Golden Summoner

Chapter 217: Become a God first

"...The Tower of Darkness, that powerful artifact built with fear stones to suppress the sub-dimensional world... In the world of gods and demons, in the eyes of the gods, it is like barbs, like nails. , and like lighthouses in the sea of ​​the universe, inserted into the universes of the sub-plans, endlessly absorbing the dark energy of the sub-planes... That dark energy is like a tide, like a fog , love like a storm surges in different levels of space, radiates from the consciousness of every living thing, and then converges to the Tower of Darkness like a stream..."

"Those living beings in the sub-plane do not know the order of their own plane and world in the universe, and they do not understand the mystery and meaning of life... They are like weeds in the wilderness, coming from the fire. Harvest, when the fire rolls through the wilderness, all living beings squeeze out their lives and emit energy such as pain, killing, sadness, fear, greed, disappointment, panic, etc. These are the harvested fruits and the feast of the devil. …”

——"The Forbidden Book"

"...There are only two original emotions of life, love or fear, and fear is the root of all negative energy. The source of power that dominates the devil is fear. Fear brings killing, pain, greed, and all evil... …”

"The battle between gods and demons is everywhere. The final and first war is in every consciousness and thought of all creatures in the universe..."

——"The Battle between Gods and Demons"

"The Overlord Demon God has countless agents in the sub-dimensional worlds. It is a conspiracy between humans and demons. The Overlord Demon God gives the agents various abilities, power, money, immortality... and Agents use their own abilities and power to rule the world, creating fear, war, oppression, exploitation, pain, and paying tribute to mortal fears as sacrifices...

...Those mortals will not know why the superiors are keen to create fear, war, pain, and disease, which are not entirely derived from the need to rule... because that is a contract, a peaceful and tranquil world, and it is the agent. What I hate most is that it represents their incompetence and dereliction of duty. No one is harvested…”

——"The Darkest Secret"

"The God of Creation roared angrily, and the entire void began to shake and shatter. Billions of miles of galaxies were broken in the anger of the God of Creation. Infinite fire gushes out from the God of Creation... The blood of the God of Creation drips. Every drop of blood turns into a hundred giant dragons, each of which has the power to crush the stars...

...The god who controls disease fell in the flames of the God of Creation. The kingdom of God collapsed and turned into nothingness. This was the first god to fall...

...The body of the God of Wind was submerged in the blood of the God of Creation, melting little by little, the kingdom of God collapsed, turned into countless winds, and blew down the stars.

The God of Creation used all his strength to smash the towers of darkness with his own kingdom.

The chain of order that dominated the demon god collapsed for the first time...

Another world is free..."

"Era of Creation"

Countless texts and historical files appeared in front of Xia Pingan. Xia Pingan could only read them word by word, page by page...

In the secret room, Xia Ping'an held a crystal jade slip in his hand and sat cross-legged on the futon. His whole mind was immersed in the words on the jade slip for an unknown amount of time.

There are too many files and documents about the Dark Tower in the possession of the Great Shang Kingdom. They have accumulated tens of millions of texts, pictures and various information for countless years, all of which are contained in this jade slip.

The information in this jade slip was definitely not pieced together temporarily, but was originally preserved in this way by the Great Shang Kingdom.

As for Xia Pingan, as soon as he immersed his mind into the jade slip, Xia Pingan was "addicted" to the words in the jade slip. The secrets of the Dark Tower were so amazing that people couldn't stop.

At the end of those materials, the last line that Xia Pingan saw in the jade slip was - This jade slip is only for reference by those with the position of counselor bishop and above.

This jade slip is the archives of the Dark God of War Cult.

Xia Pingan in the secret room finally opened his eyes.

He looked at the special red candle on the wall.

The candle is called magic spermaceti. It is made by a special method. The raw material contains the oil of magic whale. One magic spermaceti can be lit for just one month. In the secret room, spermaceti also has the effect of getting rid of mosquitoes, snakes, rats and calming the mind. Efficacy is the favorite of retreatants. The candle that was originally more than a foot long is now less than one-third left.

Looking at the short piece of magic spermaceti, Xia Pingan hissed slightly and murmured to himself, "Has it been so many days?"

Xia Ping'an spread his legs and got off the futon and stone bed. Then he moved his hands, feet and body in the secret room, and then walked out of the secret room and came outside.

It was quiet at night in the small courtyard, the stars and moonlight were pouring down, and only the crickets were chirping tirelessly in the garden.

These days, only the black dragon was standing outside. Seeing Xia Ping'an coming out of the secret room, the black dragon immediately ran over wagging its tail.

Xia Pingan habitually took out the pocket watch and took a look at it. Then he remembered that the watch had not been wound for so many days, and that the pocket watch had been stopped for an unknown number of days.

Xia Pingan walked to the yard, with his hands behind his back, he looked up at the gorgeous stars in the sky with deep eyes, his thoughts were ups and downs, and his mood was difficult to calm down.

Among the information and files in the Dark Tower, Xia Pingan discovered one thing. If he wanted to destroy the Dark Tower, he must become a god.

Only existences at the level of gods in this world have the ability to discover and destroy the Tower of Darkness.

This discovery made Xia Pingan not know whether he should cry or laugh.

Xia Ping'an bets that those who formulated the "Sky-Mending Plan" on Earth would never have imagined that the prerequisite for ending the space invasion and destroying the Tower of Darkness was to become a god in this world.

If a mortal wants to become a god, the road will be difficult and long.

Some of those materials were descriptions of how to become a god in this world. Because those descriptions were a bit scattered and incomplete, Xia Pingan could only get a faint glimpse of the path to becoming a god. When the ten suns gathered in a summoner's secret mandala, the summoner It will be possible for the secret mandala to be transformed into the Kingdom of God.

Xia Ping'an didn't know how to transform it specifically. He only knew that this step was called "condensing the Kingdom of Gods" in the Conferred Gods.

In addition, the most important thing about the canonization of gods is that all the gods in this world who have been canonized as gods seem to have their own areas of expertise, and these areas are unique. There are no two gods whose names are the same. Completely consistent.

The area in which a god specializes is consistent with the name of the god. The two come together and are called the "godhead" of the god.

Divine kingdom and divine status seem to be the two most critical factors for becoming a god. Xia Ping'an doesn't know exactly what is going on. The only thing he knows is that the ultimate pursuit of all the powerful people below the gods in this world is to become a god.

"I really force myself to take this path. If you can't reach the end, don't blame me. I will try my best, but who dares to say that I will definitely become a god?" Xia Pingan murmured to himself.

In just the blink of an eye, the black dragon that had just seen Xia Pingan look at his pocket watch, shake his head and run away has come back. Not only did the black dragon come back, it also ran up to Xia Pingan with a newspaper in its mouth.

Because he had a fixed residence, Xia Ping'an ordered a copy of "Shangjing Daily". These days, a postman would deliver a copy of "Shangjing Daily" to the mailbox of this house every day.

The opening of the newspaper collection box is outside the door, and the box is inside the door. Just now, Heilong took the "Shangjing Daily" back in his mouth.

The date in the Shangjing Daily is May 12.

In a prominent position on the front page of the newspaper, there is a piece of news introducing that Dashang will hold a grand naval review ceremony at Beihai Port three days later, that is, on May 15th. There will also be Dashang's new battleships. Get into the water.

According to the principle of newspapers reporting news, these newspapers will not leak the whereabouts of important figures in the Great Shang Kingdom in advance, but this news still gave Xia Pingan a different smell.

After receiving their own information, Dashang State held a new ship launching ceremony and ship review at Beihai Port as scheduled. It seemed that nothing had changed, but it was this lack of change that made Xia Ping'an feel a little unusual.

In three days' time, Beihai Port will probably be unimaginably lively.

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