Golden Summoner

Chapter 362 The Blood Demon Arrives

Youshan is not the capital city. There is no powerful national defense formation here, and there are no demigods who can compete with Zu Motian. Therefore, when Zu Motian's divine kingdom comes, the entire Youshan City is trembling for thousands of miles...

Layers of blood clouds spread out densely in the sky like banners among hundreds of millions of armies, one layer inside and one outside, like a huge millstone, slowly rotating in the sky, covering Covering the entire Youshan Mountain.

In the blood cloud, countless soldiers and warriors formed a battle formation, ready to go, and more and more...

At this moment, within the area covered by the blood demon barrier, looking up at the sky, the entire sky seems to have turned into a deep well, with the mountains at the bottom of the well, and the circles of the well are layers of blood clouds and blood clouds. In the battle formation, Zu Motian is the highest well...

The scene was too terrifying. Zu Motian's Kingdom of God was like a huge space invading the sky above the mountain. That huge sense of oppression could make all life tremble. The so-called individuals were like ants in front of the Kingdom of God. Facing a landslide.

"what happened……"

"what is that?"

To the east of Youshan City, the wandering summoners, snake mages and magic wolf mages who were fighting for gold coins and magic weapons had all stopped long ago, raised their heads one by one, and looked at the spinning thing in the sky in horror. Blood clouds and countless battle formations looming in the blood clouds.

To be honest, these people have never seen such a scene in their lives.

Demigods rarely appear in front of ordinary people, let alone take action.

But at this moment, Zu Motian has gone crazy and is desperate...

The Kingdom of God slowly descended, and the huge space pressure made the air in the entire Youshan become manic, as if it was being squeezed. The wind in the calm sky began to howl, flying sand and rocks, and tornadoes appeared out of thin air. On the ground, the trees are rolled up...

In the sky, purple-red lightning appeared one after another, densely packed. With the arrival of these lightning, hail, heavy rain, and blizzard appeared alternately in different places throughout Youshan. All celestial phenomena were completely chaotic.

The whole earth was constantly trembling, like an earthquake. The highest peak outside Youshan City, where the Lord of Jinyue Palace once stood, the highest peak of more than 100 meters collapsed, and billions of tons of rocks fell from the ground. The mountain rolled down, carrying flames along the way, and in the blink of an eye half of the valley was leveled.

The river has stopped flowing, and the fish and shrimps in the river are jumping desperately, trying to jump out of the water.

Various wild beasts in the forest rushed out of the forest in groups, trying to escape into the distance.

The earth began to crack, and bottomless cracks appeared on the earth, with magma rolling inside...

This scene is like the end of the world...

No, it's the end...

The entire Youshan City has long been in chaos.

"What it is?"

"Oh my God, run quickly..."

"Why are there battle formations in the sky..."

At this moment, everyone inside and outside Youshan City, whether they were humans, orcs or demon wolves, were terrified and wanted to escape from Youshan City.

Xia Pingan, who was sitting in the carriage, was shocked when he looked at the scene outside.

This scene had appeared in Shangjing City last time when he used his remote viewing ability on the train to see it from a distance. But that time, firstly, the distance was too far and the feeling was not so real. Secondly, there were people in Shangjing City who could rival it. power, so Xia Pingan has never felt the oppressive feeling of the destruction of heaven and earth, but this time, the Kingdom of God came to his head, completely immersive, and through the carriage window, everything was visible Close your eyes.

Jing Lao's carriage was very magical. The carriage moved slowly, neither too slowly nor too fast. Soon, it arrived at the killing ground east of Youshan City where the trophies of the fallen masters of the Blood Demon Sect were fought for.

The originally rugged mountain road should have been very bumpy, but at this moment, sitting in the carriage, I didn't feel any bumps at all. The carriage was sliding smoothly on the water like a boat.

Xia Pingan saw magic wolf mages, a large group of tauren warriors, and a group of summoners running past the carriage in fear, flying past, but those people seemed not to have seen the carriage. Same.

Suddenly, a snake mage transformed into a big snake, and even rushed straight in front of the carriage. Just when Xia Pingan thought that the snake mage would hit the carriage, the snake transformed by the snake mage, but It passed through the middle of the carriage without any hindrance. When the big snake incarnated by the snake man mage passed through the carriage carriage, it seemed to turn into a phantom. Xia Pingan watched the phantom pass through the carriage carriage and his own body, and then quickly rushed away.

At that moment, Xia Pingan could even clearly see the light green scales on the big snake incarnated by the snake man mage.

Everything outside the carriage was so real and so illusory. Xia Pingan could hear all the sounds outside, but when those people walked through the carriage, it was like a shadow of nothingness...

The originally integrated time and space seemed to be stripped into two completely different spaces when the carriage drove by. Looking at the earth-shattering scene outside through the carriage window was like watching a weird 3D movie.

"Lao Jing, what does Zu Motian want to do?" Xia Pingan asked Lao Jing with a trembling voice.

"Zu Motian thought you were hiding, so he wanted to sacrifice the entire Youshan with blood, including you!" Jing Lao sighed and looked at everything that happened outside the carriage window with a slightly pitiful look, "If you weren't here right now Here, you will be blood sacrificed by Zu Motian like the people outside, and then Zu Motian can become a god..."

Xia Pingan was shocked. Zu Motian actually wanted to sacrifice the entire Youshan with blood. There were millions of people inside and outside Youshan City...

Looking at the scene outside the carriage, the rolling lava emerging from the ground outside Youshan City, the running orcs, demon wolves, and the countless beasts in the wilderness and mountains, Xia Pingan's heart pounded. When he picked it up, it felt like a hand was stuck in his throat, and a stone weighing ten thousand kilograms was pressing on his chest.

Xia Pingan looked at Mr. Jing with pleading eyes, "Mr. Jing, you..."

Mr. Jing shook his head slightly, "I know what you want to say. Yes, my cultivation is also in the realm of demigods. I can indeed stop Zu Motian now, but there are some things you don't know. The way of heaven is elusive and unpredictable. This is You When the Blood Demon Sect blocked Youshan a few days ago, those who were not destined to die saw that something was wrong and left Youshan a long time ago. Those who are left now are all people who must die. If I now Intervene and reverse the cause and effect. Ten times as many people will die because of me in the future, and those people outside will also not survive. I can only take you away today..."

A blood-red eye appeared in the sky across Youshan.

Under the blood cloud, endless soldiers, warriors, and various strange monsters and ghosts walked out of the blood cloud, slaughtering all living creatures indifferently.

"Kill, fight them..." The summoners and mages in Youshan City looked at the summons stepping down from the clouds, their eyes were red, and they began to fight desperately.

The great ax of the tauren...

The Demonic Wolf's Knife...

The various spells of summoners and mages...

They all blasted towards the summons stepping down in the blood cloud.


Not a single wave was made.

The combat prowess displayed by those summoned objects stepping off the clouds, even the lowest-level slave soldiers, can make the strong tauren warriors despair.

The Orc Tauren Army, famous in Youshan, persisted for less than ten breaths before being overwhelmed by endless soldiers.

The Snake Mage Group was swept away by the breath of a bone dragon flashing with blood, and all the Snake Mage Group became skeletons.

In the Zhengqi Castle outside Youshan City, the disciples of the Zhengqi Castle looked pale as a group of sky-burning Suzakus rushed into the castle. In the blink of an eye, the entire Zhengqi Castle turned into a land of lava...

"Impossible, impossible, I am a member of the Blood Demon Cult, I will not be sacrificed by blood..." Ying Feiyan from the Zhengqi Gang turned pale and horrified as he looked at the bloody legion coming like a tide, and roared unwillingly.

But in the blink of an eye, his head flew up...

Zu Motian didn’t even spare the Zhengqi Gang.

The sky and the earth were all blood red at this moment.

The carriage calmly passed through the magma pouring out of the ground, passed through the endless soldiers and generals, passed through countless killings, and passed through Youshan City, which was almost reduced to ruins in the blink of an eye.

Xia Pingan was in the carriage, his fists clenched and his eyes red. He raised his head and stared at Zu Motian, who was at the highest point in the sky.

On the table of the carriage, Yan Xi, who was covered upside down by a glass lamp, looked at the terrifying scene outside the carriage window and was almost frightened.

In less than half an hour, there was a flash of light around him, and the carriage had traveled thousands of miles and left Zu Motian's blood demon barrier without any hindrance.

Looking back at Youshan City, the entire Youshan City was covered in blood for thousands of miles. Accidents were everywhere. No grass could grow. It was difficult for ants to survive, and it was completely transformed into a charred death zone...

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