Golden Greenery

Chapter 114 Buffon and Cannavaro

Now that I have come to Paris, of course I want to revisit Zurich, Switzerland.

One week after the Golden Globe Awards ceremony, all major FIFA awards for 2006 were also grandly announced at the Zurich Opera House. Every World Cup year, there are always a lot of FIFA awards, and some awards are even balanced due to various factors.

A week ago, Buffon, the man who dominated the European Ballon d'Or, went from holding the grand prize to finishing third due to a gambling scandal. This kind of scandal will naturally affect the selection of the World Footballer. But no one expected that Buffon would only rank ninth in the selection a week later, which was really shocking. In other words, even if there was no scandal, Buffon would have no chance in the selection of World Footballer. He was very far behind.

In fact, it was this unlucky moment in the 2006 Ballon d'Or selection that became the turning point in Buffon's life.

A man's life is nothing more than career and love, which can also be said to be money and women. No one can escape these two points. But Buffon is different. His life can be divided into four parts: career, money, love, and family, each with its own circumstances.

Buffon is actually a pretty good person. He became famous very early and has deep qualifications. He is definitely qualified to be a big boss. However, he never bosses his teammates around and has no faults in his dealings with others. His character is very commendable.

From a career perspective, before this turmoil, Buffon had always been on a smooth road and was rising steadily, looking like a complete winner in life. Even after 2006, he still controlled the world's number one goalkeeper for a long time, and became stronger with age. Many years later, even old gods like Zhuo Yang could not help but sincerely praise Buffon.

However, a career is a career, and there is nothing to say about controlling the door. But starting from this winter, Buffon has been unlucky in terms of wealth for eight lifetimes. He is like a bastard sunbathing on the beach. It is extremely difficult to turn around. He has earned the highest salary among goalkeepers in world football for a long time in his career, but he has always lived a tight life. Although he is not bad compared to ordinary people, in the horizontal comparison in football, Buffon is completely poor and has been poor all his life.

Buffon used most of the hard-earned money he earned from playing football to fill the holes in his investment finance and repay the interest on bank loans. I don’t have any other skills, so I can only try my best to demolish the east wall of football to repair the west wall of finance. While supporting my family, I also try my best to avoid bankruptcy. However, it is also this personal financial dilemma that forces Buffon to work hard to maintain his condition and extend his career life as much as possible. The immortal legend who will become the goalkeeper of world football in the future cannot but be said to have countless merits.

A financial crisis began to appear this winter. In fact, Buffon had a chance to escape from the sea of ​​misery soon, but it was precisely because of a small-minded Zhuo Yang's words that Buffon was completely placed in lifelong financial embarrassment. Of course, this is a story for later.

In terms of love, Buffon deserves to be called a good man. His woman, Alena Seredova, is a Czech supermodel. She is as beautiful as a witch. Buffon is so dedicated to Alena that he has changed his gender. This is quite unusual in Italian football where men are generally more promiscuous. Many years later, behind closed doors, Buffon, Alena and their two children are perfectly happy at home, with a good father and a good mother. However, the happiness of the family has nothing to do with love.

Buffon is a good man in love, as the saying goes: you are a good person. There are many men who suffer from this sentence in life, and there is no shortage of such living examples around us. Compared to Buffon, Alena Seredova is quite unscrupulous. She has cheated on her girlfriend, fiancée, and wife, more than once, and——

They are all Buffon’s teammates! teammate! teammate.

Good people are good people. Buffon, wearing a Green Beret and looking like an American soldier, said again and again: Then I forgive her! From this point, we can also see that Buffon is really not an ordinary person. Only those who can calm down can become great players.

It is said that many men in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, have a wife complex. The more promiscuous their wives are, the happier they are.

They even encourage their own red apricots to cheat. Psychologically speaking, this phenomenon is not surprising. Of course, this is just a digression and has nothing to do with the protagonist of this chapter, Gianluigi Buffon.

Inzaghi and Vieri, two famous sluts, were at odds with each other because of Alena Seredova, and Buffon even saw that they didn't even want to say a word. 'Iron Guard' Amauri was even more amazing. He was caught by the media when he was dating Alena Seredova. The reporter asked him: As the saying goes, you can't bully your friends' wives. They are all teammates at Juventus. How do you do this? Aren’t you being particular about it?…

Amauri was stunned and had something to say: "I don't consider Buffon a friend."

There are no good people in Hongdong County, except for Buffon. Cannavaro was not only photographed by the media kissing Vieri's fiancée Canalis, but also once had his arms around Alena's waist at the door of the hotel. Of course, Cannavaro would not admit it. As long as they are not naked on the bed, men will basically not admit this kind of thing. A steel mouth and steel teeth can plow the ground.

Fabio Cannavaro was born in the Naples youth team, and his relationship with football king Maradona is very similar to Peng Peng and Zhuo Yang.

Maradona, the King of Naples, has a very high personal charm, and all his teammates who have worked with him in Naples are impressed by him for life. The King of Football also mentored many people during this period. The well-known one is his apprentice Zola, and Maradona's favorite younger brother is Cannavaro.

By the way, Maradona spent seven years in Naples and became a god here, but in the end he broke up with the club on bad terms and vowed never to set foot in Naples again in his life. Firstly, it shows that Maradona still lacks some great wisdom and should read more books. Secondly, it also shows that Zhuo Qiu's persuading Zhuo Yang to leave Madibao during his best period was a far-sighted decision.

Cannavaro became famous in Ancelotti's Parma team. Since then, he has been regarded as the successor of Baresi and Maldini in the national team. However, Cannavaro's words a few days ago showed that he actually did not respect those two people very much.

"Baresi and Maldini are indeed great, and it is indeed a pity that they have not won the World Footballer of the Year. But as a defender, I am actually more qualified to win the honor of World Footballer than them, because I won the World Footballer of the Year. Championship, and they, didn’t.”

There is nothing wrong with Cannavaro's words. The World Cup championship is a flaw between Baresi and Maldini, but Cannavaro's words clearly seem to be a bargain.

Let’s talk about the matter. At the World Cup in the summer, Italy’s unparalleled back line was all extraordinary, but the one with the most star face and the highest reputation was Nesta. If Nesta hadn’t been injured in the first game of the group stage, if Nesta hadn’t been injured, If he can play the entire World Cup, there is no doubt that he will win the World Footballer of the Year and the European Golden Globe Award in 2006.

If it weren't for the bad luck of the inner beauty, let alone the captain, even Cannavaro, the king of heaven, would not be able to be the world's footballer with the yellow robe.

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