Golden Greenery

Chapter 318 Augenthaler is very thirsty

( ) Leverkusen head coach Klaus Augenthaler has been in a bad mood recently, mainly due to the team's performance.

Since the start of the new season, Leverkusen has had one win, two draws and two losses in the league, especially the 2:5 home defeat to Bayern Munich, which made the media embarrass Augenthaler into a Japanese melon, and he was very unconvinced by this.

——More than two years ago, when I was tasked with saving the team and bringing the riddled Bayer Leverkusen into the Champions League, you also praised me like a flower.

Augenthaler believes that Leverkusen's deterioration in the past two years is not due to himself, but to the club's transfer department. Since he took over, his top players who have defected to other teams one after another have been able to field half of the top eight starting lineups in the Bundesliga. But what do they get in exchange?

This summer, Argentinian defender Placente went to La Liga. Augenthaler hoped that the club could buy Madiburg substitute defender Sasha Ritter to replace him, but in the end it was the Brazilian Asilson who directly replaced the Argentine defender. Genthaler was so angry that his intestines hurt.

——This guy only made five substitute appearances in three years at Juventus. Do you think he is lurking?

Bierovka and Ponte left in the midfield. Augenthaler wanted Banetta from Madiburg, but Luteger and Castro came, one was 20 and the other was 18. The resentment in the heart of the Austrian master One can imagine.

The first win of the season against newly promoted Eintracht Frankfurt hurt the team's captain and defensive core Nowotny, who is expected to be out for at least two or three months. In the loss to Bayern Munich, midfielder Schneider strained his thigh again. This is another month. After a draw with Schalke 04, Berbatov said his groin hurt again...

——How the hell am I so unlucky! Are you all targeting me on purpose?

Three days ago, in the first leg of the UEFA Cup qualifying match, Leverkusen lost 0:1 at home to the Bulgarian Army Sofia. The promotion situation was in danger, which finally triggered a crisis of confidence in Augenthaler.

Augenthaler was once a famous sweeper in German football. He played for Bayern Munich throughout his playing days and was extremely loyal. Everyone knows that the Bayern team has always been full of mountains. At that time, Augenthaler and Matthäus led their own teams to fight against each other. Although Matthäus is extremely accomplished in football, to be honest, he lacks magnanimity and sophistication as a person, and he likes to rant in all directions. Perhaps still struggling with the battle that year, Matthäus was the first to jump out and question Augenthaler.

"The head coach is like the manager of the company. If it cannot bring significant benefits, then of course everyone must think about it carefully." The finger pointed at Augenthaler as being responsible for Leverkusen's decline.

Augenthaler responded strongly: "I don't think my team needs irrelevant people to worry about. Although there are some minor problems, the team is still on the right path.


But another person who stood up to question Augenthaler cannot be said to be irrelevant. Leverkusen legend, German football hero and former German national team coach Voller also fired at him. After Daum, the "godfather of the pharmaceutical factory", was dismissed due to the "cocaine scandal", Voller temporarily took charge of Bayer Leverkusen, and his outstanding achievements paved the way for his future entry into the national team.

"We had the feeling that we were running out of goals; we had the feeling that the team had to make changes. What we didn't want to do was be nervous all week and say half the things we wanted to do. The truth." The meaning of Worrell's words is obvious-it's time for you to get out!

Augenthaler was so angry that his chest ached: "Aren't you two bastards set on this handsome position?" What kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending to be!

But what made Augenthaler feel the most pressure came from the club's senior management. When Leverkusen president Holzhauser talked to him last night, he hinted that Augenthaler should take the initiative to resign, but he pretended to do so. Can't understand.

——What a beautiful thought! Either you fire me and compensate me according to the contract, or you let me continue to work. The season has just begun, why are you so anxious? If you want me to leave voluntarily without paying a penny, you are simply blind!

"The players I need are not in place. These are not my responsibility. The team has constant injuries, which has a lot to do with the lack of personnel reserves." Augenthaler and Holzhauser argued with each other, and he emphasized that Barcelona Netta and Ritter failed to join Leverkusen as he requested.

However, this was the beginning of Holzhauser's dissatisfaction with Augenthaler.

——Everyone in the Bundesliga knows that Madiburg has good players, but the whole world knows that it is a black shop now. If any player is worth less than 10 million, look at whether Hassler will look at you seriously. I can fucking afford it. ? Are you interested in Zhuoyang and I want to buy it for you? Oh, you are jealous of the two substitutes now, but the two main rotations of Preuss and Zepek left because you didn't like them. Do you know how much evil you have done by selling your land?

Thinking of Zepek and Preuss being sold to Madiburg at a cabbage price, Holzhauser felt like burying Augenthaler alive.

The two argued with each other all afternoon, and finally reached a tacit understanding. They must score at least six points in the next three league games, and they must reach the group stage of the UEFA Cup. This is the bottom line for Leverkusen's senior management in the near future. If Augenthaler cannot do it, Come, hum, kill them immediately and don’t bury them.

So, Augenthaler, who was in a terrible mood, took an ultimatum and ushered in Madiburg at the Bayer Stadium in the first game. This was the sixth round of the league.


Nowotny, Schneider, and Berbatov are absent due to injuries. The cores of each of the three lines, plus another main center back, Brazilian Roque Junior, received a red card in the last game against Duisburg. , Augenthaler's ability to put together a lineup today is already very good. There is no delusion about defeating Madiburg, who just defeated Bayern. Leverkusen's biggest goal today is to get a point.

Augenthaler sat on the coach's bench, grabbing Yintang and drinking water. He felt very thirsty today. The situation on the field was more passive than he expected. Madibao's pressure in Leverkusen's half was like an offensive and defensive drill.

The two old Leverkusen players Zepek and Preuss all started. Ritter and Barnetta, who were favored by Augenthaler, also appeared in the lineup. They faced Leverkusen who were short of major generals. , uncle Klopp boldly implemented rotation.

It's still 'making waves in the frontcourt wantonly, and every wave of attacks is like a raging wave hitting Augenthaler's heart directly. As a scavenger, Ren was very accomplished in defensive tactics, but he could not afford to keep going like this.

In the 27th minute of the first half, Leverkusen's united defense finally found a gap.

Fang Pian Grosso dribbled the ball from the backcourt for nearly 40 meters and passed the ball to the left side of the penalty area. Zhuo Yang reversed and stepped past Asilsson and broke into the left side of the penalty area. At this time, the shooting angle was already very small. , but in panic, Juan's rash slide tackle gave him a chance. Zhuoyang picked the ball to the open Barnetta, and then watched Juan rush out of the baseline from his feet like a dog sled.

Banetta understood it, and the two played a one-two in an extremely narrow range. Zhuoyang pulled the ball and swung the ball away from Asilsson again, and suddenly shot into the far corner of the goal. Bute staggered and half-knelt, waving his arms comically. It's like doing monkey fist.

1:0, Augenthaler opened the fourth bottle of water viciously, as if there was a fire in his chest.

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