Golden Summoner

Chapter 349 Summoning Divine Thunder

This world bead didn't give Xia Pingan any buffer time. As soon as Xia Pingan opened his eyes, he was faced with the choice of recruiting those craftsmen for what?

Ordinary people would definitely be confused if they fused this world bead, because Wu Yi's head is definitely beyond anyone's guess.

In the palace of Yin, the capital of the Shang Dynasty, Xia Ping'an followed the waiters in the palace and saw the craftsmen who had been warned by him. There were about fifty craftsmen. They stood in two rows and looked at them nervously. Xia Ping'an walked out of the palace.

"I have met the king..." All the craftsmen saluted Xia Pingan, because Xia Pingan's identity at this moment was the ruler of the Yin Shang Dynasty, the supremely authoritative King Wu Yi.

"What kind of craftsman are you?" Xia Ping'an asked an honest-looking craftsman with thick hands standing in front of him.

"I'm a carpenter!" replied the craftsman.

"And you?"

"I'm a leatherworker!" replied a craftsman next to him.

"And you?"

"I'm a mason!"

"And you?"


These more than fifty people are all the best craftsmen in Yin City.

Everyone was gearing up, waiting for Xia Ping'an's order.

Xia Pingan rubbed his temples. Wu Yi was so outrageous that he had to think about how to give the next orders appropriately.

"I want to make a doll. The doll must be the same size as me. It must have a nose, eyes, hands and feet, and it can wear clothes. In short, the more human-like it looks, the better. By the way, I also need to be in front, Build a high platform, and then build a wooden shelf on the high platform. The higher the better, the shelf must be able to lift things up and put them down. Also, the cobbler will make me a lot of skin bags. When they are done, I will weigh them a lot. There is a reward..."

Upon hearing what King Wu Yi said, the craftsmen became happy, and they all worked hard and got ready to work immediately.

Xia Ping'an raised his head and looked at the blue sky, praying secretly in his heart. The sky is above, and all the gods are above. He is playing the role of King Wu Yi in this world bead, trying his own way to summon the divine thunder, so that he can do justice for heaven in the future. By the way, It can alert the world and let the world know the principles of respecting heaven and loving others. It is not intended to offend. The great powers in the sky must not use divine thunder to destroy themselves physically and mentally.

After praying secretly, Xia Ping'an felt a little at ease, and then he waited for the craftsmen to present the finished things.

Damn it, this boundary bead is too challenging. You know that there is a cliff ahead of you, but you still have to jump towards the bottom of the cliff.

Compared with King Wu Yi, King Zhou You, who plays the princes in Fenghuo, is a child.

A few days later, the carpenters made the wooden doll Xia Pingan wanted. The doll was life-size, wearing clothes, with eyes, nose, eyebrows, and hair.

Then Xia Pingan played chess with the wooden doll in the palace, and asked a eunuch to stand beside the doll, and said to the eunuch, "This doll is the incarnation of the god. Now the god will not move. You Just play chess with me on his behalf to see who is better, me or this god..."

The eunuch was so frightened that he didn't expect King Wu Yi to give such a ridiculous order, but he had to obey King Wu Yi's order, so he stood next to the puppet and played chess with Xia Pingan for the puppet.

When the eunuch played chess, he naturally didn't dare to beat King Wu Yi. After playing a game of chess, Xia Ping'an won.

Xia Pingan laughed loudly, pointed at the puppet and said, "It doesn't matter if you are a god. I am the number one in the world and the most powerful in the world. You can't beat me in chess...", then, Xia Pingan , took out the whip and whipped the "God Doll" directly, teasing and humiliating him in various ways.

Everyone in the palace was frightened and turned pale with fright.

The people of the Yin and Shang Dynasties were inherently superstitious, and no one thought that King Wu Yi made a doll to humiliate the gods.

In addition to playing chess, Xia Pingan took the "God Doll" to compete with all kinds of gambling and tricks in the palace. Of course, Xia Pingan won every time. Every time he won, The "God Doll" will be beaten and humiliated by Xia Pingan in various ways.

After a few days, the wooden elevated platform in the palace was also built.

Xia Ping'an went to see it. The wooden frame and high platform were erected extremely high. It was definitely the tallest man-made building in the entire Yin City. Moreover, there were beams on the wooden frame on the high platform, which could just be used to hoist things up.

Then, Xia Ping'an asked someone to put the blood of livestock in a skin bag and hoist it to the elevated structure. He was below the elevated structure, holding a craftsman and shooting arrows into the sky. The arrow hit the skin bag on the elevated structure, and the blood in the skin bag fell from the high wooden frame. flowing down.

Xia Pingan told everyone below that he was "shooting the sky" with his arrows. If his skin bleeds, it is God who is bleeding.

The entire palace was so horrified by King Wu Yi's Hu Zuifei that everyone in the palace was in fear and high pressure almost every day.

After Xia Ping'an struggled in the palace for several months, autumn came.

The crisp autumn air is the season for hunting. As the ruler of the Shang Dynasty, hunting is something that cannot be missed.

On this day, the weather looked good. Xia Pingan took the ministers and nobles out of the palace to hunt. They had just arrived at the edge of a large river. Xia Pingan dismounted and was about to point out where to hunt. Under the clear sky, there was thunder. Suddenly, a dazzling lightning bolt fell from the sky like a dazzling beam of light and struck Xia Pingan...

The surrounding ministers were panicked. When everyone reacted, King Wu Yi had no bones left, leaving only a large pit with black smoke on the ground.

According to historical records, King Wu Yi was struck to death by lightning.

King Wu Yi was also the only monarch in Chinese history who was struck to death by thunder. His ability to commit suicide was the best in the world.

In the room, the light cocoon on Xia Pingan's body dissipated. Xia Pingan's chest rose and fell in the light cocoon, and cold sweat flowed from his forehead. His body trembled inadvertently a few times, as if being electrocuted, and finally opened his eyes.

That moment was too unexpected. The moment the thunder fell, Xia Ping'an became frightened, thinking that he was going to be destroyed physically and mentally by the power of heaven and earth. At that moment, time seemed to stand still, and the sky was full of murderous intent. The terrible terror of the thunder made people's hearts tremble. Xia Ping'an couldn't help but recall whether he had done anything wrong or harmed anyone in his life until now.

Then, the divine thunder fell, and everything in Xia Pingan's eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind turned into void. After a long time, Xia Pingan felt that his consciousness returned to himself.

This King Wuyi's world bead directly brought a full 100 points of divine power, which directly pushed the upper limit of divine power in Xia Ping'an's secret mandala to 5918 points.

The secret mandala also has a relief sculpture of King Wuyi being struck by a thunderbolt. The thunderbolt blasted out from the clear sky in the relief is like a living thing, shining brightly. The two characters "thunder and lightning" in the golden mountain are at the same time. Ignite.

Xia Pingan calmed down, got off the bed with his legs crossed, and went directly to the small courtyard of his room. ww. He raised his head and looked at the deep starry sky, his thoughts racing...

There are endless mysteries between heaven and earth. Is there really a super will that dominates everything?

The end of the summoner's path is to become a god. One day, can I become the being who can reach out and pick off the stars...

Xia Pingan stretched out his hand, and a ball of electric light danced between his slender fingers, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"This feeling of mastering the divine thunder is really powerful..." Xia Pingan whispered to himself. The biggest feature of the thunder summoning technique is speed. The word "quick" is the most terrifying. This technique can directly lock the target as soon as it is summoned. It hits the opponent's head, and it's so powerful that it's so terrifying when fighting.

It had been a long time since he had been to the spirit world. Xia Pingan was about to go back to the house and wander around the spirit world to see if he could hunt down a few more nightmare insects to replenish his health. Black smoke flashed around him, and Yanxi suddenly emerged from the ground.

"Tu Lie's death has a great impact. The Zhengqi Gang has made big moves and is mobilizing manpower..."

"Oh..." Xia Ping'an used his remote viewing ability to take a look at the Zhengqi Fort from a distance. He found that the Zhengqi Fort was brightly lit, and as if facing a formidable enemy, a large number of members of the Zhengqi Gang continued to gather in the Zhengqi Fort. At the same time, there were also people in the Youshan City. It was a little uneasy, and from time to time there were dark shadows running around on the street.

The move to kill Tulie was indeed the right one!

The Zhengqi Gang is already in a bit of chaos...

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