The battle between the two sides became more and more cruel, destroying the star system where Otsutsuki's home planet was located.

With the size of the two of them, it would be reasonable to say that they could destroy planets easily, but they were still far from being able to blow up a star with one blow.

The size of the star is millions of times that of ordinary planets.

Their two demigods can destroy star systems, knock planets to pieces with their constant bursts of energy, and even stimulate stars to erupt with flares, but it is absolutely impossible to truly destroy stars.

If you want to be able to easily blow up a star, you need to devour the opponent even if you don't say a word, and become a god.

If you want to become the God of the Universe in the true sense, all that is left is to continuously accumulate your own size and absorb all the chakra and natural energy in the universe. Then you will definitely be the real God of the Universe, and you will be able to control all kinds of things. The different dimensions of time and space in the universe are also at your fingertips.

In other words, the most critical step is to clear the obstacles and kill the guy on the opposite side who can compete with him for chakra share and authority.

Killing the opponent, taking over the power, and sweeping the universe by oneself is just a matter of time and accumulation.

Everything was swallowed up by the terrifying energy cluster, and terrifying magma-like material continued to sputter out from the star.

The confrontation between Xuan Yi and the God of Chakra became more and more cruel, and the power controlled by both sides was also rapidly consumed.

After all, this intensity of fighting is too cruel, and even space and planets can be exploded at will.

Xuan Yi began to extract the natural energy stored in the flesh and blood star to replenish himself.

"Okay! That guy can't hold on any longer. The speed at which he creates energy using that strange system can no longer keep up with the speed at which he consumes it!"

"He's going to absorb natural energy to get chakra!"

"This obviously shows that our side has the advantage and victory is in sight!"

The Otsutsukis were ecstatic.

The Chakra God howled and began to extract the natural energy from Otsutsuki's home planet.

But it is obvious that the remaining natural energy on Otsutsuki's home planet is far inferior to that of Xuanyi's planet. Any excess natural energy has been collected and fed to the God of Chakra many years ago.

The God of Chakra absorbed all of the mother planet in one go, and found himself feeling lonely.

When he looked at the other side, he found that Xuan Yi was still devouring it crazily. Only the devil knew how much natural energy the other party had reserved in advance.

"Don't worry, we definitely still have the advantage! How can he, an outsider, use our power system to match us!" the clan leader said hurriedly.

The God of Chakra lowered his head and meditated. His thinking became more and more perfect. At this time, he knew how to analyze the pros and cons by himself, instead of listening to these Otsutsuki who were greedy for his body.

After thinking about it, the Chakra God came to his own conclusion: he could not listen to these guys and must draw more power.

So, where does the power come from?

The God of Chakra stared at these guys connected to him and immediately used his strength.

"Wait, wait, why is my chakra draining faster?"

"Damn it, I don't have chakra anymore, stop it now!"

"He is forcibly draining our vitality and spiritual power!!"

Screams rang out one after another, and along with them, Otsutsuki turned into mummies.

Shockingly, he was beaten to death.


The God of Chakra threw away these mummies, letting them turn into dust under the energy impact and disappear into thin air. A pair of eyes without any emotion looked towards the opposite side.

"Yes, I'm still wondering when you will get rid of these burdens." Xuan Yi praised.

The God of Chakra sent out a spiritual message: "When will you absorb the people on your side? Those living creatures are also one of your energy reserves."

Xuan Yi was startled and laughed dumbly: "You are wrong, I will not absorb them."

"You will, just as I will when I corner you."

"No, you still don't understand...I haven't needed these guys to give me power since the beginning."

Xuan Yi opened his hand, and in an instant, countless versions of himself returned from various points in time.

The turbulence of the entire universe is becoming more and more intense at this moment. After this battle, I am afraid that half of the universe will be destroyed first.

I don’t know how many planets are constantly ups and downs in the crazy distortion and vibration of time, deviating from their original development trajectory.

"You're crazy!" The God of Chakra was furious.

The universe is becoming increasingly chaotic. Countless living planets have embarked on another path. Life has become extinct and natural energy has dissipated.

"Is the survival of this universe important? Killing you is the first priority. What does the state of the universe have to do with me?"

Xuan Yi's expression has become extremely cold: "Only if I live, this universe will have a future; if I don't live well, what does it have to do with me whether the universe exists or dies?"

The God of Chakra regards the universe as his hunting ground, and he will be heartbroken every time he loses a prey.

Xuan Yi regarded the God of Chakra as an inevitable prey. As for other prey, or even what the hunting ground itself became, it didn't matter.

If he didn't kill the God of Chakra, everything else would be meaningless to him.

Xuan Yi returned to his peak and launched another attack.

The two majestic beings have completely entered the final stage of decisive battle.

The first priority is to kill the opponent, and everything is fought to the death with this goal in mind.


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