Godzilla, The King of Marvel

Chapter 61 The giant claws that tear the earth!

in mythology.

Prometheus stole fire from the sky and gave it to mankind, which annoyed the supreme ruling god Zeus. In order to offset the benefits of fire, he decided to bring disaster to the world.


Zeus asked Vulcan to create Pandora, the first woman on earth, out of clay.

Then ask the gods to grant Pandora beauty, wisdom and curiosity.

Finally, Zeus gave Pandora a sealed box.

It is full of scourges, disasters, and plagues.

Let her give it to the man who married her.

Prometheus was convinced that Zeus had bad intentions for humans, and warned his brother not to accept Zeus' gifts.

But he refused to listen and married the beautiful Pandora.

And driven by curiosity, Pandora opened the box - and immediately all the disasters, plagues and scourges inside flew out.

Humanity has suffered from disasters, plagues and scourges ever since.

It has to be said that this myth is very apt to describe the status quo.

today's world.

It's like a real-life version of that popular Greek myth.

The disaster box that comes with tinder.

It is the radiation threat that comes with the inexhaustible source of energy.

Just as everything has a positive and negative price.

The convenience and endowment brought by fire that people enjoy will be accompanied by more terrifying and dangerous arrivals.

Nuclear energy is one of the most extreme examples.

If you treat it kindly, it will be the best gift.

What if not?

Then it is no longer a gift, but a sacrifice.



Athena II nuclear power plant.


The constant shaking of the earth caused the nuclear power plant to pull up an emergency siren.

It was dark all around.

With the response of the military department, all their electronic communication equipment failed, and the screen was dark, including radio, network, etc., and a situation like this happened in the Barents Sea not long ago.

The shaking of the earth became stronger and stronger.

The French soldiers clearly felt that all this originated from the ground, as if some large machine was starting the engine.

This is digging!

They quickly reacted and immediately sent people to the source of the earthquake to investigate the surrounding area.

At the same time, the nuclear power plant was urgently maintained.

Not long after the Soviet nuclear leak, that kind of terrifying situation must not happen here.

The head of the nuclear power plant was in a cold sweat, and the situation at the moment nearly made his brain freeze.

During World War II, the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and France, in conjunction with the development of the atomic bomb, successively built a number of plutonium production reactors, and subsequently developed submarine propulsion power reactors.

The French nuclear development path is similar to that of the United Kingdom, although nuclear research and development has been slightly delayed by the disruptions of World War II.

But nonetheless.

France remains the country with the highest proportion of nuclear power in the world.

Sudden earthquake.

With imperceptible fluctuations, all the power of the entire nuclear power plant base was paralyzed, and then the terrifying earthquake became more and more intense.

"System restarting...08:52:02..."

The head of the nuclear power plant and the commander of the military base also came together because of the emergency and cursed badly.


When some of the electrical equipment returned to normal again, the place the soldiers rushed to suddenly shook more violently.

"Rooster No. 7 has arrived at the designated location, and other teams will report the situation!"

Immediately after the communication system returned to normal, a soldier reported it urgently.

At this time.

The earthquake stopped, but the stones and grains of sand underfoot began to vibrate and jump, like some kind of giant creature sucking in the underground Roar.

At the moment the two soldiers stopped moving.

Cold sweat dripped down his chin, when the leading soldier signaled that everyone else be quiet.


He slowly looked down.

"Oh no......."

The soldier shook his head, his expression almost struggling.

"Get out of there!"

The people around only felt that the vibrations under their feet became more and more violent, as if something was about to come out. Before they could evacuate, a creepy scene happened!

A vortex appeared in the earth.


The epicenter in the center suddenly sank, and the asphalt concrete on the road was sticking. The whole area was like a desert turned into quicksand, terrifying.

Boom! !

The soldier struggled desperately, the gun in his hand dropped, slipped and fell into the vortex of the earth, and it didn't take long before he heard a click, and the giant claws that ripped apart the earth suddenly stretched out from bottom to top!

The vortex that enveloped the surrounding earth cracked open.

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka! ! !

It was as terrifying as the "unstoppable mountain of tanks that burst out of the earth", with it twisting its body, widening the crack, and finally appearing in front of everyone with a bang.


I don't know if they were frightened, At the moment the soldiers suddenly made a sound of "breathing" intermittently.

Their movements stiffened.

Can't believe my eyes.

That terrifying ancient superspecies, the "Titan Earthquake Beetle" that lived at the same time as Godzilla and the other Titans.

At the moment.

Looking down at all living beings, the eyes are red.

The Titan Earthquake Beetle has a triangular head and jaws, red eyes, two pairs of huge amounts of forelimbs, and a bunch of relatively short auxiliary arms on its chest, similar in appearance to insects.

But it's huge!

It is a head taller than the standing Godzilla, and has a wider arm span.

It has a hardened shell and sharp, spiky backstabs all over its body. Its legs are large and strong, with knuckles on the forelegs. Its skin is mainly smooth black, but the forelimbs are mostly covered with orange scales.

Incredibly scary appearance.

The soldiers widened their eyes in horror, and Roar shouted God in their mouths.

At the moment, that huge terrifying existence with the power to destroy the world stood up staggeringly!

They immediately pointed their guns at the Titan Earthquake Beetle and shouted, "Don't move! Come here again and I'll shoot!"

He didn't expect his voice to be so trembling.

so that.

He panicked, and even started to warn the monsters.


A titan earthquake beetle that tastes the meaning of a soldier.

Its eyes lit up with red light, and it opened its mouth to aim at the direction of the human soldiers, and then—like a circle of air ripples in the air, the matter collapsed and disintegrated at a speed visible to the naked eye! *

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