Godzilla In Konoha

Chapter 537 Monster Universe Doesn’t Believe in Tears

The top beings of the two universes are doing the same thing at this time, that is, frantically searching for power in the universe to improve themselves.

Both Xuan Yi and Ghidorah know very well that this battle will come sooner or later, and the winner will be able to control both universes in one go.

The improvement this brings is not as simple as doubling. Mastering two different extraordinary systems will broaden the path beyond imagination.

Finally, Xuan Yi opened his eyes again.

"That's almost it. There is no oil or water left in this universe for me to search for, and there is no need to waste time trying to capture the sporadic natural energy..."

It's time to act.

Beside him, Planet Godzilla also realized that his huge and slightly mutated figure began to move slightly.

"Apart from the Ten-Tails, that's the only guy who can interest you."

Xuan Yi glanced at this big guy.

In recent years, Planet Godzilla has also been growing rapidly, working hard to improve his strength, and barely surpassing the boundaries of planetary life.

The most important thing is that this guy has also mastered the space ability. If he faces Golden Ghidorah, he will not be beaten passively and will have no power to fight back.

"Now that we are ready, let's set off." Xuan Yi ordered.

Kabuto looked excited: "It's such an honor to see another universe with my own eyes."

"You will be honored even more when we kill Ghidorah. Let's get going."

Xuan Yi gave the order.

The huge war machine began to move.

Countless powerful warriors are running around this planet, making final preparations.


In recent years, the universe has become turbulent.

The monster revered as a god by many people, the Golden King Ghidorah, is invading various planets more and more crazily and frequently.

From a common sense perspective, this is not necessarily a good thing. Planets have become battlefields one after another, and the damage caused by monster battles has even directly damaged the life of the planet.

But to many desperate civilizations, Golden Ghidorah is extremely benevolent and sacred.

The reason is simple. They are all the remnants of civilization that were defeated by the monsters on their home planet. Only by contacting Ghidorah can they have a chance to kill the monsters on their home planet.

The only fly in the ointment is that Ghidorah gathered all the remnants of them and asked them to work hard to create various technological weapons and use all their resources and wisdom to light up the war technology tree.

This is very strange.

Wise men from various civilizations in the universe were also confused at first.

Why would such an invincible and great god, who constantly searches for and destroy monsters everywhere, be so anxious to let them desperately develop military technology?

"Lord Metophis, has the latest divine message been issued?"

"Yes, I still encourage you to vigorously improve your military strength."

Metophis, who was born in the Ekxif civilization, maintains an enigmatic smile on his face. He looks extremely humble and naturally makes people want to get close to him.

"That's it. Although I don't quite understand it, we rely on Him to survive until now. Then we should seize the time to build more spaceships."

Metophis quietly watched the people scattering and returning to their respective civilized places. He paused for a while, then regained his composure and walked leisurely.

Along the way, every individual who saw him—strictly speaking, every humanoid creature—showed respect and admiration.

For them, the Exif civilization is the closest civilization to Ghidorah. It is said that it followed Ghidorah as early as 100 million years ago.

As the leader of the Exif civilization, Metophis is always able to contact the remnants of each civilization as soon as possible and provide all kinds of help. As a "prophet", he leads the heroes of each civilization in times of despair. , calling Ghidorah’s name.

"It's still too slow, too slow, too slow. On average, a qualified civilization can be found every few decades. It will take at least ten years to spawn a monster to destroy this civilization..."

The only good thing is that they are gathering more and more civilizations, which may increase their search speed.

No one knew how anxious Metapheus was inside.

This man, who always maintained a calm and intelligent attitude, was extremely anxious.

A planet that can give birth to monsters is extremely harsh.

First, there must be life on it; secondly, there must be humanoid intelligent life; and finally, this intelligent life must establish a sufficiently developed technological civilization.

When these three points are met, the living planet itself will give birth to monsters of different shapes and strengths under the constant destruction of itself by technological civilization.

Planets that meet these conditions are already rare and extremely rare. Under these harsh prerequisites, these technological civilizations must be stimulated to go to a dead end as soon as possible, and they will let Ghidorah come as the savior.

After Ghidorah devoured the monster, he returned directly to the higher dimensions, and the remaining civilized population was gathered together by Exif and other subordinate civilizations.

People who don't know the inside story, including some tribesmen within the Exif civilization, are baffled by Ghidorah's paranoid approach. What's the point of gathering a group of technological civilizations and ordering them to develop their military full strength?

No matter how powerful the Star Destroyer Cannon is, no matter how huge the spaceship is, it is not enough to defeat a single projection of Golden Ghidorah.

Because these civilizations will face monsters from their home planet, they have no time or foundation at all, and have spent tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of years developing powerful space technology.

"Lord Ghidorah is a little anxious..."

Metophis frowned slightly and returned to his residence.

"You're back? Are you in a happy mood listening to the compliments of those people who don't know why?" An elderly man looked at him with a sneer.

"There is no need to mock me as soon as we meet. I am also working hard for our continuation."

Metophis stopped and stared at the old man in front of him: "We haven't seen each other for more than thirty years, but you have become older... It seems that the ability of earth civilization in biotechnology has come to an end. I Remember that the newly accepted civilization has gone a long way in biotechnology, and I will ask them to tailor genetic medicine for you to extend your life."

"Are you showing off that your race is born with longevity? Methophis, put away your ugly face, it will only make people feel sick! Those who came later don't know your true face, but I do!"

The middle-aged man rushed forward, grabbed Metophis by the collar, and shouted angrily: "You bastard, many monsters on the planet should not have been born so early. Is it you who did it? You forced it You have improved the technological level of those people and stimulated the birth of monsters! Even the earth is yours..."

"Qingsheng, it's been almost three hundred years, why are you still obsessed with this matter..."

Metophis had an indifferent look on his face. He was an absolutely cold-blooded person who was naturally indifferent to all external things. This was his true nature.

Metophis said indifferently: "You worked so hard to find out the truth. Now that you know what our Mrs. Aikexi did, you should also know that this is the fate of all of us."

"The rules of the universe determine that every technological civilization will be destroyed by the monster civilization born on the mother planet. It is just a matter of time."

"You fart, don't use this as an excuse! If we, the technological civilization, were given more time, instead of being secretly encouraged by you, maybe we could develop weapons to kill monsters!" Qingsheng was surprisingly angry, and on his forehead, There are even blue veins popping out.

As the heroic unit of Earth, Haruo was the man who summoned Ghidorah under the bewitchment of Metapheus, and he has been searching for the truth for so many years.

If Planet Godzilla hadn't been bitten in the neck by one of Ghidorah's head projections, he fell into a black hole and disappeared while struggling desperately.

If it weren't for the elegant and calm guy Metapheus, he would have looked furious after Planet Godzilla mysteriously disappeared.

Haruo really wouldn't realize that something was wrong with this whole process.

It is true that he has a mortal feud with Planet Godzilla for the destruction of civilization, and he also has a hatred with the Metapheus in front of him.

Metophis said coldly: "Do you really not understand, or are you just pretending to be stupid? The birth of monsters is related to the strength, level of development and damage to the environment of technological civilization. Even without us, Mrs. Aikexi , after you reach the level of our secret interference through normal development, you will still encounter Godzilla and be destroyed by that guy."

Haruo slowly let go of Metapheus's collar.

He couldn't kill Metophis here. The moment he did it, there were high-tech weapons in the surrounding walls aimed at him, and they would kill him before he could do it.

"Have you calmed down? Go back when you have calmed down. You should urge you humans as soon as possible to build more spaceships and ground-based cannons."

Metophis and Haruo passed each other.

"Wait! I have another question!" Qingsheng dragged his aging body and asked one word at a time, "Is that guy coming back?"



"……Why do you say that?"

"As far as I know, Godzilla is also an extremely powerful one among the monster civilizations. I even suspect that he is the only monster second only to Ghidorah who destroyed your Exif civilization!" Haruo said.

That's right, as Ghidorah's number one henchman, the Exif civilization, which has been running around for Ghidorah for 100 million years and harming technological civilization, is actually the technological civilization that Ghidorah killed after its birth.

The difference is that Ghidorah is cunning and smart enough and does not fall into mechanical thinking logic like Planet Godzilla.

Ghidorah overcame his instincts and recruited the remnants of the Exif civilization as henchmen.

Just for this skillful operation, Ghidorah is the only one in the universe, which is amazing. With such wisdom and self-control, it is no wonder that he can become the overlord of the universe.

But the orders issued by this cosmic overlord in the past few hundred years are extremely strange.

Why does a monster civilization accept so many civilizations to make weapons for it? is this necessary?

"It's Godzilla who disappeared mysteriously back then, right? The demon is back." Haruo trembled all over, "Ghidora noticed this and felt a strong threat, so he became so crazy!"

"...Maybe, I'm not sure if it's because of it. It's theoretically impossible. A monster that's over 20,000 years old can't threaten a gene that's been developed for over 100 million years after growing for hundreds of years. Dora’s.”

Metophis stopped and his expression became slightly more solemn: "It may not be because of Godzilla, but some other powerful enemy."

"New monster?" Qingsheng's eyes narrowed.

Neither of them could figure it out.

They would not have thought that someone from another universe would launch a forceful attack on their universe.

Just think about the outrageous cosmic rules in this universe, that is, technological civilization will be destroyed by its own monsters before it develops to a strong level. Then it is destined not to be a technological civilization.

It can only be a monster.

But what kind of monster could make Ghidorah, the king of the universe, so nervous? Even if it is really a monster, what is the point of urging them, the remnants of technological civilization, to make weapons?

"This is strange. A powerful enemy that can threaten Ghidorah can be dealt with by using technological weapons that cannot threaten Ghidorah? But the opponent is not a technological civilization?"

"Probably, the opponent is a collective civilization similar to technological civilization...a collective civilization composed of many monsters."

Both Metophis and Haruo were the best in their respective civilizations, possessing both wisdom and courage. They were also both enemies and friends. In just a few words, they knew each other's thoughts and analyzed the results.

But this result left these two well-informed humanoid intelligent beings a little confused.

is it possible?

There is a competitive food chain relationship between monsters. By devouring each other, one's own life level can be greatly improved.

Although these monsters guard their own planets and theoretically will not meet, it is inevitable that there will be smart monsters like Ghidorah who have overcome their instincts.

Not to mention, on Earth, Mothra turned into an egg and fell into a deep sleep, and Godzilla never caused trouble to Mothra - maybe he didn't notice?

But if there is a collective civilization composed of a group of monsters, it seems absurd but is actually a reasonable guess. Only this kind of civilization with multiple tribes of people needs their technological civilization to desperately create technological weapons to deal with it.

No matter how bad it is, it can still involve some enemies.

The two looked at each other in silence, then turned around and left. This guess was too incredible and shattered their understanding of the monster.

Metophis left in a hurry, thinking about whether to make some plans and prepare in advance to prevent the tribesmen from being too panicked when the war started.

Qingsheng, on the other hand, was full of reluctance.


Even if the enemy is really a group of monsters, they are still monsters, right? All monsters are mortal enemies of technological civilization.

Haruo doesn't want to become a monster's appendage like Metophis.

"Is there not a possibility? Is there really no way for scientific and technological civilization to overcome the monsters? What are the rules of the universe... After so many billions of years, there are many technological civilizations that have grown up in the universe, and even one attack Don’t you even have the technological civilization to kill the monsters on your home planet?”

Is it possible that there really won’t be miracles? Even if it is the rules of the universe, there is no possibility of breaking them?

"Monsters... Even if those ghosts are really a big filter blocking all technological civilization, I believe there will be someone who can lead his people to get through!!"


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