Golden Summoner

Chapter 260: Divine Dog Black Dragon

Xia Ping'an stayed in the "single luxury cell" of the Department of Legal Supervision for a total of two nights.

Since the first interrogation by the Department of Justice, no one has come to interrogate him again.

Apart from being unable to leave, the "single luxury cell" had everything in it, including a bedroom, a bathroom, a living room, and even a study room filled with books. Xia Ping An spent two days reading leisurely in it.

Early in the morning on the third day, Xia Pingan was reading a strange book called "A Complete Collection of Techniques for Extorting Confessions through Torture" in his study. The door of the cell was opened, and the law supervisor who had brought Xia Pingan here before The square-faced man walked in.

"Xia Pingan, follow me!" The square-faced man said to Xia Pingan in the same rigid tone.

Although the square-faced man still looked the same as he did two days ago, Xia Pingan could still feel from the other party's tone that the square-faced man was a little more polite to him, and no longer had the domineering feeling that he could be rubbed at will. smell.

"What, are you going to let me out?" Xia Pingan put the book back on the bookshelf, stood up, and stretched his body and asked.

The square-faced man glanced at Xia Pingan and took a deep breath, "I'm not letting you out, I'm going to do a magic test on you!"

Sure enough!

The square-faced man's words did not exceed Xia Pingan's expectations, because according to his deduction, this was an inevitable process and the key point of the problem. Passing the magic test, he went into Huang's house to capture Huang Wei, whether he had merit or demerit, everything was easy to say, if If he fails the spell test, then His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will definitely beat him, and the inspector's job may be ruined.

Everything depends on the dog!

At this moment, Xia Pingan felt like Erlang Shen.

The square-faced man took Xia Pingan out of the room, went upstairs, and entered a huge room covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters.

"My lords, Xia Ping'an has been brought here!" The square-faced man had a humble and honest attitude. He lowered his eyes when he spoke and did not dare to look around.

There was a table in the room, and four people were sitting behind the table. Except for the person who interrogated him that day, the other two people were meeting Xia Pingan for the first time.

The two people who were interrogating Xia Pingan were sitting at the far end, and they felt like supporting characters. The two people sitting at the main seat were both wearing gorgeous black and gold robes representing the counselor bishops of the Dark God of War. Among them was an old man. His temperament is calm and tranquil, his hair is black and bright, and his whole person has a very special temperament.

The other person sitting on the left hand side of the old man has tiger-like eyebrows and silver hair, and his eyes are as sharp as lightning. Just one glance at the person puts great pressure on people, making him feel as if he is not wearing any clothes.

"I'm Lin Yi!" Lin Yi looked at Xia Pingan, smiled slightly, and then introduced the old man on his left to Xia Pingan, "This is Mr. Di Long, the dean of the Dali Academy of the Great Shang Kingdom!"

"I've met Mr. Lin, I've met Mr. Di!" Xia Ping'an was neither humble nor overbearing. As an inspector, he saluted the two of them.

Are all the deans of the Dali Yuan here? Xia Pingan murmured in his heart. The Dali Yuan of the Great Shang State is equivalent to the Supreme Court of the Great Shang State. The old man named Di Long is equivalent to the president of the Supreme Court of the Great Shang State. No wonder he can be on an equal footing with Lin Yi. The reason why the dean of Dali Yuan is here is probably to serve as the host and witness. With the dean of Dali Yuan here, the result of this spell test is the most authoritative determination that no one can question.

Lin Yi did not beat around the bush, but went straight to the point and said to Xia Pingan, "You are here today just to solve a key problem. According to your statement, you went to Huang Mansion to arrest Huang Wei because you discovered Huang Wei He is the murderer of the QJ case in Donggang District more than a month ago. The reason why you are sure that Huang Wei is the murderer is because the spirit dog you summoned can lock the breath of the people who had sex with them through the hair of the murdered women. You The spirit dog you summoned followed you to the Huang Mansion and locked the murderer, is that right?"

"Yes!" Xia Pingan said simply.

"So, today we are going to take a look at your spirit dog's ability and do a magic test. If your spirit dog really has the ability you said, you are performing official duties and enforcing the law impartially by entering the Huang Mansion to arrest Huang Wei. If your spirit dog is not as capable as you say, you are abusing your power and committing murder. Do you know the consequences of this?"

"I know, I'm willing to take the test!" Xia Ping said without changing his expression.

"Master Di, look..." Ji Yi smiled and looked at Di Long next to him.

"Let's get started!" Di Long said with great care. After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and five sachets of red, orange, yellow, green and purple appeared in front of the table, and then nodded to Ji Yi.

Lin Yi didn't speak, just nodded, and an official from the Legal Supervision Department who interrogated Xia Ping'an that day clapped his hands.

The door of the room opened, and then, fifty men wearing red hoods and various costumes, whose faces could not be seen clearly, were brought in one by one by the people from the Legal Supervision Department and stood in a row in the room.

There are numbers on the red hoods of those men, from 1 to 50.

The official from the Legal Supervision Department took the red sachet on the table, took out a strand of hair from the middle, and said to Xia Pingan, "The husband of the woman with this strand of hair is among those people. Let the spirit dog you summoned take that one." Find them!"

Xia Pingan didn't say anything, he just took the strand of hair, waved his hand, and summoned the black dragon.

As soon as the black dragon was summoned, everyone in the room looked at the black dragon with a look of attention.

The appearance of the black dragon is actually not much different from the spirit dogs that most people can summon, at least it does not look special with three heads and six arms.

But just because the appearance is not special does not mean that the ability is not special. The mysterious changes in the summoning spells that the summoner obtains from the world beads may be different for thousands of people, and it is difficult for outsiders to know them all.

Xia Pingan touched the black dragon's head, let the black dragon sniff the strand of hair, pointed at those people, and the black dragon waggled its tail and ran over, just turned quickly in front of those people, ran past, and then the black dragon He stopped in front of the man wearing the No. 17 hood, yelled, and ran back.

"No. 17!" Xia Pingan said to Ji Yi and Di Long.

Ji Yi and Di Long looked at each other and nodded.

The people on the scene were taken away, and the next wave, 50 men wearing orange hoods came in. The official from the Department of Legal Supervision took out another strand of hair from the orange sachet and asked Heilong to identify the woman's hair. Husband, Black Dragon quickly locked in.

"Number 31!"

The third wave, the yellow sachets, still had fifty people wearing numbered yellow hoods coming in.

The black dragon sniffed the hair in the sachet, quickly circled around the group of people, barking, barking, barking in front of different people one after another.

"No. 2, No. 14, and No. 43, these three people have all had male-female relations with the woman with the hair in the yellow sachet in the past month. Who is that woman's husband? This kind of interpersonal relationship cannot be judged by magic! Xia Pingan said calmly.

Ji Yi and Ti Long nodded again, and Ji Yi said, "Yes, the hair in the yellow sachet is the hair of a brothel woman, and those three people are all her guests..."

In the next wave, officials from the Legal Supervision Department handed Xia Pingan a green sachet, and 50 men wearing green hoods came in outside.

The black dragon sniffed the hair in the sachet and barked several times at Xia Pingan.

"No need to look, the woman with the green hair in the sachet should be unmarried and still pure and white!" Xia Pingan said to Lin Yi and Di Long.

The last purple sachet was brought over, and another group of men wearing purple hoods entered the room.

The black dragon sniffed the hair in the sachet, barked at Xia Pingan a few more times, and scratched Xia Pingan's pants with his claws.

"The hair in this sachet is a man's hair, not a woman's..." Xia Pingan said.

Ji Yi waved gently, and everyone in the room left.

"What a divine dog!" Di Long, who had never expressed much expression on his face, showed a bright smile. The old man glanced at the black dragon at Xia Pingan's feet with bright eyes, and then looked at Ji Yi, " Mr. Lin, I can confirm that the divine dog summoned by Xia Ping'an can indeed target the aura of a murderer who assaults a woman. It is really a blessing for the Adjudication Army to have such a divine dog. I think in the future, those cases of assault on women in Shangjing City will be confirmed. Pass it over to the Judgment Army and let this divine dog detect it, which will definitely scare countless evildoers..."

After saying this, Di Long sighed again, "It's a pity, it's a pity. There are more than one world beads that can summon dogs, but there is no corresponding divine mind crystal. If more such divine dogs can be summoned, That is really a great achievement..."

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